Chapter 131: The Trick is Out

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Lian Fang Qing took a look at the brand-new, neat and tidy cowshed, and smiled happily: “Sister, are we going to buy calves?”

“Yes, I’ll buy some in a few days!” Lian Fang Zhou nodded with a smile.

“Sister, give them to me and Qing’er when the time comes, we two will go herding every day!” Lian Che said hurriedly.

Lian Fang Zhou smiled and said, “Sister will buy two cows, will you be able to handle them? There are donkeys too! I will have to watch you guys later!”

Lian Che and Lian Fang Qing nodded, “Yes, we can do it! Take them up to the mountain, watch them eat grass, and come back in the afternoon!”

“Alright, let’s talk about it then!” Lian Fang Zhou smiled and took the two back to the house.

At noon, she went to deliver lunch as usual, and looked around the work area, very happy in her heart. It seems that it was right to prepare a good lunch. The big men worked very hard, and it seems that today they could hoe the entire thing by themselves.

If this was the case, then there would be no need to hire cattle tomorrow. She should let them know, it would be good to hire them later when the land in San Chakou was ready.

However, the thirty workers were still important. The ground was hoed but the soil chucks were quite large. They needed to be refined and evened out, from one end of the field to the other. This would take another two days.

Lian Fang Zhou watched for a while and suddenly had a good idea. She told Ah Jian, talk to the workers in the afternoon and pay their salary.

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Ah Jian smiled and agreed.

After everyone had lunch, Lian Fang Zhou packed up and went back.

Who would have guessed, less than half an hour after she returned home, she saw Lian Ze rushing in from the outside and hurriedly shouted: “Sister! Sister! It’s not good! Uncle took someone to our field. He told the hired workers stop working and go back first! Said that he didn’t like the work! He also said that this matter will be his charge in the future, and he will arrange it!”

“What!” Lian Fang Zhou’s expression turned to rage, and she said in a deep voice, “He really said that? He took someone there? Who did he take?”

Lian Ze nodded, curled his lips, and said, “Er Gou Zi and his gangsters! Sister, what should I do! After all, Brother Ah Jian is not our family member, and he can’t speak easily about this. What should we do? The workers wanted to work but Er Gou Zi and the others went up to obstruct them and curse them…”

Third Aunt listened too, her face pale in shock, and she paused and said, “God! How is this happening! Fang Zhou, what can we do?”

There was no adult male relative to come forward, the only adult man was not from this family.

Third Aunt was really panicked.

She couldn’t help but glare at Lian Ze, blaming him: “You are a kid too, what’s the use of telling your sister about this kind of thing? Is your sister able to take care of it? Those rascals are something a girl can’t provoke!”

Lian Ze shook a fist and said guiltily: “I know it’s not appropriate, but no one listens to what I say…” After all, he was too young, he was still a half-grown child, who would put him in charge?

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Lian Ze never hated himself more for not growing up as he did today.

“How about…” Lian Ze raised his head and said, “Should I ask Li to be the master?”

“Yes! Yes! Please tell him to come forward, this will be the best solution!” Third Aunt said with joy and clapped her hands.

“No,” Lian Fang Zhou firmly denied, and said: “We can’t look for Li Zheng for everything, or else who else will look at us in the future? Ah Ze, you get on the donkey and immediately go into the city, you go to Uncle Liu and bring him here at once! Hurry up! I’ll be there in a while and delay time with Ah Jian. Don’t worry, no one would dare to do anything with your brother Ah Jian. Even if they do, it won’t be a disadvantage for us!”

Seeing Lian Fang Zhou’s calm look, Lian Ze felt a little calmer. He nodded and said, “I’m going now!” He went straight to the backyard and led out the donkey.

Unfortunately, there was no horse in the village, so he could only ride a donkey.

“Third Aunt,” Lian Fang Zhou looked at the two younger ones who were listening with a solemn expression, and said gravely: “Qing’er and Che’er will be handed over to you, don’t go out today, stay at home, do you understand?”

“Okay!” Third Aunt pulled Lian Fang Qing and Lian Che, and said, “I will close the yard door later!”

“Sister, there will be nothing wrong, right? We will be good and stay home.” Lian Fang Qing and Lian Che were a little worried.

Lian Fang Zhou smiled and said, “Don’t worry! I will be fine.”

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She sat down and slowly calmed her mind, pondering carefully. She had predicted that Lian Ze would go to Shi Touping after arriving in the city, so she wasn’t afraid. She was angry.

Lian Li, who would have expected him to do something like this?

Lian Li and Madam Qiao had returned from Lian Fang Zhou’s home last night. As soon as she had entered the house, Madam Qiao couldn’t help cursing. Lian Li kept his face calm and didn’t speak until later, when he got tired of listening to it. Lian Li frowned and stopped Madam Qiao: “What’s the use of scolding here? If it’s useful to scold her, we wouldn’t be in this situation. Shut your mouth and be quiet!”

Madam Qiao snorted with dissatisfaction, and said: “How can she scold me? How can I have a calm heart after being scolded? You are trying to suffocate me! That shameless little bitch!”

Madam Qiao’s heart moved, and suddenly he said, “Old man, Young Master Su clearly said to let you take care of this. If you have Young Master Su, what are you afraid of her doing? You should come down on them hard!”

“Do you think I haven’t thought of that?” Lian Li sighed, “Could it be that I was asked to snatch it? How am I supposed to snatch it? It’s just two of us. Can we hire someone?”

Qiao snorted: “Even if the money can’t be grabbed, she can’t put the land in her pocket! Can’t you just collect the land first?”

Lian Li couldn’t help but seriously think about what Madam Qiao said.

Yes! In any case, Young Master Su clearly spoke to him, what is he afraid of? He should be the master of those lands!

“Old man, what do you think of my idea?” Seeing that he didn’t speak, Madam Qiao couldn’t help feeling refreshed.

“It’s nothing much,” Lian Li didn’t want to make Madam Qiao too proud. He had already made up his mind, but he didn’t show it at all. He hummed and said lightly, “Let’s try it tomorrow!”

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The couple indeed got together a group, which is what Lian Ze ran back to talk about.

Lian Fang Zhou stayed at home for about half an hour, and then she prepared to go out unhurriedly.



Lian Che and Lian Fang Qing couldn’t help pulling her clothes, both of them were a little worried.

Lian Fang Zhou smiled and patted them on the shoulder.

“This, can you do it? You have to be careful!” Third Aunt was also a little nervous.

Lian Fang Zhou smiled and said, “Don’t worry, nothing will happen! I’m well-measured! You are at home well.”

Lian Fang Zhou said, and went out.

Only when she returned in the evening did she know how lively the house was after she went out.

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