Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 270: 270

She let Ashley follow her because she could see how lost the young one was. She knew the pressure of being in such an Empire and so she asked her if she wanted to be her student.

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Though Russel must admit that she has no idea how the Wright Empire works. Or how they handle their young ones. What she saw was how dejected Ashley was while talking about her grades and the fact that she no longer has the chance to become a chef.

And somehow, she saw her past self to her, before she became good and made a name for herself.


"You can't? Fine then leave and bring her with you. But let me tell you this, I am not a simple person nor her family. No, I think you knew her family is not simple yet you allowed her to follow you without her family's knowledge. Should I really applaud you for such act?"

"Who do you think you are? Indeed, you have enough fame, basing with everything I saw on the internet but I can easily trample you down, I'll make sure that you won't be able to do anything. Not a single thing," she continued.

Ashley's eyes grew wide after hearing this.

"Amber!!" she called out.

"Don't Amber me, her career might end but that would be your fault. You wanted this after all," Amber warned her, even her eyes speak of seriousness.

"No!! You can't do that, I am your sister-in-law!!" Ashley couldn't help but say.

"Don't go using that word to me, you didn't want to go home then I no longer have any sister-in-law."

"You're too much..."

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"Now you choose, go home or allow her career to fall because of your stubbornness."

"Then… Then… I hate you!!!"

"Ashley!!" Russel called out as Ashley run out of the room.

"Don't follow her," Amber stopped her from following.

"And don't try taking her in, my warning won't end with just you leaving this place. I have eyes everywhere. I may not look like it but I will know if you try and take her in again. Leave her alone and let her fend for herself while being here."

"I can't do that I was the one who brought her here," she retorted.

Amber sneered, "Indeed you brought her here but you have no right with what you have done. You don't know her family for you to judge them from her stories alone. She pressured herself on her own without trying to talk to anyone."

"You, on the other hand, is too sure of yourself as if you can do everything with the little fame that you have. I don't know the reason why you allowed her to follow you but let me tell you this, you are an outsider who has no right to interfere with their family."

"She was your family, what are you doing?" Russel couldn't help but say.

She could only blame her past for this, causing her to have such soft spot towards someone like Ashley who was struggling for her dream.

Amber didn't reply instead went inside the inner room, which became her own office within Simon's office.

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"This is for her own good," Simon commented seeing Russel's face.

She looks really against what had happened.

"For her own good? You're basically telling her to not dream," Russel asked.

"No, we never said that. That lad told her to go home but she didn't say that she will not return," Simon explained.

"But that's how it already looks like, she even threatened the young one about my own career," Russel still retorted.

"Did you know that, that one run away from home?" Simon asked.

Russel nodded, of course she knew, she gave her the option after all.

"She was a young miss of an empire, you allowed her to run away. Are you thinking of teaching her all of the life lessons out there?" Simon asked her.

Russel was stomped for words, that was indeed what she intended to do. She was left alone and had to grow up on her own and reach what she reached this day. That is why she was also confident that she can help Ashley.

She just didn't expect to face such predicament a week after taking Ashley under her wing.

Simon shook his head seeing as she indeed planned to do what he just said.

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"Ashley had been protected all her life, her family is not stopping her from reaching her dreams, instead she runaway before she even started her university. You are not even strong enough to stand on your own, how will you help that girl?" he reprimanded her.

"Then does that one has the right? Natan was just starting but because of you it prospered, she was just behind the scenes, what does she know about culinary?" Russel answered back.

"Indeed, she didn't graduate as a culinary student but seeing your look, I can say that she has seen more than you did," this time it was Jackson who spoke.

"The one who runaway had a loving family, they were not stopping her from pursuing her dreams yet she still dared to runaway just because she thinks that she has to support her brother for being the heir and she must not pursue her dream. What right does she have?" he continued.

"Don't go throwing your weight around just because you're famous, there are many more people who could trample you around and one of them is her," he felt irritated towards her because she didn't know who Amber was and she spoke as if she does.

And the confidence she has on herself irked him even more.

"That's enough Jackson," Simon stopped him before looking at Russel.

"I am not the one who made it prosper I am just the one who managed it. She may have not graduated from culinary course but her ideas on businesses were enough to make Natan as big as it is now. In fact, not only this one but everything, no one knows of this yet but currently there aren't only five empires."

He looked towards the closed door.

"A queen was within them as well."

Russel couldn't understand what he was talking about but she couldn't help but to also look at the closed door.

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"Anyway, I am begging you not to contact that young one, if she really wants to runaway then she must also understand the weight of running away. That is the best help you could give her," he then said to which Russel could only nod.

Though she still felt very worried, she was the one who brought Ashley here and if something were to happen to her, then it would be Russel's fault.

But she was also a selfish person, she didn't pressure her to go with her, she just gave her a choice. At the same time from the very start she already told her that she won't take any responsibility. Though worried she also needs to worry about herself.

Through Amber's eyes, she knew that what she threatened would truly happen if she doesn't listen.

Seeing as she started listening Simon continued, "I need to think more about whether I should take you in as my apprentice because of this."

Russel looked at him in shock and disappointment.

"I don't know how you grew up but your self confidence in what you can do might end up as your downfall. You have too much confidence in yourself that you brought a young miss over as if you are a big shot yourself."

"You do know of what happened to me, this self-confidence brought me to my demise with no one to turn to. I have heard that the Wright Empire was the kindest but that doesn't mean they didn't know how to punish those who tries to go against them."

"And what you did was such kind of act. Better think this over and reflect on yourself, I'll contact you again when I have decided whether to take you in or not."

Russel felt dejected, even Jackson was no longer looking at her as if she was but air to him.

She was jealous of him because he became Simon Peterson's student just like that but now, it is her own doing that caused her, her chance to become his apprentice.

After sighing dejectedly, she turned and left the office. 

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