Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 249: 249

Ashton knew they were busted.

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The people inside knew of their arrival, they were informed.

Ashton couldn't help but sigh, that's right this is something normal in a dog eat dog world.

Someone has betrayed them.

With this even his friends knew what had happened.

"Wow, never thought the first time we would be together again in half a year would be a place where we are betrayed," Blake couldn't help but say.

The man in the middle of the room who was sitting leisurely laughed, "I see that all of you are very smart people you already understood what is going on?"

The four of them was dumbfounded as they stare at this person.

Him seating there like the king was obviously a show of power. Since he was so relax doesn't that mean one thing? That he knew they were coming.

"So guess, who do you think was the betrayer?"

Of course Ashton had been thinking about this all these time, just who is the betrayer?

Those he had trusted were the ones he brought, that mean that this is a painful betrayal.

"Ash," Devon spoke beside him.

Ashton just shook his head, "Betrayal in the underworld is normal. The ones you trusted could be the ones who will stab you in the back one day."

His fortitude has become stronger after so many trials of betrayal and pain. Right now, this might hurt once he found who it was. But it is no longer something that would break him mentally.

"So tell me, what can I do for you?" the man who was known as the left hand man finally asked.

He was Frank Luis, he was not so smart but his agility and physical strength was among the top.

That is why he was known as the left hand man.

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"Simple," Ashton answered as each of them run on different directions.

It was a good thing that this place was not a warehouse that was an open space, it was a building divided into rooms.

'Prepare yourselves, Kent be on guard. Shoot whoever comes to your view," Ashton commanded through their earpiece.

"Got it."

Ashton held his gun tighter and moved in order to stay away to as many enemies as possible, this is their hide out they surely know just how this place was built.

He can only move around in order to not be surrounded.



The moment he saw an enemy he shoot, killing is inevitable at this stage of their battle for the top.

In the past they would just defeat them but now, surely these people will never be loyal to him so it is best for them to end threats around them as early as possible.

He didn't know how long it has been but he had killed a lot when he finally heard from his companions.

"Ash you-"

He tried calling them but in the end no one could answer him any longer, he furrowed his brows and tried contacting Kent who was their current sniper but couldn't contact him either.

Then a laugh came from the speakers surrounding the whole building, "You have dealt quite a damage to our number, your weapons are very much something one who works in the underworld would covet."

He can hear a gun being cocked on the other side.

"Quite smooth, how did you create this?" Frank said amusedly.

Ashton sighed truly the betrayer is good.

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Just as he did sigh he saw a red little light moving around his face, he was standing by the window.

"Finally found you, now come on and return to this place. All your friends are waiting for you," he heard through the speaker.

Ashton once again sighed, he already had the feeling but in the end he chose to trust one last time. He chose to split their team and give command, but that person still chose this.

He walked back to where they first entered and found his friends kneeling with guns behind their backs.

The only one that was bleeding was Blake.

"Why is it that you are always the one injured?" Ashton couldn't help but ask upon seeing them.

He didn't know why but he feels calm somehow.

Despite seeing guns behind their heads, he feels calm.

Compared to the past where he would start gritting his teeth and would be raging inside he was now calm.

As if nothing was wrong and a gun was not pointed at him.

"You think you can challenge us already?" Frank laughed when Ashton finally reached the middle.

He didn't answer and just looked at them, his mind was working right now. Thinking of ways to get out of this predicament.

He had been practicing something for a long while now, since he started working on the middle gangs. He can use this now but the problem is the one from above.

He looked at the other three, Blake was still bleeding and he would surely lose consciousness in a few more minutes.

He then looked to his other companions. Some was already wounded, some he didn't see, which only means one thing. They are no longer in this world.

Frank kept talking and laughing at catching his prey.

On the other hand, Ashton looked at those around him who has guns behind their heads.

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His eyes moved when their eyes met, the movement was different for every person.

One by one he looked at them and his eyes moved.

He made sure that the person pointing his gun at him couldn't see his movement.

After a long while everyone on his side lightly nodded their heads.

Ashton looked back at Frank who still has a smug look on his face.

"What now? Are you willing to join our gang instead and rule the underworld under our leader?" Frank asked him.

Ashton smirked and his eyes were cold, with swift movements he rolled to the side and fired his gun.

If it was someone else they would have missed but he had been practicing this for who knows how long.

He had thought of it, he has the strength and agility but there is no such thing as super powers in this world.

Then he heard the story of another person who is famous in the underworld, the one who could aim at the nuzzle of the enemy's gun even while moving.

He couldn't do that, even with the amount of time he had been practicing but he knew he could do something else.

It was to train his senses and his distance grasped.

If he roll this way and his target was that place, how much time would happen.

Or if he run this way from his original position and his aim was that side, how much angle must he aim his gun without looking?

Currently it was still an incomplete thing but he could already hit a target as big as a grown up man.

And when he did roll his companions moved according to the distance he gave them through his eye movements.

What he actually showed them in his eye movement was the distance between them and the gun that was aimed at them by their captivator.

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This was of course not an easy one but since the ones he brought here was the same people whom he grew up with, they understood what he meant.

The farther his eye moves the farther the gun was at them.

If it didn't move then it was just right there.

Ashton rolled then fired, he heard the shout coming from Frank because of being hit.

He then heard another shot close to him hitting the ground.

There are a lot of shots but he kept moving not staying in one place, the only way to evade the one aimed at him is to find a place where he can hide.

This floor of the building is the most spacious and the only places to hide are the tables and sofas.

But Ashton didn't go to any of those, just as Devon and Aldger did. He went to help Blake take cover.

Blake didn't say anything stupid and did his best to not be too much of a burden to his teammates.

Gunshots rang around and more of Frank's minions are being taken down, they were not among the elites of Ashton's team if they were to be defeated here so easily.

"I really want to kill that bastard," finally when they have finally took cover Blake spoke in gritted teeth.

He was hit in the thigh that is because he didn't want to believe this at all. That it was that person who betrayed them.

He should have collapsed from the blood lose and pain but he didn't want to for if he were to collapse he'll become more of a burden to them.

They crouch when another shot came towards them.

Ashton looked around and he can see his companions hiding as well. There is no such word as retreat to them right now.

When he looked where Frank was, he is now taking cover and blood was coming from his right shoulder.

'I'm still not good,' he thought seeing where he shot him.

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