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The preparations was done when the prep took his final instructions. Cyllene closed her feet together and put her hands-on top of her knee as she looked at the empty space with pure innocence and showing a little blush on her face as if she unknowingly felt embarrassed. Everyone inside the set held their breath as they saw her pull off every single poses. Innocent, seductive, fierce and a lot more expressions. It was as if Cyllene brought life to every sides.

Seeing this the director who had doubt in his heart started to feel at ease and felt his face hurts from the slap that Cyllene brought as they weren't supposed to doubt such a talented model who can bring such emotions in her actions and her eyes. As the camera man was more than satisfied he asked Cyllene to change. couple of times and he was fully impressed to such beauty. No model can bring such grace without having some training and practice.

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"Cyllene, are you taking some training?" Director Xing asked as he wondered where did this talent came from.

"As of now this is my first, actually sir" He just nodded, not wanting to doubt the young lady as he just experienced some face slaps that Cyllene brought. HUH! cannot pull off such poses? she even brought life to it. The staffs couldn't dare to look at Cyllene as they lowered their heads because of shame.

As soon as the shoot finished, while wrapping everything up as they leave with satisfaction. Mina came and looked arrogant as ever.

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"Ah Mina, the shameless model who thought she can put everyone on her feet...begging. Huh! shameless little bratt!" The director said making sure Mina would definitely hear. Mina's brows furrowed as she heard such rude remarks then soon went near the director's side planning to hurt his feelings but she was the one who is about to be hurt.

"What are you trying to say Director Xing?! You should be thankful I felt pity to your crew that I still came even with my schedules packed! Hmmp!" Looking like a fool as she pointed her fingers on the directors face but the director did not even flinch instead he looked proud as he slowly made a triumphant laugh.

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"You? An unprofessional model?! packed with schedules? huh! are you kidding me? just you wait till the magazine came out, you should prepare for an ice pack your face will definitely be swollen" After that the director left her hanging. "Oh I forgot. Prepare for the compensation for breaching the contract Miss Ichigo" Mina's world felt like it was soon crumbling down as she heard that. She can't afford another compensation, she just finished dealing with the other director who asked for a compensation.

Mina Ichigo started her career two months ago and she managed to take it from the top because of the people who supports her with their money. Of course the payment has always been a hot night with her. And she knew this time director Xing is hard to deal with because he is known to be too loyal to his wife. She can't possibly climb to his head enable to dissolve this contract. But what concerns her the most was, what kind of person swayed the directors boat and get his favor. Stealing her job was to shameful for her.

"Lu, find out who stole this job. Make sure to hurt her bad and destroy her path" She looked at her asstant with a knowing look before leaving the set. She was still raging in anger and felt embarrassed as she was facing with that old man. She will make sure to make that woman pay for what she has done. She clenched her fist and looked at the empty set with anger. She then noted in her head that she will do everything to destroy her place in this industry. But could she possibly do it? Could she destroy Cyllenes place?

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"Miss, her name is Cyllene a proxy model. I heard she was scouted at the streets to be your temporary assistant but then some events turned it that way. I also heard that she was good with her proje-" Mina looked at her with her raging eyes and slapped her face as she put her frustrations on the poor assistant.

"Good?! Huh! I bet she just made her way through her performance in bed! Bitch!! I'll make sure to turn her dreams into nightmares!"

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