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She woke up with a throbbing pain on her head as she deliberately looked around the room she was in. Scanning the whole room while preparing to stand. It was weirdly cold for her even if the room was heated, she still felt the coldness of her skin creeping into her bones.

Wrapping herself with a white robe on the side. It looks manly and yet she doesn't feel like giving any care to that. Feeling a little too weak to walk around the place while gripping her chest. She didn't find any single shadow all over the place, causing her to slump on the floor as she felt exhausted from wandering around the place.

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Exhaustion eating her up as she was panting real hard, catching up her breath. She might want to leave this place now but she can't deny the scent of luxury around and indeed she was still too weak to fight off schemes outside.

Quickly decided that she has to suck up strength and pay them back later.

Grabbing into the nearest object that is sturdy enough to help her stand and lay on the soft sofa on the side. Successfully slumping unto it, her face showed pride as she felt so proud that she had enough strength to even do huge exercises. (Note the sarcasm)

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She sighed to herself and pondered for quite awhile. Her thoughts had flew all over the place causing her to be stuffy. Moving has been a huge obstacle to her so she decided to rest on the sofa and didn't think about moving for she felt really tired.

After a couple of minutes, not long after sleep knocked her out, a silhouette of a man with a well proportioned body and extremely good elegance walked in.

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He brushed a gaze around and turned to the bedroom to look for the little kitten he brought when he saw her figure curled up unto the sofa, slightly shivering and a low whimper sounded from her slightly opened mouth.

She looked fragile and harmless and yet when she is awake she looked pretty fast and mysterious. Slightly cunning and a big temptress. She had just revealed half her beauty and yet she could stir up the hearts of many men. Even a lady will feel envious of her radiance.

He shakes his head and reached for a soft pillow and a thick comforter over and lied her unto the sofa properly as he slowly covered her shivering frail and thin figure.

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She looked this weak and yet she had the courage to face the recent schemes thrown at her. If he wasn't waiting for her to move herself and extract revenge, he wouldn't wait around and watch them live freely.

He snickered and moved to his quarters and noticed his robe was used by the small mutt inside his place.

Him being the despicable and morbid one, he undressed himself and turn to his gazebo. He did not even mind that she might see him. Well if she does, she just needs to take responsibility.

With that thought, a creepy smile crept into his lips and a very audicious thought flashed on his mind. 'Not quite bad of a trick eh?!'

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