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"News Flash!

The famous fashion magazine 'Phoenix' released their summer magazine named 'Breathless' for the month of April. It is said that their cover girl was actually not a model. Overnight the hottest topic was THE 'mysterious girl' who created haos on every woman's day dream and men's fantasies. She was and still the number one on the search list. Everyone is asking if who is this stunning lady. Right now the LME released a statement that she is not their model. Phoenix haven't said anything and we are still eager to know her. Who is she? This is ..."

The entire city is in great havoc and every single news contains details about the hottest sensation. But they didn't know that the mysterious model who has mind blowing Beauty is actually working inside a restaurant as a waiter unaware that she just destroyed the entertainment industry with her charm.

Like a wanted person whom everyone is looking for. Even police officers who adores her is looking up everywhere. Kids to adults and commoners to nobles are thrilled and eager to know who is the girl behind it. All they know is her face and beauty. They do not even know her name. Every streets contains gossip monger's that makes up stories about her identity.

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"Maybe she is from a night club!"

"Nah! She is too elegant"

"A young miss?"

"Too tempting"

"She's like a little innocent seductress"

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"I wanna know her and have her autograph!"

"I'd love that"

Inside the restaurant are people talking about the 'Mysterious Model' even if it has been a week. Even some of the workers inside Cyllene's work place are gossiping. Not even single beggar doesn't know her. I guess only She-herself doesn't know that people are dying to know her. She was too preoccupied by work and her studies that she wasnt updated. While serving some food, a little girl saw her and tugged her sisters shirt.

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"Sis! Looks like the girl on mommy's magazine!"

"Shush! Rhel she might hear you" oblivious of her surrounding, she kept on smiling to the old lady she is conversing with. A lot of costumers heard the little girls statement and so people started to realize that she indeed look like the cover girl. Some people wants to went near her but they are hesitating for they didn't know if she is the 'Mysterious Model'.

"Hi" one little guy went to Cyllene while holding her baby sisters hand. She looks at them with surprise and crouched to level with the little bunnies.

"Hi there sweetie, what's your name?" She asked with gentleness. Costumers watched them and waited for some information. The little bunnies blushed as they didn't expected that she will notice them.

"I-im Gary and she is my little sister Gena. I-i...W-we uhm m-my sister likes you a lot"

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"Oh really?!" Not wanting to disappoint the little bunnies that she doesn't know why she was being admired.

"You can call my Sister Ae (Eay)" she gave them her nickname for it was not allowed.

"Sister Ae can we take a picture with you?" The little girl said while tilting her head to the side. Astonished by the cute little bunnies she had no strength to reject the cute bunnies so she agreed to their request. It's just for today.

"I see, later after you finish your food. I will just finish my work and I'll meet you outside okay? Eat some veggies to have healthy Bodies. Sister Ae will be sad if you won't eat veggies" The bunnies rejoiced and went back to their seats telling their parents that they have to eat veggies. Some costumers whos listening was glad that she is a well mannered lady and admired her kindness.

After she removed her apron and wipes her sweat, she went outside bare faced while brushing her hair with her fingers. As she reached outside she saw a pack of people standing there. Now now, is there a celebrity?

She didn't mind the pack of people and looked for the bunnies and saw them with the pack. What's happening? She was still thinking of how to approach the little ones when a teenager squealed and says 'Shes here!' with one blink she was now surrounded by people while they where asking for autograph and pictures. What!!

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