Versatile Superstar: Rise In Hollywood

Chapter 140.: Chapter 140.Decision

Melody mostly had 3-4 most relevant charts, and out of these, the Top 50 singles chart was the main one.

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It was updated every week and listed down the most popular songs in recent times by their popularity on social media, streams and how much it was selling.

Being first on this chart was literally every singers dream as it meant that their popularity was really high enough to stand at the top.

Every week countless songs would be released all over the world, and it was a very hard thing to topple over all these songs.

Obviously, Melody wasnt present in every country and was more focused on America and Europe with some parts of Asia, too, but their global reach was still a lot.

Moreover, other charts had also crowned Lost in the Sky as the number one song on their respective charts.

It was a very big thing.

The achievement becomes bigger when one thinks about how Aiden was without any proper backing and had come this far on his own.

Just in a year, he had done things that no other indie musicians had been able to accomplish.

The highest number an indie song got in the last ten years was 3rd before this, and it was a song by a very famous band who had marketed it a lot.

Aiden had made a huge leap and had become the first indie singer in the last ten years to top the charts.

Even then, he had done this with a ballad. Not even a pop folk song but a ballad, a genre that was rarely counted as popular.

This was almost an impossible task, and Aiden had somehow managed to do it.

By luck, chance or just with a full-fledged plan, no one cared how he did it, but the moment Lost in the Sky became number one on the charts, a lot of articles came out about it.

Taking it as the right moment, the team of [30 days of Happiness] also released the whole soundtrack as an album, and in just a day, it sold over 10k copies online.

The streams on the other songs in the album Take me back home and Journey also started increasing. They werent as good as a song like Lost in the Sky, but they werent bad either. .

Because of the soundtracks music, many media articles even started mentioning [30 days of Happiness].

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The scene was of a room. Exquisite furniture that seemed antique covered the room. Paintings and portraits were on the wall, and the room was big enough to be many peoples whole apartment.

It gave off a very royal feeling like it was a room in the mansion of some kind of royalty.

On the side of the room, there was a piano which was currently being played by a blonde-haired guy.

He was Cameron.

A low note covered the room. Sitting in front of the piano, Cameron was calmly manipulating his left hand.

A main lyrical melody was in the forefront, and behind that, there was an endless continuation of another melody as the accompaniment.

Glancing at the piano, his right hand seemed to be moving with an emotional pace while the left hand flew across busily and appeared peculiar.

He was busy focusing on the emotional part of the song, and his eyes were focused as his hands danced around, creating a great atmosphere.

It was only after 2 minutes that the instrumental song he was playing ended. As the song ended, a voice came out from behind him.

You are improving a lot.

Thank you.

Cameron turned to look at the old man who was sitting on the sofa. The old mans face was covered in a white beard and his hair was the same. He gave off a calm, gentle vibe, obviously happy with his grandsons performance.

His name was Joseph Bryce, a famous composer who had worked in a lot of blockbuster movies during the 70-90s.

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Grandpa, do you think my emotional expression is getting better? Cameron asked.

It is getting better. Earlier, you were lacking a lot, and your voice has started becoming scratchy too, but now, I feel like you are doing way better.

Joseph said, feeling glad that his grandson had managed to come out of his depression and eventually leave depression behind.

After he had come here, Joseph made Cameron get a therapist to deal with his depression, and after that, he started practising a lot and learning more about music.

I think you are ready to go back to your career as a singer. You have been on a break for a long time.

Joseph said after a while.

You think so?

Yeah, in this age, people dont wait and move on to other artists, so its better if you can create a name for yourself soon. You have the necessary talent and just need to put in the effort.

Thanks, I will talk to Uncle Jeff about it.

They talked like that for a while, and Cameron looked happy that he had managed to impress his grandpa. It was then that Joseph suddenly remembered something and asked.

By the way, your friend, Aiden, I heard his songs. Hes pretty good.

When his grandpa suddenly mentioned Aiden, Cameron was a bit surprised, knowing full well that his grandpa wont talk about someone without any reason.

You listened to his new album? He made the entire soundtrack of a movie.

Yeah, I did. A lot of people I know texted me saying that a new kid is doing pretty good and is now at number one on the charts. Made me interested as I have heard you mention him before.

It seems like you liked his music a lot.

Cameron said, noticing that his grandpa was smiling while talking about Aiden.

Yeah, hes a good singer, but I think hes better as a composer. His style is very distinct, and he knows how to play with different types of sounds.

What Joseph was saying was true as Aidens composing skill was on Level 7, which was pretty high considering that there were only 10 skill levels. It was also a reason why Aidens composing skills werent increasing despite his songs doing so well.

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Actually, his music reminds me of someone. One of my friends was very excited about him because of that. Joseph suddenly said, making Cameron raise an eyebrow.


Just an old friend. Joseph pursued his lips. You know, in the future, help me meet him. Aiden might be able to help me solve something.

Cameron made a confused expression hearing that. His grandpas words were sometimes strange, and this was one of those times.

What help do you need?

I will tell you when the time comes. Currently, its just something Im still not sure about, but Im pretty sure Aiden wont turn down the opportunity when I finally get to meet him.


As Lost in the Sky was once again on everyones mind, the production team of [Searching for the One] were in the middle of a meeting to finalise an actor from the pile of auditions they had taken in the last two days.

Producers, writers, directors, marketing team members, and even some crew members were present in the conference room.

On the table, piles of resumes were placed, and all of them had gone through a lot of audition tapes of the actors who had managed to impress them a bit in the audition.

In the end, the answer was pretty clear.

Aiden Silvereye Hes the one.

Yeah, we cant look beyond him for this role. Hes excellent.

His stature really suits the character, and his comic timing didnt look bad in the audition.

Hes just the only one who left a great impression during the audition. The others were lacking one thing or the other.

The team of [Searching for the One] was pretty united in their decision to choose Aiden. Normally, there would always be people who would think some other actors are better.

It was common for producers and directors to argue for days about an actor.

But in this peculiar case, nothing sort of that happened.

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Aiden was able to convince everyone by his insight that he was the right choice to play the role.

But you know, since we are going for Aiden, many people would probably take it as another celeb cameo and accuse us of using his current popularity to get our ratings up.

One of the writers suddenly said, starting a discussion in the conference room.

Those are there every time a celeb comes on the show.

Its justifiable, too, as we do call celebs a lot to make a cameo every time the rating starts to fall.

Yeah, but its different this time. Hes a full-fledged character. He wont appear in many episodes and is there just to get the show on the right track, but hes a good character. People would stop criticising it after watching him.

Amelia Fryman said, giving her perspective on it. The only reason she even thought that the controversy would erupt was that the public thought of Aiden as more of a singer than an actor.

Its pretty clear as to how they saw him.

Many people who listened to his song didnt know that he had acted before and had a great screen presence.

If we are talking about controversy, there would also be people who would doubt his comic abilities. Even people who know him as an actor dont know if hes versatile enough, so they are going to doubt him until he proves himself.

Mason added, making several people nod their heads. He was right, as only two of Aidens acting works had been released yet.

Unlike songs which were several, his acting was clearly behind.

Hearing all these discussions going around Aiden, Bradley Carell couldnt help but comment.

These things would help us if we could get Aiden to deliver a good performance. If people are doubtful, they at least will watch the show to confirm if their doubts are true. It will give us more viewers. Personally, I feel like Aiden as Alan Geller is perfect.


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