Chapter 214: Ah Jian’s Home

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Lian Hai understood why she refused and smiled helplessly, looking sorry. He didn’t insist on it and just told them to light a few candles at night and watch carefully.

Lian Fang Zhou smiled and agreed.

It had been a very busy day.

“Why hasn’t Ah Jian come back? I’ll go look for him. It’s so cold outside, its better to stay home and not go out!” Lian Fang Zhou said.

Walking briskly to the river where the cows liked to drink during the week, she saw Ah Jian leaning against a willow tree watching the fallen leaves by the river. His head was slightly raised as he looked ahead, and the wind would blow his hair from time to time. Flying and dancing, the corners of this clothes fluttered like butterflies as the sound of hunting could be heard.

His back looked so sad and lonely.

Lian Fang Zhou looked at the cows grazing on the river bank and slowly approached Ah Jian.

Ah Jian was very skilled. Most days, when anyone, even her, approached him, he would noticed and turn to look at them.

But this time, when Lian Fang Zhou walked up behind him, he did not look back.

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“Ah Jian.” Lian Fang Zhou called softly.

Ah Jian suddenly straightened and turned around. Seeing that she had raised her eyebrows, he smiled and said: “Why are you here? The worship is over?”

Lian Fang Zhou nodded and hummed softly, then said: “You are homesick?”

“Homesick?” Ah Jian looked startled. He rubbed his temples and laughed. “I can’t remember a home to think about!”

After waking up on a riverbank, it had been over half a year and he still could not remember anything. Ah Jian was starting to be a little impatient.

Lian Fang Zhou couldn’t help but feel sad when she saw this. No matter how clever she was, there was nothing she could do about it.

She could only comfort him and although she knew how pale and useless such comfort was sometimes, it was ultimately better than nothing.

“Ah Jian, you will remember, you will definitely remember!” Lian Fang Zhou smiled sightly; her tone gentle. “I just think that its not the right time.”

“Time?” Ah Jian was originally an open-minded person. Since Lian Fang Zhou had come to find him, the sadness and irritability in his heart and lessened a bit. Hearing her words, he couldn’t help but laugh, his deep eyes gleaming. Smiling, he said: “Is there a schedule for this kind of thing?”

“Of course,” Lian Fang Zhou nodded solemnly, “for example, the recurrence of something you remember very deeply, such as what happened before you lost your memory. When this happens, it will stimulate your thoughts! It’s just a pity that we don’t know what these are so we can only wait.”

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Ah Jian tilted his head and thought for a while. “There seems to be some truth in what you’ve said!”

Regardless of whether he was really listening or just pretending to listen, Lian Fang Zhou felt relieved when she heard him. Smiling, she said: “Let’s go back and eat! I feel that you will definitely remember the past! Even if you don’t remember soon, your family will come find you sooner or later and they will help you remember!”

“Perhaps they think I am dead!” Ah Jian sighed, smiling.

“No, no!” Lian Fang Zhou blurted out, feeling anxious and pained.

Ah Jian’s eyes widened, not expecting her reaction. He stared at her for a moment, startled.

An inexplicable feeling rose in her heart, making her feel very uncomfortable. Lian Fang Zhou pressed it down forcibly and smiled: “Go, let’s go back!”

Ah Jian looked back at the shallow, winding stream and said thoughtfully. “What do you think, should I jump into the river and try? When I woke up, I was on the bank of the Yu River in the upper reaches of Shangliu county.”

“What nonsense are you saying?! It’s not good if you want to try it now!” Lian Fang Zhou glared at him angrily, pointing to the unusually clear and cold winter water.

Ah Jian just smiled and herded the cows behind her.

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They did not talk about the rest of the night.

When she got up the next morning, it felt especially, extraordinarily cold, as if she was immersed in cold air. It was the kind of cold that went straight to the bone.

When she opened the door, she noticed a thick layer of frost on the ground and a bunch of small icicles, commonly known as ‘dog teeth’ handing under the eave of the house.

“It turned out to be frost! I thought I was going to freeze to death!” Third Aunt shivered, breathing on her hands as she rubbed them together.

Lian Fang Zhou felt the same way. Exhaling a white cloud of breath, she said: “It’s almost New Years, its not uncommon for it to be cold for a few days. Such a big frost though, I don’t know how many trees will freeze to death!”

Lian Fang Zhou, who had a background in agriculture, understood better than most the dangers of frost to plants. A sudden drop in temperature would cause many crops to wilt and even die. Especially if the weather immediately warmed up again after the frost, which was even more harmful.

Reminded by Lian Fang Zhou, Third Aunt cried ‘oh’ and said: “I don’t know if the vegetables in the garden will be able to stand it, I should go and take a look later.”

Lian Fang Zhou thought of the acres of wildflowers and sighed inwardly.

Previously, that wildflowers had been growing well and were a little over half a foot tall, dense, and very healthy.

When the temperature picked up in the spring, they would grow to almost a foot and would be great fertilizer. In addition, the wildflower fertilizer could also be transported to her other fields as well.

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But after this frost, it was hard to say how many would survive.

Third Aunt hurried to the garden and came back dejected, sighing. “Sure enough! Ah, it hurts, such a pity! We have to finish them quickly! After breakfast, I will take the damaged one and give them to the chicken and cattle.”

“If some are still good, I will send them to the warehouse compound when I get back.” Lian Fang Zhou said hurriedly.

“Yes, yes, why did I forget this! Then we don’t have to spend more money!” Third Aunt slapped her head and laughed.

After breakfast, the sun gradually rose and the Lian siblings went with Third Aunt to the vegetable garden.

Many vegetables were still green but the steams of the leaves had melted like gel and they could not be eaten. They picked these out and pulled out a few more to pack into two baskets to send to the compound.

Lian Fang Zhou went with Lian Ze and Ah Jian and stopped to see how the newly drilled well was doing and whether it had frozen.

And the stumps on Xiaohuaguo Mountain, she didn’t know what had happened to them.

Thinking of it, Lian Fang Zhou felt flustered. It had taken so much effort to get them back!

When the food was delivered to the compound, Madam Li and Zhang Xiu’er came out to take them. Madam Li smiled and said: “It was so frosty when I opened the door this morning! How could Miss, Second Young Master, and Young Master Ah Jian come in person? You should have told us to come and pick it up!”

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