Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 278: 278

They returned to their normal routine where Amber would watch her while she works or she was suddenly pulled to eat at different restaurants.

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The only difference to a while ago was that she changed place to where Amber stays. She inquired and did her research that she decided that the place was indeed a good place to go to.

There was no serious change in what they were doing, though she was fine with it, she was still trying to understand just what kind of person Amber Wood was.

No she is Amber Wright now.

"I'm amazed," she spoke up in one of their restaurant hopping event.

"About what?" Amber looked up from her food and asked.

"You just got married for two weeks and he already let you go. I thought he was the possessive type where he didn't want you out of his sight," Russel commented.

Amber thought for a bit before drinking her juice and put down her spoon and fork, "Are we in a question and answer portion while getting to know each other?"

Russel furrowed her brows, "I just got curious."

"Well, I too just got curious if you really want to get to know me already, you know you really have no friends right?" Amber asked in return.

"Should I be hurt with your blunt words?" Russel said in an exasperated manner.

Amber shrugged with a smile.

Russel sighed and decided to just focus on her food instead of getting curious about this person.

"We were both aware of the status of our relationship, marriage was for formal purposes and that is a fact we wanted to have. But we knew that despite being married our battles are not yet over," after another few seconds of silence, Amber spoke up.

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Russel looked at her and she can see the seriousness in Amber's face.

"We are not yet in a time where the two of us can just take it easy and just be with one another all day long. That two weeks was already a stretch," she continued.

"How about you then? Really didn't plan on having any kind of close relationship to people?" Amber decided to pass the ball to her this time.

Russel pursed her lips before taking a deep breath, "I cannot, you know my current standing. If I get too close to someone they might use that person to get what they want from me. Having companions from time to time was already a stretch."

"Yet you still took Ashley despite knowing this," Amber commented.

Russel raised an eyebrow, "That was all my fault I already admit it. But something within me was tugged by how devastated she was. I just don't know what got into me and gave her an option of coming with me."

Russel looked at her before nodding, "I guess you're right. It seems we are meant to meet each other one way or another."

"So, I have heard but still wonders. Do you really have a scar?" Russel asked this time.

Amber acted like she was thinking before she pulled out the special glue remover for her mask.

"No wonder I couldn't see any string on your mask, it has a glue in it," Russel commented as she watch Amber remove the mask.

Amber showed her the scar, she had been wearing this everyday for she has no idea when someone would suddenly want to know about her scar. She wants to make this as public as possible for when she appears as Nathalie, this might become her greatest cover.

So that they will have no chance of equating her to Amber Wood, it is better to be prepared than being shock that someone is so smart to equate the two of them.

Though her current problem is how she will balance her appearance in public as Nathalie and as Amber Wood. She needs a way to show them that the two of them were separate people.

'I guess I'll think about that when I am done with this one here,' she sighed thinking this way.

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Russel thought she was sighing because of her scar that people are curious about, "Hey, physical appearances aren't everything."

Amber looked back at her and chuckled before returning the mask on, "It is fine. I am already married anyway. Since I already have one, I don't need others to look at me."

Russel shook her head with a smile.

"This might be sensitive, you can answer if you want, but have you no more family?" Amber asked this time.

Russel looked away when this was asked, seeing this Amber shrugged and continued eating.

"You should finish your food now, we still have another restaurant to go to," she then said.

"Shall we then?" Russel asked for she was almost done with her food.

As they walk towards their next destination, "How was she?"

Amber looked back at her upon hearing her question.

"The brat?" she asked in return.

Russel nodded.

"You have the job of being the head chef, it is because I sent him into watching over that brat. I may have been harsh to her but that is because she just won't listen properly. Anyway it seems that she is fine, because that young man still didn't come to me to complain."

"I really need to apologize to her," she then said after hearing how Ashley was.

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"For bringing her here and leaving her behind when threatened?"

"You really are too straightforward. I can tell that other people would have hit you already with your bluntness."

Amber shrugged, actually she felt at ease with Russel. Like even with her bluntness she knew that this person would still be able to accept it.

And, she like it. Their current relationship.

With Alissa and the others, she could freely open up all about her but with Russel she can just be a free soul. Though Alissa and the other's were not bad companies, but you know...

Even with bestfriends there are still things you try to hold back then came a new found acquaintance and you can just be free with whatever you want.

"Yup, I am feeling guilty for leaving her behind after taking her with me."

"Well, Ashley is a kind hearted soul despite being a block head. She would still choose to stay away from you after seeing how serious I was in my threats," Amber said.

"So if I was a real hard headed person. You really would bring me down?" Russel couldn't help but ask.

"We cannot tell that right now. We already chose the path, there are no what ifs. You chose to let her go and she chose to stay away from you. Ending with me not doing anything, there's no point in dwelling on things that are already over with."

"Sometimes I wonder, are you really of the same age as me? Or are you older? Or younger? I couldn't comprehend how your thoughts work sometimes," she commented looking at Amber.

"Don't worry I've heard that a lot. They even say I have switches, seeing how fast I can change my mood."

"So who are you then? Who is Amber Wood?"

"Are we back to our question and answer portion? But why are you the only one asking questions?" Amber answered.

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Russel finally laughed, "Go on then ask me another question, something that is not too deep."

"Hey, you are asking me who I am, ain't that a deep one?" Amber complained.

"Just ask then and I'll try to answer," Russel answered.

"Why culinary?" Amber asked.

"Hmmm, for as long as I can remember, culinary was already engraved in my bones. It was my first love and my dream. How about you? What was your dream? It couldn't be running a restaurant, I can see that it has a different purpose."

Amber thought for a bit, "To have a peaceful life."

"Is that a proper answer?" Russel complained.

"Well, one day. You will understand that it is a proper answer," was what Amber replied.

"Go on and ask."

The two of them kept walking as they throw questions to one another and after thirty minutes of this routine, they finally reached the last restaurant.

"Another five star I see. Do you have reservation here as well?"

"Don't belittle me," Amber grinned as the two of them stepped in.

"Oh they are having a live cooking show, aren't we lucky?" Amber said with a happy smile before looking at Russel.


The woman beside her had a shock look as she watched the current cooking show, in particular as she looked at a woman who has a gentle smile on her face while she cooks the dish in front of her delicately.

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