Versatile Superstar: Rise In Hollywood

Chapter 121.: Chapter 121.BuZz

[30 days of Happiness|May 28-2016|Act 3|Scene 2|Take 1]

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You should have given me the money back then when I asked. You wont have to suffer so much then.

Lorenzo smirked as Arthur slowly walked toward him. Their last encounter humiliated him, and he cant wait to take revenge on him.

Im asking this again.

Arthur muttered. He was trying his best to seem confident in his voice, but only he knew how fast his heart was beating at the moment.

He felt a bit suffocated as he stood in front of the gangsters, but he had no time to process all this. He was experiencing a tense situation, and he knew it wouldnt last long.

Let us go. He said, and Lorenzo laughed. A gangster beside him whispered something to another one with a smirk on his face.

I will let go after punching your face.

Just dont hit too hard.

Aiden said and Lorenzo slowly stood up. The mirth on his face could clearly be seen. The injury on his head was still stinging, and he couldnt wait to get his revenge.

Dont cross some lines next time, kid.

He said as he pulled his hand to punch, but it was at that moment that Arthur moved quickly. In a split second, he grabbed a jar of red, chilly pepper that was just right beside him on a table.

Opening it up, he threw every bit of it on Lorenzos and other gangsters faces. .

Ahhhh what the fuck! Lorenzo screamed as his eyes turned red like a wizard gone berserk in a video game.

Claire, run!

He shouted towards Claire and picked up a broom thrown on the ground. Claire ran towards the exit but was blocked by the bald gangster who was ready to grab her.

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She screamed in fear, but at that moment, Arthur hit the gangsters head with the stick side of the broom. The gangster tried to fight back but getting the chance, Claire kicked him straight into his balls, making him fall to his knees.

Fuck Ah.

The gangster muttered as Arthur repeatedly hit his head with the broom.

Im gonna break that bald skull of yours!

After saying that, he threw away the broom, held Claires hand and ran away, leaving the gangsters screaming in the pain of their eyes, nearly going blind.

Cut! Hahaha, that was great!

It was then that the voice of Leo came out. He was laughing, and even the other crew members had smiles on their faces. All of them knew that the scene was perfect.

There were no mistakes or fumblings, and dialogue, expression, body language, and comedy were on point, making it one of the best scenes they have gotten till now.

Lets take a break and get on with the next scenes.

Leo shouted, and everyone cheered. As the scene went very well, they felt a sense of excitement. Nothing was as good for a crews motivation as a perfect scene.

There was only one person who wasnt happy.


I guess I won the bet.

The blonde-haired guy said as he looked at his friend, whose jaw was dropped in shock. He was very sure that Aiden would mess up the whole scene, but the latter had nailed it.

The scene required Aiden and Colby to do most of the hard lifting, and the latter was a veteran actor that even the brown-haired guy knew of as he was a bit famous in Paris.

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But he was very sure Aiden wont be able to stand toe to toe with him, but he had proved him wrong, proven his arrogance wrong.

Ah, fuck it. Why did I even agree to the bet?!

You didnt agree. You made it yourself. Give me my money.

The blonde-haired guy put his hand forward and urged his friend to give him the money, and although unwilling, the brown-haired guy put a note in his hand.

Im never going to bet or complain about other actors from now on.

He thought in his mind. That was his lunch money, and now he was sure he would go hungry for most of the day. His stupid bruised ego from failing in his own acting career had made him want to nitpick every young actor he would see.

As he was frowning, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

I participated in the bet too. Remember?

Ah, well

The brown-haired guys words trailed off, seeing Wade behind him. He wanted to refuse as he didnt want to lose more money but seeing the statue of the man, he could only gulp down his saliva.

On top of it, he was smirking at him, which made him look even scarier.

He might beat me up if I dont pay.

Thinking that, the brown-haired guy took out another note from his pocket, and Wade quickly snatched it away.

Talk to me if you want to make another bet, Wade said, putting the note in his pocket. Normally, he would not have interfered in the conversation of two crew members.

But he didnt like anyone belittling his actor.

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I will tell you something. You know that guy. He pointed at Aiden, who was talking about something with Katie after the scene. Hes going to be the next star in Hollywood.


Both the crew members looked at Wade weirdly, hearing that. They knew that Aiden was a good actor. He had just proven it to them.

But the next star in Hollywood? That was a huge exaggeration.

Although both these crew members mainly dabbled in European film markets, they still knew a lot about Hollywood. It was not every day that a new star would emerge there.

Sometimes, there will be a fantastic actor popping out of nowhere, but even then, it will take him at least 5-10 years to establish himself as a star.

Why do you think so? You look very confident. The blonde-haired guy asked, raising an eyebrow.

Wade just glanced at him before replying.

Its because Im his agent.

Both of their eyes widened hearing that, especially the guy who had nitpicked about Aiden before.


As the shooting went on, Aiden had not forgotten to constantly update his social media followers about his activities.

After [Black Saints], his popularity had blown up, especially among the younger audience, and as his follower count had gone above 1 million, Wade had told him to give updates on his activities.

In his words, social media is a powerful tool to promote yourself.

It was fine if Aiden didnt want to show much of his personal life in it, but he needed to update people about his work, so they could keep being interested in him.

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Thats why, after getting to the set of [30 days of Happiness], Aiden finally posted updates on the shooting and how everything was going on.

He had also revealed that he would make the movies soundtrack, so his fan group was bustling every day with every pic that Aiden would upload.

[Gamma Mamma: This movie looks interesting. Seems like a typical romantic comedy with exquisite details. Is it the Zetflix movie that people here were discussing? The Summer I ate boys or something?]

[Clownson: No, I dont think he signed that. From what he revealed on his social media handles, its pretty much a new movie. I think hes shooting in Europe for it, and its a festival movie.]

[Potter Feet: Why is he shooting for a movie that would be seen only at film festivals by old critics with white beards? Kai stunned me, and I think Aiden could be the next big commercial actor. I dont want him to go into artsy movies.]

[Mobiux Hope: From what he revealed, its a rom-com set in Europe. Not exactly an art movie, you know, and hes working with Katie Brooks. Shes known to choose commercial movies only.]

[Alone Musk: I dont really know what to feel about this one. He was great in serious roles, but I dont think he will fare in a light role where he needs to show more charm than acting skills. Normally, actors go from rom coms to serious roles and hes doing the opposite. If you think about it, hes very much like me. Choosing his own path.]

[Naked Chris: @Alone Husk, who are you even? The richest man on earth?]

[Aidens wife: Rather than the movie, Im more excited about the soundtrack. Hes going to compose it himself, and Im very excited about it. Im a bigger fan of his singing than acting.]

[Chilling in my wifes closet: Not really excited about the movie. He looks good in it, but I really doubt he would be good in a simple guy role. I would rather have him play Kai in a prequel of [Black Saints]. He can probably get a big hit at the box office like that.]

[Doraemons pouch: I dont really think I would be that pessimistic about it. An excellent romantic movie sounds nice, and actors get tired after doing the same kind of role. Playing a serial killer is all good, but if he does it too often, he might really become one.]

[CaptainJackNarrow: Plus one of his songs. I liked Revolution, but I want him to return to the Life is a story phase. Thats where his song truly touched my heart.]

[the_other_name_were_taken: There are too many polarising reactions on this sub. I am curious as to what the final outcome would be.]


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