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I had been working for a couple of days now since the exam. I am at the restaurant right now, I experience some schemes from a couple of co-workers who despises me. Sometimes I could get away with those schemes but, this day I never expected it to be this harsh.

I haven't found the person behind all those things but I have some theories in my mind. Gleam the owners spoilt heiress hates me so much that I could feel he death glares. He harem sometimes makes fun of me. Unluckily some of her pack of harem is my co workers who is too hardworking on making me a fool.

Right now I'm inside the Fridge and mind you this room is pretty cold. (Restaurant fridges are usually big for they stock ingredients and a lot of products that is not supposed to be left around) I started to feel my eyes getting heavier each time and with that I can no longer hold back my sleepiness. Pushed back the thought of coldness and just slept waiting for people to find me here.

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Cyllene fell asleep as soon as she held her eyes closed not minding the coldness that is starting to cover her body. Three hours passed and some of the workers wondered where the girl is and thought she is starting to slack off. They are supposed to be working their as of knowing that this day held an important vip costumers.

"Ty, Get some round meat at the fridge. We run out of meat here" The head chef ordered the guy named Ty and he immediately went to the closed fridge. He noticed the temperature indicating at the leveler is high. It is supposed to be at moderate so he lowered the switch and went inside looking for the meat section. When he got what he needed he was about to close the door when his peripheral vision caught a snow pale skin lying on the ground at the very corner. At that time Ty shivered of the thought of a dead body inside so he immediately run off inside.

The people iside the kitchen where to busy when they heard some utensils falling and running foot steps. It was a clear rule that inside the kitchen they are not allowed to run. around. The head chef was about to nag at the person when he saw how pale he is.

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"What's the problem Ty? You look like you lost some blood-" Ty cut him off with his stuttering voice.

"D-dead Dead!" The cooks looked at him wondering why and was about to laugh as they thought that he is talking about the meat.

"Of course we use meat from a dead animal so go now we don't have time for you're silly thoughts" The sous chef laughed and there followed the other cooks.

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"N-no! D-Dead Bod-dy! F-fridge!"He stopped talking and took a deep breathe. "Theres a dead body inside the Fridge! Human body!" Horrified gasps filled the room and followed by some dead silence.

"W-what do you mean!"

"Follow me"

"Are you certain?"

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"I saw its pale feet. I was scared so I didn't check if it is indeed a dead body" They just sighed and went to the fridge. As they reached the closed fridge they were hesitating to go inside the Fridge till they decided to go. The door opened and a creepy screech only fueled their emotions. Scared to see a dead body and scared for the reputation of the restaurant being ruined.

They looked around the room and heaved a sigh to see nothing but a loud scream not only caught the attention of the people inside. It also gathered the attention of the costumers outside the kitchen. A couple of people went to see what happened but held back by the security.

Inside the room they looked at the lifeless and unresponsive body lying. As they looked at the cold and pale body they could only cover their mouth and felt coldness in their body. The little girl who was aloof yet undeniably sweet and warm.

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