Just before Ashton could finish the meeting, he was disrupted by an urgent knocking on the door. With furrowed brows he called them to come in.

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"Young master, the young miss was kidnapped," as Carl get in and without waiting for him to ask any questions, he rapidly reported.

He arrived at Fire Empire Hotel fifteen minutes after Ashley was kidnapped, he rushed back to report. He tried calling his young master but he couldn't reach him so he could only return.

The temperature completely dropped and the aura around Ashton was menacing and dark enough to cause even the one on the other side of the screen who was double his age to shiver.

He picked his phone only to see countless missed calls from Carl and most of them were from Amber, with a furrowed brows he checked the message she had left.

"ARE YOU DAMN STUPID OR WHAT!! You didn't even left a single guard to your sister? You really are siblings, I am currently following the van that took her and would be sending you the final location. DAMNT IT I FEEL LIKE BEATING YOU ALL UP!!"

With that the message ended, he checked the text and took the car keys from his table drawer as he run out of the room, "Get all the guards to surround this address. Once all of these are over, I wanna see all the guards you placed for her."

His voice was so cold that Carl couldn't even reply back. He shuddered at the thought of what might happen if the young miss, the precious granddaughter of Wright Empire were to be placed in danger right here in this small country.

Without further thoughts, he did as he was tasked before following his young master with another car. All these cars were hidden in the underground parking of the building that is only accessible by Ashton and the other two.

Ashton drove out of the campus with a black bugatti, his grip on the steering wheel was tight. He took out a gun from the compartment, a magnum.

The place was ten minutes away even with his speed. Surely it was at the edge of the city. This place has no airport but there is a dock. And was in the opposite side where they were.


After ten minutes he received a message.

FROM: Narcissist Doll \u003e\u003e\u003e Brother it is me, Ashley. Don't call, she told me to remain texting. She came here and hid me in a ventilation duct. I asked her why don't we just run, she replied that she had no time. I don't know what that means but please hurry.

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He couldn't reply but she was right, he also couldn't call. It might be in silent mode but if they speak those people might find her.



He stepped on the gas after reading this message.

~"I don't know if it would be the same to her but every year, at most five times. For a whole day, the body would fall completely weak and vulnerable. Just like when the pain reliever was not administered on time, she wouldn't be able to lift even her finger. Speaking is fine but it is also weaker. But there is no pain accompanying it."~

'Could it be that she was in a vulnerable state now? The reason why she told Ashley that they couldn't run?'

This though made him even angrier, someone is suffering and he was running late again.

"Damn it!! Damn it!! DAMN IT!!"

Not long after he was finally able to arrive at the warehouse, he run out and saw the unconscious man outside, he didn't bother with him and slammed open the door. The men inside were focused on Amber that they didn't hear him.

Seeing as she was pulled by the hair and was about to be slammed in the ground he raised his gun without much thought and pulled the trigger.


Amber was dropped on the ground and toothless fell down, dead. It was a clean shot in the head.



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Without pause he pulled the trigger four more times and all shots were clean, killing each of them like nothing.

He run inside and checked on Amber, she saw how he nonchalantly pulled the trigger and every shot was clean.

She gave a weak smile before saying in a weak voice, "Nice... shot..."


He was dumbfounded, she was actually smiling in this condition? And she even praised him.

"Let... me sleep... now..."

Finally, was her thought. She might be numb to pain but that doesn't mean she was completely not feeling it. And now? She was completely tired.

Ashton brushed away the hair in her face before replying in a gentler tone compared to how he usually speak with her, "Rest now. Leave everything to me."

"Brother!!" he heard Ashley's voice just in time for the police and Carl to arrive. He brought her out, she was trembling but was holding tightly on Amber's laptop. After she was put down she run to where Amber was lying.

"Don't move her," Ashton urgently said.

"We don't know what damage she might have received. If we randomly touch her, we might cause more."

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Ashley was already sniffing, "Bro- Brother, will she be fine?"

Ashton squat down and pat her little head, "Don't worry, she's not that weak."

"Young master!! Young miss!!" Carl arrived in front of them and was shocked to see Amber full of blood.

"Take the unconscious man outside in our custody, tell the police that Wright shall take over him."

"Yes young master."

He then opened his phone and made a call. After two rings the other side picked up, "Hello Ashton? Auntie and Uncle are with us now. Were going back to the designated vacation house."

"Good. Call for an abulance and send it to the address I'm sending you. Tell my mother to prepare for she has a patient. Don't ask questions just wait," after saying these he dropped the call.

He took out his handkerchief and started dabbing it at the blood in Amber's face.

A different face then flashed in his mind. Back then he was also in the middle of a meeting for his training and his phone was not with him. Even the guards for her were lousy, maybe because he was just a child and they still didn't take him seriously.

By the time he found out about it and rushed to the scene she was already on the verge of dying.

After those people found out who she was, they made sure to get her. And he as the young one and still incapable of so many things couldn't do anything. Even his grandfather couldn't do anything, she was taken away from him.

"Brother?" Ashley seeing as his hands stopped moving, tugged at his shirt.

He looked at her before running his hand on his hair, he loosened his tie and undo his top most button.

Not long after an ambulance came with capable personnel inside, they gently placed Amber in the stretcher.

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"Don't look at them like that, you're scaring them," Devon, who came along, pat his shoulder.

He was completely shock of the scene. Five men were shot cleanly in the head. One of which seemed to be hit straight in the face losing a tooth or two.

Then he saw Ashley who looked like a mess before seeing Amber's battered body. He had asked the police who was taking care of the body of what had happened only to find out that Ashley was kidnapped by a notorious group.

He didn't want to approach Ashton at first for he still looks like he would just go and kill someone. But seeing how he torments the personnel with his look he had no choice but to talk to him.

He then carried Ashley in his arms, "What's that?"

"It's hers. She told me to keep it," Ashley replied as she held the laptop and phone tighter.

Devon smiled and looked at Ashton, "Let's go."

Ashton threw the car keys to him before riding the ambulance himself, "To the vacation house."

Devon could only sigh as he took Ashley with him. For her to keep seeing Amber's look she would surely be even more distressed.

Another fifteen minutes and they finally arrived in the vacation house. It was situated in the cleanest place in the city. It was a subdivision with houses ranging from hundreds of millions to tens of billions. It was situated in a peaceful environment a bit far from the bustling city.

This place was perfect for people who just want to live in peace.

What they got was the house at the edge, behind it were mountains and views were rare so no one was close to it. It was a western styled house mainly gray in color. He had bought this specially for Ashley's recovery after she was given the cure.

So he had people to create an adjacent building, that could be use for medical purposes. This only took the people five days to finish from the night he and Amber first had the talk until yesterday.

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