Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 266: 266

This was the thought that was running in Xander's mind when he was picked up from the airport.

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In the past he can look at them with indifference because most of his blame were towards his parents who abandoned them.

But now that he knows the truth, he knew that it would be very hard to look at them without the hatred.

Maybe he could pass it as him being mad at them for he was kidnapped in their own territory and their help came late.

But even that wouldn't suffice with the hatred that was boiling deep inside him. It was surging mad like a volcano that is about to erupt.

He took a deep breath before closing his eyes leaning on the head rest.

He can feel that even the driver was walking on eggshells with him. He must have been informed not to agitate him and all.

'Somehow I regretted returning but if I don't then they would know that we knew who saved us and they might use us to get to Nathalie. That is something I would never allow.'

'Mom, Dad,' he couldn't help but to call out in his mind.

He badly wanted to see them and here their voices.

He could still remember that time when he was being bullied by his uncles and cousins and his father's broad back was what shielded him from them. He was then carried by him and was covered by his strong arms in order to hide him from his relatives.

Even back then he already showed great interest and great talent towards medicine and that is something they didn't want, in particular Harry and Glenn.

Glenn had an inkling to medicine as well and every time Xander would outsmart him or have higher grade than him.

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He would bully him and it was one time when his father witnessed it with his own eyes.

~"Don't you dare touch my son, Harry. Let me warn you, you don't know what I can really do."~

Those words held deep meaning and somehow, Xander's life became easier.

Harry might have been scared and didn't know if Nathan would be watching or not but his and Glenn's bullying ceased a lot.

Xander sighed at the memory of this, now that he was about to enter the lion's den, he couldn't help but to once again feel unsure to what may happen to him.

He was so sure when he left but despite being a man and someone with capabilities, he was still a human who knows how to get scared.

Get scared not only for himself but he knew with one wrong move he would be taken as hostage to get back at Nathalie and the others.

He shook his head, 'I must not think this way. I need to learn from them, every possible thing in order to help her out.'

"A- Are you okay sir?" the driver asked seeing the way he moved and how deep his thoughts were.

"I'm fine, I was just tired from the flight," he replied before once again closing his eyes.

Actually Xander wanted to laugh with this, the servants of their house never treated him this way. To them he was someone who was on the same standing as them just having a few perks.

When they arrived, he saw a few of his relatives waiting inside the living room.

He did his best to stop himself from scoffing at them. These were the same relatives who were present when Amber scared them with her identity.

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"Xander, finally you are back!!" one said as she approaches him checking him.

"Were you hurt?" she asked again.

"That was almost a month ago already, if I was hurt it had already healed by now," was his curt reply.

The woman was left speechless.

"Xander," Clark called him.

He was sitting and calling for Xander like a grandfather who had been worried for his grandson.

Xander swallowed the anger that was bubbling up and walked towards him.

"Grandfather," he called as he sat down on the sofa in Clark's right side.

"I'm sorry for what happened, I didn't expect such thing when I told you to check the business over there," he said with a gentle look.

Xander did his best to remain looking indifferent, "No one expected it, I know grandfather. No one expected that my brother would arrive and try to save me, ending up with him being taken as well."

His voice was void of emotion but Clark could still hear the sarcasm.

He knew this would be difficult since it was pretty obvious that the kidnapping was staged. He could only coax this one until he opens up on what happened during the kidnapping.

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"I know and I really feel worried when I found out that both of you were kidnapped. I tasked people to get there but it was too late," Clark replied.

Xander knew he must not answer back for now. He needs to stay here far longer after all.

"It's all in the past now, I have returned and I think that's all there is to it," he said with a sigh.

Seeing that he relented, Clark's expression softened even more, "Yes, you are here now, that's all that matters."

Then he looked around, "Your brother? He really didn't want to come back yet?"

Xander clenched his teeth, he knew what this old man was thinking. He wants the two of them within his reach so that when Nathalie indeed appears, they would be his shield.

He slowly shook his head, "He wanted to focus on his company this time."

"HIS COMPANY!!! This is our company, he should focus on helping this one instead of doing something unnecessary," Harry suddenly blurted out.

Xander just looked at him, "You didn't let him do anything while he was here, saying that the company already has more hands. I think it is fine for him to explore on his own."

Harry was about to argue when Gideon glared at him, "It is fine. Let him spread his wings, I guess it is high time for him to walk his own path. He is old enough already."

"Thank you, grandfather," Xander said.

"Go back to your room now and rest, I know you must be tired from travelling," Clark said giving him a pat in his shoulder.

"I shall excuse myself then," he stood up and glanced at Madison who had been silent all this time.

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Then he glanced at Glenn who was beside her before he walked up going straight to his room.

"Meet me in the study," after watching him until he was out of sight, Clark looked at Harry sharply.

Harry gritted his teeth, he was unable to hold his temper a while ago and lashed out. They need those two here, they need them to be here when Nathalie appeared.

He followed Clark in the study and the moment the door was closed he was hit hard in the back of his knee with Clark's cane.

"How much more stupid could you get?!?" he seethed.

"You have to remember that we have to make them stay here as much as possible. If you make them mad now then they would return to the past where they'd rather stay outside than here."

"It is better for him to come back here instead of roaming around, that way we can monitor him and see if Nathalie are to appear in front of him."

"I'm sorry father, my anger just acted."

Harry could only bow his head and apologize while gritting his teeth.

Xander and Timothy were but dogs to them in the past but now that the dead came back to life they have no choice but to treat these brothers better in order to gain their trust and in order to use them against their sister.

"Good thing is that they hated their parents for abandoning them, it would be easier to get them to our side instead of their sister. That is why you and Glenn must watch your mouths."

"I understand, father."

After Harry left, Clark looked outside the window his eyes having a dangerous glint.

"Do you think I would let you take everything I worked hard for just like that? I will make sure that you will regret ever coming back to life. No matter what you do, that token shall fall into my hands." 

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