Chapter 151: Commencement (2)

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TN: Sorry the updates are a bit late, the last week has been very busy! I’m uploading five chapters tonight and will upload more tomorrow! Happy winter holidays (or summer, depending!)

Zhang Li Zheng smiled and arched his hands to Lian Fang Zhou and Lian Ze, “Congratulations!” The villagers in the crowd also stepped forward to say a few words.

Lian Fang Zhou and Lian Ze smiled and thanked them one by one.

After this, it was the children’s favorite part. Four workers walked through the crowd, carrying a large plate and offering the varies candies and fruit snacks to everyone. The plate was full of melon seeds, pine nuts, dried dates, dried longans, and cloud cakes.

The children cheered, and the even the adults smiled.

Everyone praised the Lian family for their generosity.

“Fang Zhou is really living a good life!”

“Well, it’s such a large area, just think of how many houses will need to be built to fill it up!”

Lian Fang Zhou and Lian Ze smiled politely and were very friendly to everyone. When they saw that it was time for the construction to start, they excused themselves and left together.

Of course, there were still people who were ‘kind’ enough to mention Lian Fang Zhou’s uncle and aunt.

“Such a big event! Why didn’t you invite your uncle and aunt for such an important occasion? Even if your families have had conflict in the past, isn’t it a little too much not to invite them? Are you not worried others will gossip?”

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Lian Fang Zhou and Lian Ze exchanged glances. Lian Ze was still young and didn’t know how to conceal his thoughts, so he made his face blank and turned away.

Lian Fang Zhou was much better at hiding her disgust and smiled casually at them before walking away with Lian Ze.

Elders? A little too much? Ha, shouldn’t they say that it was that couple who had done a ‘little too much’?

Stealing their food, almost selling her, hiring a gang member and making trouble, letting the criminal insult her, bullying her younger siblings, breaking into her room to steal her land deeds…

At what point did the elder’s actions become ‘a little too much’?

Lian Fang Zhou hated spineless people like this that only knew how to stand around and talk! It was not an exaggeration to call them disgusting!

There seemed to be no shortage of these types of people. No matter what, they were always standing on the commanding heights of morality, reaching down to ‘kindly’ raise up others.

‘People should be kind and let go of the past!’ ‘Be generous, especially to elders!’

They never stopped to think about how they would act if something like that happened to them!

The crowd gradually disappeared and Gu Shi called the workers to start laying down the foundation. Lian Fang Zhou, Lian Ze, Ah Jian, and the others stood to the side to watch. Lian Fang Zhou took the children’s hands and let them home with Third Aunt.

Ah Jian and Lian Ze stayed.

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“Sister, when the house here is completed, let’s go dig fruit trees, okay?” Lian Fang Qing couldn’t help asking again.

The wide piece of land made Lian Fang Qing very happy but also a little worried. She was afraid that it would take a long time to finish building it!

Lian Fang Zhou smiled and said: ” Uncle Gu is leading the workers here, we will only need someone to come and check once a day. If the weather is good in two days, let’s go to Xianteng Mountain!”

If they didn’t go back, these two little ones might not be able to sleep at night!

“Really? Great! Great! Great! The weather has been very good the last few days, it must be good weather in the future!” Lian Fang Qing and Lian Che cheered.

“Look at you two having fun!” Third Aunt gave them a stern look and said: “Don’t be too happy! I heard that Xianteng Mountain is very far away and you’ll have to walk until your legs hurt. When you come back and can’t sleep, don’t cry about it!”

Lian Fang Qing and Lian Che hurriedly promised that they would never cry. As they vowed, they secretly glanced at Lian Fang Zhou, worried that she would be moved by Third Aunt.

Lian Fang Zhou hid her smile, amused.

Back home, Third Aunt quickly boiled the big bones in soup, kneaded the noodles, beat the eggs, and chopped the green onions.

Lian Fang Zhou and her siblings helped her cook and quickly steamed the buns, leaving only the pancakes.

“You go rest, I can do this myself!” Lunch today was only for fourteen or fifteen people, less than half the amount of the previous day, and Third Aunt found it very easy.

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Seeing that she was indeed able to handle the workload, Lian Fang Zhou was not polite, smiled and went to sit in her room.

After lunch was delivered at noon, Lian Fang Zhou didn’t go out. She enjoyed a rare break at home and rested for half a day.

“Tomorrow, let’s go to Shiwan! Ask Ah Jian and second brother if they want to come.” Lian Fang Zhou told Lian Fang Qing and Lian Che with a laugh. “The Shiwan Lin Family orchard is very famous and there are many types of fruit trees for sale. Let’s go and take a look!”

The Shiwan Lin family was very unique in this area. They only grew fruit trees and did not farm.

The family had been growing fruit trees for generations and had about 600-700 acres of full-grown fruit trees and another 10 acres of fields for cultivating the saplings. They sold many fruit trees every year.

Lian Fang Qing and Lian Che were very excited and quickly agreed.

By the time Lian Ze and Ah Jian returned that evening, Lian Fang Qing was bursting to tell them.

Ah Jian smiled, and Lian Ze naturally had no objection.

It was a calm night.

The next morning, the small group drove the donkey cart out of the yard. They stopped at the construction site at the entrance of the village for a few minutes and then headed out for Shiwan.

The foundation had to been done layer by layer and could not be finished overnight, so there was a lot of in-between time.

Lian Fang Zhou instructed Gu Shi to have the workers start building the wall while they waited.

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The Shiwan Lin family was very easy to ask about and they lived in Guolin.

When the donkey cart turned off the main road and started down a slightly smaller road, they soon became surrounded by densely planted fruit trees on both sides. There were peaches, apricots, plums, pears, jujubes, persimmons, and many other types of fruit. Two rows of thorny bushes were planted between the trees and the rows like barbed wire fences, separating the road from the orchard.

There were also many climbing roses planted in with the thorn bushes but since it was still cold, only the leaves could be seen at this time.

But it was very easy to imagine the beautiful picture the flowers would make when they bloomed in the spring!

Whether you walked or took a cart, traveling between the two walls of flowers would be very refreshing.

This Lin family was not bad!

The younger ones had never been the Shiwan Lin family house. Seeing the countless fruit trees on both sides, Lian Fang Qing was very envious and couldn’t help but say, “If only our house had so many fruit trees!”

“We will also have an orchard next year, and there will definitely be bigger ones in the future, right, sister?” Lian Che was obviously shocked by the sight in front of him.

“Right!” Lian Fang Zhou smiled, “We will have some in a few years!”

“Yes, we can’t go wrong with sister! Sister, when I grow up next year, I can work too! I can help sister like second brother!” Lian Fang Qing insisted, determine to contribute so they could have a big orchard faster.

“Okay, you have to grow up quickly, big sister is waiting for you to help!” Lian Fang Zhou said with a smile.

After a while they could hear the faint sound of a dog barking. Ah Jian pulled on the reins and slowed down, saying “It seems that the Lin family’s house is not far.”

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