Versatile Superstar: Rise In Hollywood

Chapter 373.: Chapter 373.Celebration

Golden Globes was undoubtedly the second biggest award show in Hollywood. It might not be as big and known as the Oscars. But its significance was massive in Hollywood.

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Many celebrities think of it as the goal they need to conquer before moving on to the Oscars. Although getting a Golden Globe didnt mean one would win the Oscar, it undoubtedly increased the chances.

It was also a great addition to any actors wiki page.

When Aiden got to know that he was nominated for it in the Best actor in a leading role (male) category, he was ecstatic.

His mind was consumed by ways through which he could sign the contract for [Hex]. So, it had come out of nowhere and he wasnt even expecting it.

Actually, it was a call from Zavier who had gotten to know about the nomination an hour before it got revealed. He had decided to tell Aiden about the good news straightaway.

After that, calls hadnt stopped as everyone wanted to congratulate him.

It was only after a while that it had set in. Earning a nomination in the Best actor category in a major award show was the first for Aiden. So it was normal that he would feel overwhelmed.


Lets party till we pass out today.

I bought everyone a very expensive wine.

Jody opened up the bottle of wine that he had pulled out from somewhere. Everyone pushed against each other to get the taste of it.

Some people just watched and talked among themselves.

One thing was clear that the atmosphere in Aidens office was the best it had ever been. They were all celebrating Aidens nomination today.

In Aidens career, his team had played a big role and even he cant ignore that. Although Wade had been there from the start, after the inclusion of Sasha, Jody, Tom and others, he was able to be way more efficient.

How are you feeling?

Overwhelmed. Im trying to not get too excited. If I lose, I will be in a pretty bad state.

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Aidens motto was that if he doesnt have too many expectations, he wont be disappointed.

Though, it was hard to do that. Any actor would want to win after getting the nomination.

Still, just getting the nomination was a big deal and Aiden had learnt why. In the past two days, he had gotten several calls and texts from bigshots of Hollywood.

He didnt even know half of them but they have started to take notice of him. Or maybe they were just doing this in case they work with Aiden in the future.

Sincerity was rare in Hollywood after all.

Just enjoy the moment. Even with a nomination, your portfolio got a bit meatier in an instant. Even in wiki articles, youre gonna be mentioned as a Golden Globes nominated actor. We also got an edge against Alberto Dundley now. I dare him to reject a Golden Globes nominated actor because of petty reasons.

Wade said as he took a bite out of the donut in his hand. He had ordered a lot of those as he was a big fan.

There must be pressure on him since we released those rumours about me being in [Hex].

Yeah, the media reported it like crazy for the whole day. Tom added, taking a sip from his glass of wine.

That was our plan.

One of the tactics used by Aiden against Alberto were rumours. He had spreaded them deliberately to put more pressure on Alberto.

He must be getting a lot of calls asking if it was true.

It was an old but effective tactic.

Well, if you actually won the award, then Im pretty sure theres no way he would be able to reject you.

Wade said as he took another bite.

Yeah, you can even ask for a higher fee and he would agree. Tom said, giving off a grin.

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I wont do that because if I really sign it, we would work together. Even if he wont come on the set often.

Aiden said and they talked like that for a while before Wade and Tom got pulled up by other people to have discussions.

People kept coming towards Aiden to congratulate him. All of them said that he would surely win and although it felt nice, it did add more pressure on him even though winning wasnt in his hands.

When he was finally left alone, he was able to take a deep breath.

I have really come a long way.

He thought, smiling to himself.

This was something he was thinking a lot these days but he did feel like he had achieved a lot every year. Maybe it was finally culminating into something.

A lot of people had told him that the Oscars nomination was also not far away but his mind wasnt even focusing on it. If that happened, it was good. If it didnt, then at least he has the Golden Globes nomination.

As he was thinking of that, his phone suddenly rang.

It was Dustin.

Normally, hes one of the first ones to congratulate me but I didnt even get a text from him. He was probably busy.

Aiden thought. Dustin was a very good actor and even a better person, albeit a bit over the top and overconfident.

They had last worked together in [Disconnected] and had been regularly in contact. Dustin was doing TV series these days and was finding great success.

Dustin, how are you doing? I thought you got in an accident when I didnt get your text a minute after the nominations were out.

Sorry, I was busy. Congratulations. You know, when I first saw [The Black Saint], I thought only you could play Kai. I cant even portray him like you did on the screen.

Thanks. What are you upto these days? Are you going to be present in the ceremony?

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Aiden asked and the rusky voice of Dustin replied quickly.

No, I wont be.

I can get you an invitation. Werent you there last year? I remember you saying that you would win the award in the next three years.

Aiden thought that Dustin was going to jump up at the chance of an invitation. He was someone who was always excited to see a lot of his favourite actors at one place.


No, I cant come. Im very busy with shootings. And I dont have energy even on my breaks. Action stuff drains you.

Dustin laughed at the other end but Aiden noticed that something was off.

Even if he was busy, he was someone who would try to get time out. Or at least he wont be so resolute about not coming to the award ceremony.

His other sentences also sounded a bit weird to Aiden. Almost like he was missing his usual goofy attitude and was only trying to fool Aiden.

Dustin, are you okay?

He asked, not wasting any time to deliberate on it.

Yeah, Im okay. Why are you asking?

You sound off. Like something bad had happened to you. Shaken, if I need to put a word on it.

No, Im fine. Its just that I was shooting a very emotional scene just today. I guess Im still having the effects. I will be fine in a few hours.

Dustin said hurriedly but it felt like an excuse to Aiden. He again asked him if everything was okay but he only got the answer that he was overthinking.

Was it really that? Aiden didnt know.

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But before he could push Dustin more, he cut the call, saying the director was calling him.

The whole interaction sounded very weird to him. A few minutes into the call, Aiden was still wondering if he had just heard wrong or the tone of Dustins voice was really sad, like something bad had happened to him.


Are you okay?

A short man looked up at Dustin and asked. His eyes showed worry and concern for the person sitting in front of him.

The man was Dustins agent.

Im okay. Aiden thought something was odd with me but Im pretty sure he would forget about it. I heard a lot of people talking around him. He must be at some celebration party.

Dustin said as he sighed, a trace of hollowness in his eyes. Unlike what he told Aiden, he wasnt on any set and was at his home, sitting with his agent.

You sure you dont want him to know anything. You are close with him, right?

Nothing will happen even if I tell him. Maybe he will laugh at me too.

Dustin said with a dry laugh.

Let him have his moment. I will only ruin things for him if I talk, especially when hes about to win the biggest award of his career. He added, then asked. What happened with the investigation?

Hearing that, the short agent swallowed the words that he was about to say and his shoulders sunked.

Nothing good happened for us.

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