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"Ouch!! Leslie!! Are you trying to rupture my eardrums?" Amber rubbed her ear.

She was dozing off on her table.

"Well stop sleeping now, you do understand we have our hardware product to be launched tomorrow, most international companies are waiting for it," Leslie stood up and went in front of her.

Amber sighed, both of them have already graduated. Yet she couldn't leave for another two years. It had been seven years since her parents have died.

The once ignorant 16 years old her, have now matured and is currently a 23 year old young adult.

There are quite a few major happenings for the past six years that she have stayed here.

First of all, a year after their departure, Fire Empire Hotel went down the drain.


Five years ago.

Fire Empire Hotel that was stagnant and whose stocks have been going down for the past two years since her arrival, have lost their patience and sent a few people to make trouble at Snow Fall Hotel.

The hotel became well known because of its top notch services.

Yet this was the one thing, Amber had been waiting for. She didn't instantly took them down but instead she slowly tortured them through their stocks.

She waited and waited until they lose their patience and decided to bare their fangs at Snow Fall Hotel that was obviously rising up compared to theirs.

When the trouble makers arrived, they were thrown out easily. For she had hired more security team and they were all good at hand to hand combat.

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But aside from throwing them out, she made sure that they were tortured right there and then to make them say who was it that bought their service.

Being a top notch hacker, she was able to get information regarding them in that instant and used this information to pry open their mouths.

Just like that, Fire Empire Hotel was pointed as the mastermind.

"Can't you see?!? This is utter nonsense, they must have instructed these people to lie. Why would we make trouble for them when we are obviously much better than they are?"

The owner was called to the hotel upon the arrival of the police. He vehemently denied the accusations.

"Much better? Hoho, I wonder which mouth said that? When your stocks kept falling for two years now?" Amber remarked as she threw the papers in front of them.

"Who do you think you are, indeed it has been falling but that doesn't mean that we are nearing our bankrupt."

He then sneered, "Our hotel have 200 floors, as compared to yours which is a measely 50 floors. Don't try to compare."

"Very well," she smiled and opened her laptop.

She then showed to all the people out there, different videos of someone having a deal with people and among them were those who attacked earlier that day.

"Different people but the same person having a deal with them. And with little research," she started typing on her laptop.

"Viola, that same person is under you, Mr. Allen."

They are currently in the lobby of Fire Empire Hotel, Amber was sitting down in one of the couches and was leaning lazily, with a sweet smile on her face.

"Now with a few flashbacks, I also found out that the past people who attacked Snow Fall Hotel when Fire Empire was just beginning, were the same people whom your man have talked to as well."

She then played a few recordings, she had taken quite a while to find these people and with money.

They were quite willing to admit that they were payed to cause trouble for Snow Fall Hotel.

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Some of them still have a few video recordings of the deal, they were quite scared that their employers would twist the events causing them to be the fall backs.

Amber happily paid for all of these.

"Now tell me Mr. Allen, who do you think is lying between us? You were doing these for quite a while now."

Mr. Allen and the other two major share holders have turned pale upon seeing all these.

"Where is Elloise? Let her come out here, you must have planned this for a while now. She must still want to be with Adam, just because Phillips clothing shops became better and better," Gretchen suddenly shrieked.

Amber blinked a few times before she laughed. The police are just waiting for the show to finish, after all with all the evidence it is pretty obvious that Mr. Allen have indeed caused quite a trouble for Snow Fall Hotel.

"Let me ask you, is your brain only filled with Adam Phillips? Aunt Elloise is currently living happily in Kuiper Country. Why would she care about a measely ant?"

After leaving back then, Jake France first brought them to Ceres Country to take a few of his stuffs and since Amber's plan was to become a major shareholder of Hughes Empire, they went and moved to Kuiper Country.

They have been living there for a year and a half now.

"Anyway, Snow Fall does not need the Phillips clothing shops. Hayley is diong quite fine in starting her own clothing line, why would she care about such small shop in such a small country?"


"And, why would Snow Fall Hotel look for trouble for Fire EMpire Hotel when it is doing great on its own. They don't need to look for trouble when they are having a great time already."

She then threw a few papers on the table.

Mr. Allen picked it up and one by one opened the folders.

His eyes grew wide, he heard about it, about a hotel opening branches in every city. But the name was different so he didn't pay it much attention.

Blizzard Hotel.

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It became quite famous for its innovative developments. Having their own hotspring inside the hotel.

Having different concept in every city.

When he opened the top most folder, it was stated there that Blizzard Hotel was the branch company of Snow Fall Hotel.

Amber knew that he still has connections in the other cities. That is why she decided to change the name of the hotel as she started branching out.

She of course asked Elloise about this and she willingly agreed. And most of the dealings were done by Elloise herself.

"Now tell me? Why would Snow Fall Hotel look trouble for you? When in one word we could pull you down?"

"By the way," she then played another video.

This was dated back when she was told to leave two years ago when she first arrived in this city.

"Don't judge a book by its cover, all of these truly started when your service was so poor, to throw out someone who can pay but was just looking dirty."

Amber stood up and walked out of the hotel, leaving the shocked people to be taken by the police.

That video of two years ago was then played in every TV within the hotel, customers and employees alike have watched it.

And those who were there back then felt a great sense of shock, they never knew that the person they threw out back then would actually become the person today.

It was an easy win, because she had prepared for it for so long already.

The branch openings are what was difficult for her, even though the hotel manager that Devon left was capable enough to do this.

She insisted that she wanted to be the core person while Elloise and the other two was not around.

Some of the branches were opened at the same time, so she was also running around the country for the last year and a half.

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'And now, an eye for an eye,' she happily thought.

This was the pay back for Elloise family at the same time her own revenge for how they treated her back then.

'Hmmmm it seems that my grudge is indeed longer than Ashley's, it was two years.'

She smiled as she shook her head. Upon stepping out of their hotel she felt rejuvenated.

One event was finally closed, this brought her so much happiness as she called for Leslie and the other two to eat with her.

"So you finally got back at Fire Empire Hotel?" Leslie asked.

Mikaela and Reina also knew of this, Amber didn't keep this a secret to them. That she was planning on making Fire Empire Hotel fall.

They became closer as well, the past year that they spent together.

But of course compared to Hayley and the others who knew of who she truly is. These three still have no idea.

And she has no plans on telling them.

Just then the TV on the restaurant showed the news of all the under the table dealings of Fire Empire Hotel, followed by the continuous rise of SNN Beginnings.

"Say, both the Pianist and Yara, were backing SNN. I wonder how close they are to the CEO of SNN? All three of them loved being mysterious."


Amber who just swallowed the meat she was chewing ended up being choked.

"Sorry... *cough*... I didn't expect for the meat... *cough*... to get stuck."

Leslie handed her a glass of water before raising an eyebrow.

She still has no idea that Amber was Pianist. She only thought she choked because of Yara and the CEO being mentioned.

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