Chapter 101: Buying Land (2)

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TN: So I did the math and if my translation was accurate, he’s offering her a total of 1,630 acres so the finally total of ‘over 1,500’ was in acres, not mu. I edited my previous post to reflect this.

Lian Fang Zhou smiled and asked: “I don’t know how much the land reclamation fee will cost? How is the land sale money calculated for the official price? And these lands, I don’t know what the main price is?”

Liu Jia smiled and said, “Miss Lian is really a sensible person, she knows what to ask! The land reclamation fee is one mu and one tael. The official price of the land is two taels per acre. Wang Cai’s main price is 32 acres. The same is true for Yang and though the price can be negotiated, it will not be less than two taels! I’m afraid you will also have to pay more for those other families.”

Lian Ze’s eyes were wide as he listened. He was secretly speechless; he couldn’t even calculate how much money it would cost but it must be a lot!

Lian Fang Zhou lowered her head slightly, calculating quickly in her heart. It was estimated that it would cost around 3,500 taels.

Liu Jia studied her expression and thought that she considered it too expensive, so he smiled and said: “The government has always encouraged land reclamation. If you buy these six to seven hundred acres, the price will definitely be affordable! At least you can save a hundred or two. Of course, if you aren’t interested, you can buy it piece by piece! It’s up to you!”

Lian Fang Zhou glanced at Ah Jian and smiled at Liu Jia: “Well, we don’t know what it looks like, could we go and see it?”

“This is natural! If you really want it, I will show it to you! Haha, I don’t dare to lie about such a big thing, the place is clearly there, and this can be seen at a glance!” Liu Jia said happily.

This is also true.

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Lian Fang Zhou smiled and said, “Of course we really want to buy it! If it’s suitable, we can settle it today!”

“Okay, let’s go now! This miss is such a refreshing person!” Liu Jia slapped his thigh and laughed.

Liu Jia had a donkey cart and took Lian Fang Zhou and other two, quickly reaching the land.

This place was about two miles away from the main road, which was just right. If it was on the side of the road, it was not easy to manage. When the time comes, a rough road that can accommodate a donkey cart will be completed to facilitate future transportation.

Generally speaking, the terrain of this large area was flat, with occasional small undulating hills, except for a hill west of the middle, which was about 50 or 60 acres.

Liu Jia pointed out various features for them one by one as they walked. From time to time, Lian Fang Zhou would ask a few questions and she became more satisfied the more she looked at it. It was clear that previously, someone had taken the time to clean the area up and it would not delay planting.

There are also two sources of water in the field, which could be cleaned up properly and repaired into a standard canal, so irrigation was not a problem.

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Liu Jia originally had a three-point exaggeration. You must know that the income of this land security is drawn from the buyer and the seller according to the total price of the transaction land. The larger the transaction amount, the more money he makes!

If this business was completed, he would have at least fifty or sixty taels of income. As the Chinese New Year was about to come, how could he not go all out to make it happen?

But Lian Fang Zhou asked many questions and carefully looked at the color of the soil under their feet, as if she was an expert. His heart was stunned, where would he dare to exaggerate? He could only say a little more with all his heart and hope to impress them with sincerity!

He secretly paid close attention to Lian Fang Zhou’s expression and her satisfied look naturally couldn’t hide from him. Liu Jia smiled and said, “Miss Lian, don’t you want to go up to the mountain for a look? If you buy this wasteland, the mountain can be given away for free!”

Lian Fang Zhou’s heart shifted and she smiled: “Okay, let’s go up and take a look!”

“Wonderful, lead the way, miss!” Liu Jia waved his hand.

There was no road to the mountain and there were a lot of weeds and shrubs blocking the way. When the small group reached the top of the mountain, they were all panting.

Lian Ze glanced at the mountain, curled his lips, and said that it was no wonder that it was for nothing! The land on the mountain was so thin that you couldn’t grow anything at all! There were many bigger mountains in the west so you couldn’t give it away to anyone who wanted to spend money!

The view from the top of the mountain was very wide because the slope rose very abruptly. Standing at the top, you basically had a panoramic view of the entire surroundings.

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In this place that overlooked the whole area, Liu Jia couldn’t help but take the opportunity to point a few more things out to Lian Fang Zhou.

Needless to say, Lian Fang Zhou was already secretly very happy, this mountain was simply wonderful!

Although no crops could be planted on the mountain, it was very suitable for all kinds of fruit trees! Planting a few of each kind and there would be enough for the whole family to eat.

Surround the bottom with a fence and some barbed wire and you could also raise chickens. Selling chickens and eggs next year would also bring in income.

More importantly, a few simple houses could be built on the top of the mountain. After the cotton matured, the cotton field would need to be guarded. There could also be a few houses down below, which would be easy to manage.

There were also various farming tools and equipment that could be stored here!

Lian Fang Zhou was really satisfied with the area, it was perfect!

“Uncle Liu, standing here and looking at this place is really good.” When Liu Jia asked again, Lian Fang Zhou finally relaxed and smiled: “Uncle Liu is a cheerful person, if I don’t say a good word, it won’t be good! As long as Uncle Liu can purchase the lands that have owners, I will buy this piece of land!”

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“Excellent! In terms of price, what is the maximum limit you can accept?” Liu Jia was overjoyed and asked hurriedly.

“Well,” Lian Fang Zhou glanced at Liu Jia and smiled: “It depends on Uncle Liu’s ability! As for me, of course, the more reasonable the better!”

Liu Jia wanted to find out more about her, so she certainly wouldn’t say too much. But she was not arrogant and unreasonable, she only asked for “reasonable” instead of “the lower the better.” She believed Liu Jia would understand her meaning.

Sure enough, Liu Jia knew what she intended, and nodded and smiled: “Okay! Don’t worry, miss, I will try my best and ask for a good price.”

“Then thank you, Uncle Liu!” Lian Fang Zhou smiled: “However, I still have a request. Could Uncle Liu not say that the buyer is me?”

This is not a problem. In fact, many buyers he met before also made this request, so he nodded and smiled: “This is no issue!”

Lian Fang Zhou looked to the west, the sun has gradually set to the horizon, and she smiled: “It’s not too early, let’s leave here now! There is another place, but I don’t know where it is? Let’s work hard and take a look! By the way, we are almost agreed on this place today but I don’t know how much deposit is required?”

Liu Jia thought for a while, and then smiled: “It stands to reason that this deposit cannot be collected from this miss, but if miss can put a little down, it would be good. This way, if anyone asks about these places, I can say they are taken. Hm, just one hundred taels! If the miss can give it, there is pen and ink in my cart and I will write a note for Miss Lian. If miss doesn’t have it, I will go home with you to get it, it isn’t far away!”

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