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What woke Ashton up was the sound of a message in his phone. Looking at the time, it was already 6 am. He was able to sleep for an hour and a half. Rubbing his tired eyes, he picked up his phone and checked who it was.

FROM: XXXXXXXXXX \u003e\u003e\u003e Hey, is this really your number? Anyway, you didn't answer my question at all. What do you want? \u003c\u003c\u003c

His brows furrowed, that girl, does she have no plans of sleeping?

Without replying he stood up and went to the room inside the office, there are no major things to be done today so he can sleep more.

His bedroom was a simple one, just like a hotel room with its own bathroom and kitchen.

Without changing out of his clothes he lay down and continued the sleep that was interrupted.


Amber waited for another hour. She had been thinking since she cut off their communication but she really can't come up with an idea of the reason why he had checked on her.

'Could he be the principal? An old man?' her thoughts wondered as she washed up.

After that brief communication, she no longer felt sleepy despite having only two hours of sleep. She was still creating some web pages until midnight.

After making herself a toast and fried some bacon, she was about to get another cup of coffee but stopped herself. She had way too much already, so she just took a glass of milk to match with her breakfast.

As she ate, she kept glancing at her phone. She was always a curious one, since that person replied to her message of inquiry, she became curious as to who would it have been.

'Is he the one who created the security of the database? Well if it was against the students and a few people who might want to hack it, it is very solid. It just so happens that I am one of the best so I was able to get in.'

With a smug smile she munched down on her toast, she was not just a curious person, she was a bit narcissistic as well.

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This is a good day for her, after arriving here, she had been feeling really down but for the first time her spirit was actually lifted. Her real personality came out, a curious one who was thirsty of knowledge.

She continued her day like usual, went to their part time job and during breaks she would check if he had replied. Upon returning to the hotel she helped out in the kitchen this time.

She's enjoying her small work there, washing the dishes. Since young she never got the chance to do any house hold chores so she was very curious. Adding to that she really loves the water, washing the dishes and doing the laundry are her most favorite.

This even made Elloise and the other girls feel a bit guilty. It was a job done by the employees not even Hayley and Alissa enjoys it or barely do it. But Amber was enthusiast whenever it is her time to do those things.

The laundry was done by the laundry shops before but since they are at the edge, they could only do it themselves. It was tiring and irritating at times because you are always wet, but Amber enjoys it a lot. They really can't say anything.

There was one time where they finally asked the question.

"Why do you enjoy doing the dishes and the laundry? They are some tiring chores," Hayley couldn't help but ask.

With a smile Amber replied, "My family and I enjoyed swimming the most, especially when it's summer. At times we would go to the beach and other times we would just stay home. But the feeling of the water have always been our favorite."

She then smiled sheepishly, "Was it too shallow of a reason to like doing the dishes and the laundry?"

Alissa and Hayley could only shake their heads with a thought, 'The naivety of a rich young lady. She must really like it not just because of the water but because she have never done it before.'

"Then you must have liked the rain as well?" Alissa asked this time.

Amber's smile became obviously strained after hearing this, "Before."

They then remembered that she appeared here during a storm that was going on for a few days already. It only let up after three days of her being here.

"Sorry, uhmm that is..." Alissa who asked the question became flustered.

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"No, I don't particularly hate it but it is just that rain is a sad thing," Amber said before she walked away and continued with other chores.

"Rain is a sad thing..." Hayley repeated as they watched her back.

Back to today, after doing everything she needs to do it was already past 7 in the evening and there was still no reply to her message.

TO: Interesting \u003e\u003e\u003e Hey, did you give a hoax number? That's rude you know. \u003c\u003c\u003c

Sent 7:45 pm

TO: Interesting \u003e\u003e\u003e You have to tell me why you are checking on me. \u003c\u003c\u003c

Sent 7:47 pm

TO: Interesting \u003e\u003e\u003e Do I have to hack the database again? I really don't want to though. \u003c\u003c\u003c

Sent 7:51 pm

TO: Interesting \u003e\u003e\u003e Do I really have to? I'm really curious you know. \u003c\u003c\u003c

Sent 7:55 pm

Ashton's brows are twitching, he just got into another meeting at 7:30 and since he was used that his parents and the other three are the only ones who knew his number and they barely message him, he didn't put it in silent mode.

Who would have thought that that girl would be sending so many messages within the span of ten minutes?


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"Are you alright, Ash? We can continue this another time," the one whom he was speaking to asked upon noticing the change in him.

"No, it's alright. But you must be careful Aldger, you do know they have eyes every where. If we want this to expand, no one must know or find any kind of trail," he replied full of authority.



"You don't have to worry, we made sure not to let anything fall behind that will point things to us. I also ensured that the security is even stronger than before you left," Aldger replied.

He looks to be of the same age as Ashton. His features is one whom ladies would surely fawn over, he also has this laid back air around him just like Blake.

"For the finances, it was flowing greatly as well. It also started becoming known on another two countries. Though the most mysterious for the people is the man behind this company."

"That is also a good catch don't you think? They will become curious and would try to get close. By getting close they will also have to buy our merchandise but despite doing so for a long time they still wouldn't be able to catch who it was," an imperceptible smile once again appeared on his lips.


"You really are in a rebellious stage now aren't you?" with a laugh Aldger started talking leisurely with him.

"Right back at you."



"How are the other two? All three of you actually left this to me and had fun on your own," Aldger shook his head upon saying this.

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"Only those two are playing, I'm here for an official business. Though I'm glad that they are the only renowned ones, otherwise I won't be able to have a short peaceful life," Ashton replied as he furrowed his brows.

His phone still didn't stop receiving messages. He tried his best to ignore it but she's persistent.

Just as he reached out to turn it in silent mode.


An alarm sounded on his computer indicating that someone have infiltrated the database once again.

"What happened?" Aldger was alerted as well. They were talking on Ashton's laptop after all and the placing allowed him to see the computer's monitor.

With a sigh, Ashton picked up his phone instead and made a call. After one ring, the other end answered.

"Get out of the database will you? It's not some kind of playground," he said without waiting for the other side to speak first.

"Oh basing it in your voice, you must still be in your teens," Amber replied as she left the database.

She already said it, she is a curious one. So after not receiving any reply, she thought he had given her a different number. After creating some barriers she went ahead and hacked into the department's system once again.

The alarm soon stopped and Aldger looked at Ashton in curiosity.

'Someone he knows hacked into the system? The system he created? He must be an amazing one then.'

Something else suddenly struck him, 'No, the main point right now is that. If I was not mistaken the sound of his phone kept going as we speak, he also glanced at it a few times. After seeing the alarm instead of fighting back he called someone, WITH HIS OWN NUMBER!!"'

Aldger was stupefied.

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