Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 263: 263

It was the busiest time of the day and every cook and server were moving nonstop. 

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This restaurant started just a few months back but it was already famous around town for its top-notch food and service. 

A person wearing a plain white shirt with black hoodie and jeans with rubber shoes entered. 

People looked at her with eyes filled with curiosity, she was wearing a half mask, something that was not too eye catching but still was not common. 

"Do you have some reservation ma'am?" a crew asked her with enough politeness. 

This place just opened but a lot of its customers were from the higher society and surely the one she was wearing was something the high society wouldn't wear. 

Before entering she also saw a few more customers who were of different standing but she saw how the crew was handling everything very well. 

The way they interact and the way they manage those with reservation and those without. 

She smiled, "I have none, just a hungry passer-by." 

The crew smiled back, "Very well ma'am please follow me." 

She looked around and nodded. 

The place was divided, the designs are the same, the division was just for those who have reservation and those who have none. 

She can see that there was no impatience in the face of the customers and she can tell that they were being accommodated very well. 

This was actually the fifth restaurant she entered and it is here where she needs to talk to someone. 

"Here's the menu ma'am, please just raise your hand if you are ready to order," the crew said politely and she smiled back thanking her. 

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"Faster people, more and more customers are coming. We can't have them waiting for us now can we?" 

Since she was seated close to the kitchen, she heard a person commanded. 

She stood up and walked to the door, a crew who saw her rushed to stop her but she already opened the door. 

"I say aren't you a bit too bossy right now? Can't you have more respect to those who are older than you. This is the busy hour I understand but it is not too bad to still be polite," she spoke which rendered the whole kitchen speechless. 

A woman wearing a mask suddenly barge in and reprimanded their head chef? 

The kitchen that was never supposed to be silent became one and each pair of eyes were looking at her but she was looking at the young man who still has his back facing her. 

"Who let such a person in the kitchen?!?" he said as he turned around with anger in his face. 

"I'm sorry, she suddenly stood up and-" 


Before the crew could explain more, the young man's face suddenly lit up and his tone was in a completely different tone than what he was using a while ago.

Could this person be that one? 

"Okay, back to work people. I'll just borrow your head chef for a bit. As he said we have customers to satisfy," the lady with a mask spoke with politeness but there was also the authority within it.

Compared to their head chef who has a scary look during busy hours this one had a polite one but she exudes even more authority with the way she spoke than their head chef. 

"As for you, follow me outside," she looked at the head chef and said before walking out of the kitchen. 

The young man looked back to the staffs, "You've heard her, return to work now." 

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His tone returned to that of the demon, he eyed all of them before following that woman outside. 

"Sister!!" he once again said as he sat down opposite her. 

"Don't sister me, what attitude was that?" Amber asked with arms crossed in front of her chest. 

"Well, I was actually not using such tone in the past but they weren't listening to me and would only do so when teacher is here. So, I showed them who I am." 

Amber could only shake her head, she can't really blame this one. He was young, at the age of 16 he was already a graduate from the most prestigious culinary school in Achernar Country. 

Most of those who are veteran in their works would surely look down at him. 

"Still you are too young, don't make too many enemies when the restaurant is just starting," Amber could only say. 

"Well, if they would listen to me then I wouldn't be this harsh," he complained. 

Amber did her best to stop her hands from slapping his head, they were still in the restaurant and he was still the head chef. 

"Jackson, with your talent, surely you would really reach high. But you will have more obstacles to pass if you keep this attitude." 

She knows where he is coming from. At the beginning when a twelve-year-old suddenly entered a university, he was bullied nonstop. 

It was only thanks to the fact that his teacher found his talent that somehow the bullying ceased. But that doesn't mean there was no silent treatment. 

A lot of jealous people are out there, when you show your talent too early, they would make sure to pull you down. 

"I know, teacher had been saying the same thing all this time," he sullenly said. 

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Some crew couldn't help but to glance to their side, they never saw other emotions from this young one ever since he came other than his strictness. 

Almost everyone didn't want to accept him so they had a little competition and everyone could only admit defeat. 

He doesn't only have the talent with his tongue but the way he cooks was completely of another level. 

"Your teacher is your greatest example, you do remember what happened to him right?" Amber turned to an older sister as she speaks to him. 

Jackson nodded his head, his teacher once had so much pride with the talent he has and at one-point jealous people went against him and now, his taste buds were destroyed. 

Though his cooking skills were still top notch, he can no longer taste the way he did in the past where only one taste and he could already determine the contents of the dish served to him. 

Seeing as more and more of the crew are watching them, "Go back to your work, I shall meet your teacher for now. You can just meet us after you are done here." 

"I'll walk you out," Jackson offered to which Amber didn't turn down. 

"By the way, your sister..." Amber said as they step out of the restaurant. 

"What happened to her?" he asked. 

"I'll tell you later focus on your work for now," Amber decided to not tell him yet. 

Though curious, Jackson nodded his head and watched her ride her car and drove away. 

He wanted to know, it was his sister after all but it might disturb him in his work, that's why she didn't continue. 


"You really worked hard," Amber said as she opened the door. 

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The office itself was in a two-floor building, since the restaurants are its main focus only a few people are needed in the office so compared to Capa and SNN, this one was smaller. 

A man in his late fifties looked up from the papers and upon seeing the person who came, a smile broke in his stern face. 

"I see that you have finally come." 

He stood up and extended his hand for a handshake. 

"Well, I guess I'm not that late?" she asked in return giving him a smile. 

"How long will you be staying?" he asked as the two of them sit down. 

"I don't know, depending on how long it takes me to reach my goal," she answered. 

"Since you are here, I suppose you are at the last stage of your plans already." 

The atmosphere turned serious. 

When Amber approached him, she didn't hide what she was planning, it took her a while to convince him to help Jackson. 

"I only agreed to guide that young one when I agreed to help you yet here I am now working for you even more," he sighed. 

He didn't want Jackson's talent to be wasted and he didn't want him to end up just like him, that is why he finally relented after seeing Jackson being bullied by those who are older than him. 

"If you didn't find him then I wouldn't have found you," Amber said in return. 

Yes she saw Jackson's talent and sent him here to study, yet he was bullied and she couldn't really do anything to help him. 

It is in one of his encounters that she came across Simon Peterson, Jackson's current teacher and master when it comes to culinary skills. 

The one who started Natan restaurant with its five branches that are currently prospering right now. 

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