Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 251: 251

Leading them with pure tyranny is not good for rebels would surely arise but leading them with too much leniency will not bring them good either.

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Upon reaching his destination, he stared at the man kneeling on the ground and the person who's pointing a gun on his head.

He can see the sweat the man was having and can see a few scratches on him, he knew that he must have tried to fight back.

"Trying to fight back against the master who taught you the use of a sniper? Do you really think you can win?" he asked approaching the man.

The man swallowed and looked at him.

"I never thought we will face each other this way… Kent."

Kent stared at him, indeed he was the betrayer.

He was the sniper but they ended up being I such disadvantage.


He tried to speak but Ashton's eyes turned even colder.

He pulled out a knife and without hesitation hit him in the eye.

Kent was too shock he could only hold unto his bleeding right eye.

"You dared point a gun on me for how many times," Ashton spoke.

Another person came and it was Cedric.

He held Kent's hands and placed them on the floor. He may not look like it but he was a real good fighter.

Kent who was already hurt tried to fight back but Ashton kicked him on the chin instead.

Cedric took hold of his other arm and twisted it behind him before placing the other arm in front of him.

"You no longer needed this," Ashton said.

The knife was sharp enough, too sharp actually that with enough force his fore finger were cut.

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Kent shrieked and Cedric let him go, he let him roll on the ground because of the pain.

"Shrieking at such little thing," Ashton said as he approached him.

"Y- Young m- master," Kent couldn't help but say.

He was blinded by money and reward that was given to him and will be given to him.

They were after all going up against the Black of Spade already.

He was someone who was with them for a while already.

He was the newest among the captains and was being looked down by those who were there longer.

He tried to train and strengthen himself but to no avail, he was still being looked down.

Ashton signaled Cedric and Cedric walked and pulled on Kent once again.

He has no compassion or whatsoever, he has no emotion in him as he pulled him by the hair and dragged him in front of Ashton.

Ken tried to look at the three of them.

"Don't try and look, each of those who are here lost something precious due to such betrayal," was the answer he received.

"I- I didn't mean to, everyone was looking down at me. I am training and strengthening myself but everyone keeps looking down at me," he finally said.

This seed slowly grow and became a plant inside him. The inferiority complex and the fact that no one recognizes his efforts.


Before he could speak more the knife went inside his mouth and his tongue was cut off.

"I don't need reasons, when it comes to being a guard of the empire, you don't need such emotions. All you have to do is become stronger," Ashton said before signaling Cedric.

"After your done with him hang him where everyone trains. Show them the gravity of betraying the Empire."

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He said before handing the knife to Cedric and wiping his own hand with a handkerchief.

"Why are you here?" he finally asked.

Amber smiled at him.


The moment she watched Ashton disappear in the distance, Amber suddenly had an intuition.

She shrugged it off for now and faced James who was now sitting facing her brothers.

He was curious for it was Gideon who called him but it was this kids who wants to speak with him.

"May I know what business you have with me?" he asked them.

Xander and Timothy looked at one another before they looked at Amber.

Amber sighed and sat down on another chair facing the three of them.

"I won't beat around the bush, Sarah Price, do you know of her?" Amber asked.

James furrowed his brows before he slowly nodded, "I have heard of her name."

Amber shook her head, "The name Sarah, does that not ring a bell?"

"Miss I would like for you to just tell me what you needed from me, I don't get why are you asking such questions now."

"Then, 'Never show up in front of me until I look for you myself.' Does that ring a bell?" Amber changed her question.

James was about to open his mouth but decided to close it again when the sentence sank in him.

He told this sentence twice. He only said it twice for there are only two people whom he could say such words to.

"Have you remembered? If I am not mistaken you only said this sentence twice in your life," Amber seeing his reaction said.

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"Who are you?" James finally asked.

Amber looked at her brothers and Xander stood up pulling out his necklace.

Timothy stood up and walked to window closing the curtains while Amber remain seated.

James followed their movements with curiosity in his eyes.

Soon an image was projected on the wall and his eyes turned wide in shock and his breathing became ragged.

He knew who Nathan was and can see him clearly in the picture, what he don't understand was the woman beside him.

He had seen pictures of Sarah Price, no to be more precise he had seen her side profile and most of the pictures were that.

She rarely comes out and was not fond of big events.

But he can see in here, that same smile. That same smile that captured his heart more than decades ago.

It was that same smile of the mother of his two children.

"This cannot be," he slowly stood up and said as he approached the projected image.

Amber and the other two just watched him.

"This can't be true, in the Price?" he said, his voice filled with disbelief.

He never thought that the young lady who runaway from home was married to the young master of another Empire.

Tears flowed as he shook his head it has been so long. So long since he saw this smile and this person.

He touched Sarah's face on the image before he looked back at the three other people inside the room.

Amber looked back at him, "Have your memories returned?"

Seriously she knew how much her mother loved her father but she really has no attachment right now towards him.

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They can see that he was a kind one but they never got the chance to be with him and so there was nothing they could feel other than knowing that he was their grandfather.

"You… You three?" James slowly asked.

"Sarah Price, her maiden name was Jasmine Sarah Scott, the only daughter of a major shareholder in Wright Empire. But surely this was kept quiet by Nathan Price who decided to marry her."

Amber started speaking as she looked at the image as well.

James was staring blankly at her, his shock still haven't subsided.

"They had three children, two sons and one daughter. She wanted to go home but she couldn't because she wanted for her father to accept her willingly and not because of something else."

Amber continued as this time she looked back at James, "She waited and waited and waited but her father never searched for her nor asked about her."

Amber stood up and walked towards him, "I just want to know why? Why you didn't try to know just where she is?"

James couldn't answer, he had forgotten of such words as he too waited for his children to come back of their own accord for he regretted not letting them speak about matters of their lives.

He regretted it so he wanted to wait for them to come home on their own.

"I… I only waited," was his answer.

Amber and the other two understood what he meant and now they knew that both father and daughter waited for one another.

"Too bad…"

James looked back at her upon hearing the change in her voice.

"Your wait will never be over."

He furrowed his brows upon hearing her words and seeing the changes in her and her brother's faces.

"What do you mean by that?" he asked slowly.

Amber looked back at the picture before looking back at him with sadness in her eyes, "Sarah Price and Nathan Price, lost their lives in an assassination eight years ago, on this day."

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