Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 299: 299

"Hmmm," Amber said after Ashton told her what kind of person Harvey was.

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Ashton squinted his eyes as he stared at her, he can see that her mind was once again working. She was once again coming up with a plan.

"What are you thinking again Thalie?" he asked.

Amber smiled, "Very well. Since he wants to be the martyr in his story that despite his efforts being overlooked. I shall be the villain of the villains then."

"Villain of the villains?" Ashton chuckled listening to her words.

"Yes, I shall be the villain in order to make our martyr move on his own accord. For him to really protect his Empire which he cherishes. But why does he cherish it so much?" she explained at the same time asked.

"It is because he wanted to cherish the Empire his uncles and father took care despite not being the ones chosen by their father. He saw how much they took care of it and now they are starting to get weaker, he wanted to be the one to follow their footsteps."

"Hmmm, the descendant of the three martyrs," Amber teased.

"Thalie," he called.

"I know, I know. We see our own Empires on our own ways. Some despite being belittled would rather took care of it. Some does not care whether it flourishes. Some, just like you, were in harmony with their Empire. And some are like me and my brothers who wanted to see it fall."

"Don't worry, I understand where he is coming from. That is why I will be his villain. Though protect me from him once he ended up wanting to kill me okay?"

Ashton chuckled as he caressed her cheek, "No one will ever be able to touch you."

(End Of Flashback)

Harvey was once again speechless when she laughed.

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It was not a laugh of someone being amused or someone being sarcastic, instead it was the laugh coming from a villain.

Then when she stopped she tilted her head as she looked at him, "Protect? From me? Shouldn't you be protecting it first with those from the inside?"

Harvey pursed his lips.

"I see that you understood it instantly. So why are you protecting it from me?"

He squinted his eyes, "Stop this whatever you are doing. I don't care what my standing is in this Empire, I am protecting it on my own."

Amber once again laughed and if it was just a man, Harvey would have hit her already for laughing like that.

"Oh please, what kind of protection are you giving it by being its servant? You were unable to protect it to those stupid major shareholders, so what kind of protection are you giving it?" she said and she finally turned serious.

"What are you talking about?" he asked hearing the deeper meanings coming from her.

Amber shook her head, "Buy the shares then I will tell you everything I know."

The reason why the Cage family was able to remain in such standing after so long of having no income form their shares. The promises they made to the other shareholders and being the second to the Carter Empire, obviously the promises were enticing.

Who wouldn't want to be an Empire? If the Cage family used this as their playing card then surely the others would follow through.

With all these information and her knowledge about Harvey, another plan came up in her mind.

Yes, in this whole bout of her revenge. She was like a writer writing the novel of her revenge, she has plans but it could change along the way as she met more people.

Some may help her some mey not, but one thing is for sure all her plans aren't set in stone.

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Just like what happened with Russel, she has other plans on how to become a major shareholder but since she me Russel, her road was actually quite smooth.

Now the one that made it a bit bumpy was this person right in front of her who has his own beliefs.

Harvey fell into deep thought, he knew for sure that the information Amber have is legit and one to be trusted. Though most of them still has no idea how she was doing that.

He returned to his senses when he heard her laugh once again.

"Must I really spell it out to you? Without power nor money, oh that's right you have the money. You just didn't want to use it to gain power. But once again without power, what can you protect?"

"Your predecessors who chose this path, how did they protect this Empire of yours? Aren't you in a decline right now? The major shareholders plotting against the owner of the Empire."

"Ain't that pathetic?" she ended with her eyes filled with mock.

Harvey's face turned red out of anger, he never thought someone like Amber would be able to make him this mad.

He clenched his hands but remained not speaking for he has no idea how to tell her something. For she has a point, their protection wasn't enough, the Empire was still on decline.

And those people are making it obvious that they started losing respect to his grandfather.

"So tell me Harvey. where's that heir of Carter Empire? Where is that person whom your grandfather wanted to make his successor? Isn't he just around clubs using all your money for his own fun?"

Harvey once again couldn't say anything, once again Amber was right.

"Are you really going to let that man trample you over and over again while you do your own sense of protection without results?"

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He looked away from her staring outside the window looking at th ebuildings opposite them, from time to time birds would be flying across.

Then he sighed, a sigh filled with years of tiredness.

"Sign this," Amber pushed over a few files.

Harvey stared at it for a long time.

"Would you rather do something properly for your Empire or do something unnecessary by remaining on the sideline?" Amber urged her voice still filled with seriousness.

He could only clenched his fist before signing the papers not noticing the imperceptible smile in Amber's face when he just signed it without reading it.

After he did sign it, Amber took it and placed in her bag.

"Remember this a clause was within the contract, you can never sell it to anyone not even the Empire. These shares are yours and yours alone."


He furrowed his brows when she added another.

"Another clause was of you protecting Russel from the rage of the Cage family and those supporting them."

"Wha- Why would a clause be like that?"

"I am the one selling it and you signed it without reading the contents. This time I am no longer asking you to protect her instead in is now part of the contract."

"You're too cunning."

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"I can be as cunning as I can get if it means I would be able to protect the things I wanted to protect. That is protection to me."

Before she could step out of the office, Harvey once again talked.

"I will never forgive you, by doing this to our Empire."

"I am willing to be the villain after all," she said before stepping out of the office heading back to David Carter's office.

She will never tell him that the contract he had signed was that of the major share from Russel and what she currently holds is the one with minor share.

Though she won't say anything for she needed them to believe that she has the shares for the final part of her plan. This part is the only thing that will never change no matter how much the process changes.

The main contract was of the major share that Harvey bought, other than that, she also had the fake contract he signed about the minor shares.

This was what she placed in David Carter's table, "All signed I guess I seerved my purpose in coming here. It is time for me to leave."

When David indeed read it, he was raging mad inside specially when he read the part that no one would be able to buy it from Harvey even if they were his family.

"Oh, and..."

Before Amber left she once again turned around and speak up, "I look forward to a wonderful cooperation from your Empire. I just hope you wouldn't publicize this."

David glared at her as she finally left the office.

He would never dare to publicize it or to make it known to the other Empires, someone who was from another Empire bought a major share in their Empire was utter humiliation for him.

This is also the reason why Amber chose to show up as herself in here, because she knew that with David's personality. He would never disclose her involvement to them.

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