Versatile Superstar: Rise In Hollywood

Chapter 164.: 164 Chapter 164.Level 9

As Aiden was busy with things related to his novel, [Searching for the One] new episode was going to air. This was the episode which was going to be the second last of the season and next week, the season finale would air.

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Before this season, the ratings of [Searching for the One] was 8.1 out of 10 on sites like Do you like the movie? and Rotten Apples.

But as the season went on, the rating further decreased to 7.5, showing the decrease in quality in the series and a lot of fans have now even started to give one star just because of their frustration with the storyline.

One of the critics from US Weekly even quoted, The producers of [Searching for the One] are really wasting 50 million dollars per season just to get the overall ratings of the show worse.

It was a tight slap on the faces of the producers of [Searching for the One] and a lot of people in the industry were even guessing that it was going to go even lower, becoming another example of how a channels greed drowned a good show.

People were even comparing it to a show that had dropped down from 8.5 to 7 in ratings straight in its last few seasons because a main actor was replaced after some troubles on the set, making the audience feel like it was a completely different show.

All of it changed with the entry of Aiden on the show.

Of course, just one episode and an appearance of a new character wasnt enough to suddenly up the approval rating but from 7.5, it did increase to 7.6, showing growth.

At the same time, the viewership ratings and comments of the audience also changed as they thoroughly enjoyed Alan Gellers antics on the show.

Now, Industry insiders, critics and the audience were awaiting the next episode. Going by the episode teaser and the information leaked, Alan Geller was again going to appear in the episode.

For the record, his screen time was even increased after the producers saw the ratings of the last episode.

On Sparrow, a user going by the name Cat Goddess posted a tweet, Who all are excited for todays episode of [Searching for the One]?

She has a meme and mostly troll account and due to having a good engagement, comments piled up soon after.

[DC is a joke: Im very interested in it. I was hoping that its not a character for just one episode and the teaser proved me right. Hope we see more of him today.].

[Abandoned Batgirl: Me and my husband had tons of fun last week due to [Searching for the One], so definitely tuning in today.]

[Great Wall of Gatsby: My bald boss wont let me leave work early. I will probably binge watch the whole season on weekends. You have lots of time when you live alone and dont have friends.]

[Hello darkness, my dear friend: I accidentally watched the last episode and Im totally hooked. Wish we see more of Alans playboyness on the show and get a few good tricks.]

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[Give another banner: I think I will pass. [Searching for the One] just gives me vibes of webnovels I read. They start off great, then become mediocre and then the author ruins it for money by continuing it. The sad thing is that after reading so many bad ones, you start to feel satisfied by mediocrity.]

[Aiden Silverfry: From the rumors I heard, Alan Geller is just a character that would appear in three episodes and the actor Aiden Silvereye had made no additional contract to appear in next season, so I see the show falling again next season if they dont just get on with the ending.]

[Link Kokiri fan: Whatever man, I dont really care about next season. I just want this season to finish on a good note and for Alan Geller to shine.]

Going by the comments, it was very easy to see for anyone that due to Aiden, peoples interest in the series was coming back.

Though, only time would tell if it was going to stay like this or not.


This is a very big house. It would almost suit a horror movie if changed a bit.

Aiden thought as he moved inside the house. Rather than a house, it was a big mansion that seemed like it belonged to an aristocrat. Paintings were attached on the wall and there was no dust around, like the house was cleaned everyday.

He was following an old man who was his Uncle Sams friend. His uncle had just given him an address and told him to meet the old man.

Richard Allen.

That was the name of the old man.

I have read his books. Hes one of the top authors in the world.

Aiden thought and while following him, he secretly checked up his status, wondering what level he was at.


[Richard Allen] [67 years old]

[Writing level: Level 9]

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[Special skill: Eyes of a writer]


When Aiden read through Richards status, there were two things in his mind.

Hes old!

His system was showing that Richard was already 67 years old but he looked like he was just in his 50s. With a bushy beard, burly body and sharp eyes to go with them, he looked like a cool mentor character from an anime.

The second thing that he thought was.

Hes freaking Level 9 and what is that skill? Sigh, I really hope I get a feature to know what a skill could do eventually. Its hard to guess every time.

If there were only 10 Levels in writing, then Richard was already close to the peak and with his special skill, he was sure that he was one of the best writers in the world. Thinking of that, he got a bit nervous and felt like he wanted to prove himself to Richard.

Your name is Aiden right?

Richard suddenly asked as they turned around a corner. It was the first time he was talking to him.

Yeah, Aiden Silvereye, sir.

Just call me Richard.

Aiden nodded as Richard stopped outside a room. Glancing at Aiden, he opened the door and moved inside.

The room was probably one of the biggest rooms in the mansion and just a glance was enough to tell Aiden that it was the room where Richard generally wrote his novels. An old typewriter was put on the desk beside a computer and there were lots of awards, alongside three bookshelves filled with different types of novels.

For a second, he felt fascinated by the room as Richard gestured him to sit on the sofa.

You dont really look like Sam. That was the first thing Richard said after sitting down. Your atmosphere is more calm too. Sam is like a mixture of chaos and goofiness. You are different.

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My uncle said the same thing actually.

Aiden said and Richard shook his head before getting to the point.

Let me make it clear for you. The only reason I decided to meet you is because Sam was the one to adapt my first book into a movie when I was new to Hollywood. I just didnt want to say no to him when he asked me to read your manuscript.

I understand that.

Uncle Sam and his studio Silver films was one of the most promising studios back when it was running and had helped a lot of people out as they were always promoting new talent.

I still read your manuscript.

How was it?

Aiden asked, looking at Richard and he just frowned.

In one sentence, it has a lot of potential that was wasted.


In an office room, Omar was shaking hands with an old woman who was wearing glasses. Her hair was completely white and wrinkles covered her face, displaying her age.

Its a great pleasure to meet you again, Mr. Omar.

You can talk to me casually, Ms. Spencer.

If thats the case, then just call me Sofia.

She said and walked to the sofa where both of them sat down. It was their third meeting. Two of the meetings have happened in Toronto when both of them have met to discuss the distribution of the movie.

Sofia Spencer was the CEO of Eternal life movies, the studio that was distributing [30 days of Happiness] all over America.

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After a bit of chitchat, they started the main topic about the movie.

I think its best to go with 18th October for the release date for [30 days of Happiness]. Its the best period as we are basically going to be standing in a thorny garden.

Sofia said and Omar nodded with a serious expression.

By thorny garden, Sofia meant that in October and November, there were going to be a lot of movie releases. Earlier, they had discussed postponing it to December but that was even worse.

All top studios were going to release their big movies around the Holiday season.

Especially big fantasy, sci-fi and superhero movies. It was better to avoid them as much as they could.

We dont have a choice. Its the best period in the next 6 months and at least we have a lot of momentum coming from the Toronto film festival.

Yeah, and [Searching for the One] is doing great. Aidens popularity is really increasing but our biggest competitors are the other movies releasing in the same week as us.

Sofia said as the meeting continued as they thought more about what could make [30 days of Happiness] a hit on the box office.


//DreamNote2// ()

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