Chapter 118: Warning

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Madam Zhao didn’t deny it but smiled emotionally: “This time she bought land and seeds. The Su family is really rich! Alas, just a leak from their fingers is enough for farmers to spend for several years!”

Seeing her mother-in-law staring at her, Madam Zhao hurriedly said with a smile: “How could the Su family be compared with us, I don’t dare think about it! However, Fang Zhou is a close relative of theirs, they will definitely care for her! Just a few dollars from burning charcoal, how could Fang Zhou still mind it…”

Aunt Zhang finally understood, Madam Zhao dared to speak because she wanted to swallow all the charcoal money!

Aunt Zhang could barely contain her anger, raising her hand and wanting to give Madam Zhao a slap, but she put it down and sighed: “You, listen to you! Let me tell you what is upright! As a human being, you have to talk with your conscience! Just overnight, we have become rich but how did we know what to do or how to do it? Other than Fang Zhou, how could we learn to make charcoal? You still aren’t satisfied with forty, fifty taels of silver? Tell me, what year did our family relax for two months? Could you earn so much? And this is what we will earn every year from now on! How can you say this? I’m blushing for you! I’m warning you, if you dare to make a move like this, don’t blame me for being impolite!”

With a guilty conscience, Madam Zhao lowered her head and muttered: “I, I was just talked about it…”

Aunt Zhang huffed: “If you just talked, would I need to say a few words to you? Do things well and think less about these things! You shouldn’t think about it!”

Madam Zhao hurriedly agreed, but she felt a little bit sour in her heart. Just who is part of your family… you just protect her like this, even closer than to your daughter…

If it weren’t for the fact that there is no younger son in the family, Madam Zhao was sure that her mother-in-law wanted to say that Lian Fang Zhou would be her daughter-in-law!

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The next day, the Lian family had breakfast early, and Lian Fang Zhou went to Shi Touping with Ah Jian and Lian Ze. Before leaving, she said a few words to Third Aunt. Seeing Lian Fang Qing and Lian Che’s eager expression of “please explain”, she smiled and included them.

Although Third Aunt still felt distressed about the money, she couldn’t say anything when she thought of the two coins Lian Fang Zhou gave her yesterday, so she reluctantly said “Oh” and “rest assured!”.

The three of them went to the field, and soon all the people who were working came. Unexpectedly, they were led by Zhao Liu.

“I’m afraid they are not familiar with the place. Anyway, I’m fine. Bringing them here, I will feel assured! Isn’t Liu Jia coming today? I’ll go back with him at noon!” Zhao Liu smiled.

Naturally, Lian Fang Zhou was grateful. She smiled and thanked him before gathering the people to say a few words about working hard, paying daily wages, and firing people at any time if they were lazy and skidding. Finally, she laughed and explained they would receive lunch every day.

“As long as you help our family work hard, you will not be treated badly for meals! We also will not watch everything, so please be aware!”

Hearing such good news about the food, everyone was stunned, looking at each other with smiles on their faces, their expressions full of doubt.

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Lian Fang Zhou didn’t say much after this, she just smiled and said, “You’ll see at noon. It’s useless for me to say more now! Alright, let’s start the work!”

Everyone laughed, they were all so generous, they would definitely not break their word!

Lian Fang Zhou talked about the arrangements she had discussed with Ah Jian last night.

Twenty people had come to work and they were divided into four groups. First, they would create a fire line of about four to five meters wide along the boundary of the land, which would burn away the weeds on the ground, and the trees would be removed so nothing was left. Then Lian Fang Zhou planned to set a fire on the inside and burn away the rest of the weeds. This would make it much easier to clean up.

Ten others would follow Ah Jian to build the road. Currently, there was only small roads along the outer edge. They would need to be leveled and widened to allow carts to pass and be more convenient in the future.

Zhao Liu has been listening with a smile to Lian Fang Zhou’s arrangement, nodding secretly at her words and actions. With a sharp and neat heart, Miss Lian was very good. And her younger siblings were sensible and obedient, no doubt today would be a great success!

After Lian Fang Zhou’s finished explaining the arrangements, Ah Jian casually picked ten people and smiled at Lian Fang Zhou: “I’ll take them there first. You and Ah Ze stay here to observe! Tell me when you want to go back.”

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Lian Fang Zhou smiled and nodded in agreement.

Twenty people were quickly divided into the four groups and headed in four different directions. Lian Fang Zhou and Zhao Liu smiled and followed Lian Ze to take a look and give some pointers.

Everyone knew the importance of the fire boundary. If a fire started when the edge of wasteland was not properly burned, the owner will naturally not be able to escape and the people who were work on it would be unable to run away, so they will work very hard.

Lian Fang Zhou gave them detailed instructions. Seeing that they were quick and obedient, she was relieved. She greeted everyone and chatted with them about the work, carefully checking their understanding. Then it was almost time, and she was ready to go home.

Zhao Liu had been waiting, and when Lian Fang Zhou came over, he smiled and said, “Are you done? Presumably, Liu Jia is almost here, are you going back to town?”

Lian Fang Zhou smiled and nodded, and said: “Let’s go back together!”

Zhao Liu smiled and they went back while talking about gossip. They greeted Ah Jian on the road and asked him to help look after Lian Ze.

After all, Lian Ze was still young, so if anything happened, he might not be able to suppress it. However, Lian Ze should be able to see whoever is really interested in work, who is stealing and who is acting slippery.

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Lian Fang Zhou didn’t want him to say anything, he just needed to observe people.

Just after turning down the road, they heard someone calling “Miss Lian” behind them. When Lian Fang Zhou turned around, she saw Liu Jia driving the donkey cart and smiling and waving at her, so she stood and waited with Zhao Liu.

Liu Jia stopped the donkey cart and greeted Lian Fang Zhou in the car with a smile, saying, “This much be a coincidence, you two are almost home!”

“Not so!” Lian Fang Zhou and Zhao Liu got into the cart with a smile.

Last time, it had been Master Zhao would had escorted the two officials to measure the land, so everyone was at least acquaintances. They all greeted each other naturally.

Although Lian Fang Zhou was young, she was not small in her demeanor. She was generous and upright, calm-headed, advancing and retreating, and was polite but never weak or bullying. More importantly, she was well off.

Therefore, Master Zhao and the two officials did not dare to look down upon her. They spoke very politely and friendly, not daring to laugh in the slightest disrespect.

When they almost reached the entrance of the village, Liu Jia asked Lian Fang Zhou where her home was and Lian Fang Zhou pointed it out to him.

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