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Flustered by the sudden confession, Cyllene forgot her reasoning and sat there staring at the shameless man who was enjoying his tea and whose eyes was looking at her intently.

When her thoughts came back to her, she calmed herself and fought his gaze.

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"To whom do I owe this honor that I caught your interest?" her straightforward questions did not insult him at all. In contrast, he felt more intrigued with the woman's temperament.

"you probably saved the word in your last life little girl" he shamelessly replied while his lips are grinning at her.

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Talking to him did not annoy her either, his playful thoughts and contradicting cold aura fuels her thought of knowing this type of guy. His shameless attempts of wooing her and raising his own chair astonished her.

"I probably did as I can see this young sir is rich enough to take me in?" talking about shamelessness, Cyllene seemed to adapt to him.

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"rich enough to lock you here with me" his grin got bigger by time that his deep dimples is showing.

"then I hope this dear sir can shelter this poor girl for the mean time" asking for favor was easy if you are like this couple. Both shameless and cunning. They suit each other's train of thoughts that their interest is rapidly growing while they continue to flaunt each other.

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Meanwhile the forgotten poor Right hand man felt like crying as he held his stomach. Thinking that he can no longer eat their shameless dog food. And he made a note to himself that if the master is with the lady, he needs to make his way out for his dear life.

Before he left the floor he swore to himself that he needs to find a date, ASAP. @@
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