Versatile Superstar: Rise In Hollywood

Chapter 276.: Chapter 276.Making a deal

Why do you think theres something wrong between Florence and Hank? They could be friends that just have differences too, right? In the first place, theres cases where Hank had been problematic. Very problematic while Florence had been known to be stubborn with her views.

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Katherine asked, looking at Aiden with a strange gleam in her eyes. He hesitated for a second before shaking his head.

No, theres something more. Im very sure of it.

Aiden didnt know why but his instincts were buzzing at the very moment. He also observed that Katherine wasnt laughing at his observation, treating them as something of a joke.

She looked very interested.

Being in the industry for so long, Aiden hadnt gotten used to observing peoples facial expressions. Katherine wasnt even trying to hide it.

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Finally, she accepted.

Well, I cant say you are entirely wrong. Im just surprised you got to this conclusion after just one meeting with Hank.

So, theres indeed something.

Aiden took a deep breath.

He was feeling very paranoid, wondering if he was really thinking too much into it. Even Wade and Tom seemed like they didnt believe him even if they wanted to.

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It was mostly because it was deemed a very little thing.

Such things happen quite a lot in the industry and no one would think twice about it. Unless it was Aiden of course.

Theres something and its pretty big actually. Katherine said and Aiden quickly asked.

What is it exactly?

Actually, I dont know.

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Aiden squinted at her, not in the mood of a silly joke but Katherine shook her head, implying that she was actually serious.

You just said that theres something big.

Yeah, and thats the only thing I know. Big media companies like us have a lot of contacts as we work in a field where connections are everything but as we are too big, we do need to have a good relationship with celebrities and everyone working in the industry. You dont know how many times media companies have been sued in the past.

Katherine said, clicking her tongue. Hollywood Weekly had been sued a lot too in the past.


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So, Hollywood Weekly doesnt really break out scandals until its something that would become global news but we do get the scent of whats going on, who is likely to break out a scandal. We just wait till it releases and then try to cash in on it.

Katherine was basically saying that Florence and Hank werent big enough globally and Aiden did agree to it. After all, he didnt even know Florence was meeting her at the [Sherlock of the Shadows] premier.

But her words also contained one more thing.

Theres a scandal growing and you know whos going to break it?

Yes, a company is actually investigating it for a while. I heard about it from sources and they are waiting for a chance to reveal it.

Probably before the release of

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