Chapter 181: Fixed plans

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Who knew when he would remember his past life and experiences?

Lian Fang Zhou sighed softly, unwilling to think about this question again.

Every time, her heart would become a little confused and flustered. She didn’t know if she was looking forward to that moment or wishing that it would take a long time.

Early the next morning, the sky had just started to lighten and, before the rest of the family awoke, Lian Fang Zhou got up.

She had some knowledge of that couple’s temperaments during their previous battles.

Since their uncle had dropped his bomb yesterday, he would definitely come and call on them this morning.

So, of course, she had to make breakfast early and head out to encourage him!

Lian Fang Zhou got out of her bed, leisurely dressed, and gently opened the door just as Ah Jian quietly walked out of the room next to hers.

The two met and smiled at each other.

Perhaps because of their shared goals and secrets, seeing each other, both felt warm, as if they had become closer.

“Why are you awake so early?” Lian Fang Zhou laughed softly.

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Ah Jian said: “How could you work alone? I will help you. It’s cold outside, let me make the fire and boil the water. The charcoal from last night is likely still warm, just add a little more and we can get it going again.”

Lian Fang Zhou’s heart felt warm and she smiled softly, saying tenderly to him : “Alright, I’ll wait.”

Ah Jian smiled and left.

The charcoal in the brazier had been buried in hot ashes when they had gone to bed last night but the fire was ventilated, so it was not extinguished; a thick layer of ash could actually slow the burning speed of the charcoal.

In the morning light, she poked through the ash and found three or four thumb-sized charcoal’s still burning. She added some fresh pieces and coaxed them with a big pu fan. Soon, the brazier was blazing to life.

This was the normal routine of a rural family in winter.

Ah Jian made a fire in the kitchen and put the water on to boil. Lian Fang Zhou rinsed her hands with the hot water and started to make breakfast.

This morning was egg pancakes and a pot of hot soup.

While Lian Fang Zhou started making the dough and rolling it next to the stove, Ah Jian sat in front and tended the fire.

The two talked quietly while they worked, the small kitchen warmed by the fire.

When Third Aunt woke up, most of Lian Fang Zhou’s egg pancakes were already finished.

Third Aunt was very surprised. Seeing the two in the kitchen, her eyes went wide and she patted her chest, saying: “How surprising! And the fire is already going too!”

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Previously, it was Third Aunt’s job to make the fire and cook breakfast.

“Third Aunt,” Ah Jian laughed at her words, saying, “the fire from last night was already going, how could we wait until now?”

Ah Jian did not usually make these kinds of witty remarks but occasionally his words were so neat and accurate, the listener could only choke out a few words.

Seeing Third Aunt’s slightly dumbfounded expression, Lian Fang Zhou couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

Third Aunt laughed in surprise and said, “Look at me so confused! Since you two have already started cooking breakfast, I’m happy to relax! Ah Jian, help me get some hot water, those two little ones will be getting up soon!”

“Okay, the pot of hot water is quite big!” Ah Jian nodded at her words and went out to fetch the basin for the water.

After a while, Qin Feng, Su Zi Ji, Lian Ze and the others all got up and the house became lively.

Qin Feng and Su Zi Ji were very diligent. They went out and cleaned the yard, fed the cattle, and hauled water for the animals. Seeing that the firewood had become low, they took an axe and started to chop more wood as well.

Lian Ze turned around and had nothing to do, so he let the two old hens out to scavenge.

Not long after Lian Fang Qing and Lian Che got up, Lian Fang Zhou finished breakfast and the family sat down to eat together.

When they were finished, Lian Fang Zhou gave them a solemn look. “Don’t get up yet, I have something important to say.”

Except for Ah Jian, everyone looked a little panicked and sat back down in a hurry. Lian Fang Qing’s face was tight and her lips were white.

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Lian Fang Zhou talked about the plan she had created with Ah Jian the night before in detail. After listening to it, their nervous expressions gradually relaxed and their eyebrows and eyes were jumping around eagerly. When she finished, they all nodded and laughed, “We understand!”

Ah Jian said, “This is not a joke. Qing’er, Che’er, you have to know when to take things seriously in your heart, understand?”

“Yes, I understand!”

“I will remind Qing’er!”

The two said together.

“Alright, Sister believes that you all can do this!” Lian Fang Zhou smiled slightly and stroked Lian Fang Qing’s head approvingly.

“Sister, Brother Ah Jian, let’s go now!” Lian Ze said anxiously. He couldn’t help but glance at the door, as if he was afraid that the couple would walk in at any moment.

Lian Fang Zhou gave him a solemn smile and said: “Don’t panic, why would uncle and aunt get up so early? Even if people like uncle were going to receive something good, they wouldn’t get up so early in winter! But since we’ve finished eating, we can go now.”

“I will get the cart ready!” Lian Ze, who still needed a little patience and forbearance, immediately got up and ran out.

“I’ll take a look.” Ah Jian said with a smile, following behind him.

In a short while, the older Lian brother and sister, Ah Jian, Qin Feng, and Su Zi Ji all drove the donkey cart to dig more wild plantains.

“Be good at home!” Lian Fang Zhou couldn’t help but glance at Lian Fang Qing and Lian Che.

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Lian Fang Qing and Lian Che nodded over and over, “Sister, don’t worry!”

Lian Fang Zhou smiled at them and then looked at Ah Jian. He nodded slightly and said: “Let’s go!”

As he spoke, he held the reins in one hand and lightly waved the whip in the other, driving the donkey cart away from the house.

Today, they would dig up more water plantains and plant them around the water source at Shitouping. Because the area was very barren, there weren’t any pre-existing water canals. While they had been clearing the land, the worked had dug a few vertical and horizontal canals according to Lian Fang Zhou’s instructions.

Fortunately, there were a few springs on one side, which she had noticed when buying the land.

Without water, it was impossible to grow crops and they would be completely dependent on the weather. This was not such a big matter for eight or ten acres. If it rained, the harvest might be a little better and if the year was bad, the harvest might be a little smaller. Overall, the impact was small.

However, if it was thousands of acres, there had to be a guaranteed source of water. Just depending on the sky, if the harvest failed, the cost would never be recovered and the loss would be great!

Half an hour after Lian Fang Zhou and her party left, Third Aunt and the two children heard their courtyard door slam from outside and Madam Qiao’s loud shouts.

The three looked at each other: Here it comes!

“Wait for me to go before you open the door, I will go out first! You have to be careful!” Third Aunt glanced at the room and couldn’t help but add, “Don’t let Madam Qiao snatch anything!”

Although the doors were locked, she still felt uneasy.

“Third Aunt, don’t worry! Uncle, at least, would not let her be so shameless again!” Lian Che said.

TN: I like that Third Aunt is really taking her place in the family. Now that she isn’t trying to compete for the ‘head of the house’ position, she is really shining as a caregiver for the two little kids. She’s still a bit silly but its nice that she is now a real part of their family.

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