Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 272: 272

"What type?" she asked looking up from her laptop.

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"Let's say, you are a very cruel person," he answered.

"If being cruel is the only way for the lesson to really remain in her, then I would be willing to become the evil sister-in-law."

Simon just stared at her.

"Her family is kind towards their kin, they can be strict but not to the point of the lessons being implanted on the children. I, who grew up, being strict to myself and on my own couldn't do what they can."

"If their lesson is through kindness then I am willing to teach a lesson through cruelty. This would somehow balance us," she said with a sigh and a sad smile.

Ashley was their princess, this was established to her the moment she first spoke with Ashton.

But Amber knew this must not go on, that is why she asked Ashton to let her handle it.

Before Simon could speak more, a phone call came for her.

Not to her surprise, it was from Gideon.

"Yes, grandfather."

"We heard from Ashton," he spoke and she can hear the tiredness in his voice.

"Yes I found her but I plan on making her learn her lesson. I hope the whole family would allow me to do this," she said honestly.

Silence followed her sentence but she can hear a few voices on the other side.

"Will she be hurt too much?" came Liana's voice.

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"I'm sorry mother but I plan on doing just that," was her brutal reply.

Simon looked at her in shock, she was too honest. She could have told them that she wouldn't hurt their daughter too much, but she just has to go and say that she plans on doing so.

"But Ashley is..." Liana trailed off.

"Can't she just come home? We will make sure to ground her and all," Kyle said next.

Amber shook her head, "I am sorry too father but your daughter was vehement on not coming home and plans to stay here to study. I have told her to go home but she chose this herself."

"We can drag her back."

"No, if you do that she will just become even more rebellious at the same time she wouldn't understand just what it means to have people who cares for her."

"She was sheltered and well taken care of. She never experienced the difficulty of life, that is why she was adamant on doing things on her own, like running away after finding a good teacher."

"So I will apologize but she needs to learn the way of society," Amber finished explaining.

The other side was silent, they understood where she's coming from. Of course they do, she was telling them that their daughter needs a lesson that will make her understand that not everything is as easy going as her life inside the Empire.

"Yup, you really are just like Sarah, too kind in the most cruel way," Kyle sighed.

Of course, when they found Jasmine Sarah Scott, she vehemently told them not to tell her father anything.

When Gideon found out he too remained silent.

When the news of their death reached them, they felt sad but decided to remain hush about it towards James Scott. Gideon told them he has a feeling that they might still be alive.

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And when Amber showed up and revealed herself, the real grief of no longer seeing them finally dawned on them.

When James confronted them after Amber and her brothers revealed themselves to him. They could only remain silent and leave it to Gideon to explain.

But James knew he has no right to get mad, it was his decision that sent his daughter away from him.

And now, seeing her resemblance to her daughter, the married couple was once again feeling the grief of losing their precious friend.

"Sarah would always teach such a lesson in a painful way but it was also how the lessons were instilled to those whom she taught," he continued.

Amber knew she was going over board with what she was asking, Ashley was not blood related to her and she was just the wife of the young master.


She spoke up after some thought, "I can send her back. Just give me your word."

No matter how busy body she was, they were still Ashley's parents. What they say must be followed, they can teach her on their own way.

Another silence before she heard Kyle sigh, "Will you be able to protect her?"

"I will," she said full of resolve.

"Then... protect her. That's all I am going to ask, you can teach her in whatever way you see fit. I only want you to protect her, she is still from an Empire and surely people would do anything to get her," he said in a serious tone.

"I will never allow anyone to hurt her, no matter how small. I will teach her but I will make sure that no damage is to be given to her," she answered.

That is why she had Jackson whom she can trust watch over her.

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"Then I will trust you with her safety this time," Kyle said after hearing the resolution in her voice.

"I understand, thank you for trusting me," was all she said.

"And Amber..."

"Yes father?"

"Don't be to hard on yourself, don't take too much when your plate is already full. You do know we are your family now, we can help you in any way we can," he spoke in a gentle and serious manner.

Amber didn't know what to say at first before a smile bloomed on her face, "That is why I want to take Ashley's case on my plate. Because she is my family, I want to make sure that she won't be taken advantage of by people."

"I want her to learn more about the society and become a better woman in the future and that she won't have too much regret by then."

It was in speaker that all of them on the other side heard what she had said.

A smile bloomed in their faces.

"I shall leave her to you then," Kyle said before they bid each other goodbye.

"She really is one peculiar girl," Cathrine couldn't help but comment.

"And we are very much lucky to have her in our family," Liana added.

All their thoughts and worries for Ashley have now disappeared after hearing what Amber had said.

On the other side.

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"I don't think your in-laws see you as the evil sister-in -law," Simon commented upon hearing the worry from Kyle's voice when he talked about her plate being full.

Amber shrugged before turning her laptop to him.

She just finished her research when he came in to speak to her.

"What is this?" he asked looking at the screen.

"I need you to take her in as your apprentice," she said in a serious tone.

Simon looked at her in confusion before looking back at the screen, after reading a few lines he understood why she wanted Russel Bareford under them.

"We need to keep an eye on her, plus we will need her help in the near future. No to be more precise it is I who will need her help. And I can help her as well," Amber then said.

"I'm really amazed at how fast you can get all these data," he commented.

"I can't be where I am now if I don't use every possible resources I could get," she said with a shake of her head as she drink from her cup of coffee.

"Very well, I shall contact her. We do need a hand for you sent Jackson on another duty," he answered with a bit of grumbling.

Amber laughed, "I am a slave driver after all."

Simon smiled as well, "But I understand why you chose your decision. You were planning on having Jackson teach her in the first place, weren't you?"

Amber smiled, "Well, he has so many debts he has to pay. Plus his talent is of top quality and I couldn't give you more work. So from the very beginning when I found out that she wanted to learn culinary, Jackson was the first person that came to mind."

"I am really amazed at how much your brain works, you can even think far ahead with how the people around you would improve," Simon said in a resigned manner.

"It is better to have more talented people around you, at least you will have more people to rely on when 'THAT' time comes."

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