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Because of the noise, Cyllene woke up and quickly searched for the owner of the voices. Maybe because she had a long rest that she no longer feel the coldness like before.

She put the comforter covering her at the side and neatly folding it evenly. As she was staring at it, she realized that she didn't remember getting it before sleeping. She tilted her head to the side as she deliberately think of scenes in her mind.

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'Did the owner of the place lend her this? Was it a woman? Or a man? Is it romantic?' realizing her foolish thoughts, she slapped her cheeks lightly waking herself from her delusions.

She slowly walked towards the kitchen and scanned the whole place. Her line of sight landed on the three stiff looking people. Feeling delighted by the thought that she finally has someone to talk to.

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She took little steps towards the nearest person from the door and looked around like a little kid who is waiting for confirmations from her mom. Clearing her throat from time to time. Minutes had passed and the woman didn't even throw her a stare.

Feeling a little irritated to the continuous snobbing, she suddenly had the urge to make a tantrum but then brushed the thought aside. Sighing as she left the kitchen. She felt a little disappointed inside for she really want to kill the boredom eating her up.

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Glancing to every corners of the room and walked near the bedroom door. It was slightly open and the cold air inside is sipping through the little creaks. Feeling the urge to barge in the room, grabbing the door knob and went in carefully, making sure not to make a noise.

She wasn't sure of it, but she had a feeling that there's someone inside the room. She felt the little hairs from back of her neck stand indicating that there is someone who was staring at her. She felt it's fiery gaze on her just now and she was not sure when did he or she started observing her.

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Standing there Frozen on her spot, waiting for the person to approach or talk, but neither of it was his or her choice. The person didn't even bulge and just kept staring at her as if she was some kind of species.

Grabbing the hem of her shirt and fidgeting her fingers as she nervously stared at the bed looking for any signs of response.

"H-hey?" but there was none. 'the person probably is a deaf or mute? There was no response!'

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