Chapter 218: Snowing

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Lian Fang Zhou did not notice the smile on her lips as she stretched out her hand in the air to catch some. As soon as the thin snowflakes landed on the palm of her hand, the warm heat melted them. In a short amount of time, they had all turned into spots of water.

“It’s snowing! It’s snowing!” Lian Fang Zhou turned and called towards the house.

“It’s snowing?”


The siblings in the main room were all excited and pushed their chairs away from the table eagerly, jumping up and running out. Third Aunt stopped caring about her melon seeds and followed them.

“Yeah, it’s snowing! Great, great!” The siblings clapped their hands and cheered, big smiles on their faces.

At most, there would be one or two snowfalls each year. For some years, there would be barely any. Snow could be said to be a rare event and it was worth looking forward to with excitement.

“Oh, it’s not too small!” Third Aunt gestured excitedly, half-squinting at the sky. She smiled and said: “It looks like it will keep going to tomorrow night!”

Lian Fang Qing cheered when she heard this, thrilled.

For snow, of course the more the better!

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Don’t just talk about snowball fights and snowmen, just stepping on the crisp white snow, step by step, creaking and squeaking, was very fun!

Lian Fang Zhou was also happy in her heart and she smiled softly: “I hope there will be two heavy snowfalls. When the snow melts, our farmland will be blessed this year! Moreover, the pests in the soil will be frozen to death. Oh, and the grass seeds! That will make it easy to clean up in the spring.”

Ah Jian glanced at her, smiling faintly. He shook his head and whispered: “You! Why are you thinking about that now?”

“That’s not it,” Lian Fang Zhou smiled at him: “I’ve just spent so much effort on that land!”

“Big Brother Ah Jian, Big Brother Ah Jian!” Lian Fang Qing and Lian Che suddenly rushed over to pull Ah Jian. They looked up at him and said: “Big Brother Ah Jian, before you said we could go hunting when it snows!”

“Yes, yes! Brother Ah Jian, why don’t we go tomorrow?” Lian Ze’s eyes lit up, glowing with excitement. He couldn’t wait for it to be dawn.

The newly-made iron bows and arrows had not been used yet!

After practicing for so long, he really wanted to try them.

Ah Jian smiled helplessly and looked at Lian Fang Zhou.

Before Lian Fang Zhou could speak, Third Aunt yelled: “No, no way! The icy road will be slippery and the shoes will get wet and cold when you walk on it! What do we need with hunting? Honestly, just stay at home!”

Lian Fang Qing pouted unhappily, aggrieved. Childishly, she said: “Sister, obviously you agreed before, how can you say nothing!”

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Lian Che hurriedly added: “That’s right! Didn’t you also make leather boots? Leather boots won’t get wet!”

“Yes, yes, what third brother said!” Lian Fang Qing immediately supported.

Lian Fang Zhou was too entangled by them, so she looked to Ah Jian to consult him: “Look…”

“We can try, if you are not afraid of the cold—”

Ah Jian hadn’t finished speaking before Lian Fang Qing and the others were hurriedly assuring him that they were not afraid of the ice and snow.

Lian Fang Zhou smiled at them: “If this is the case, then let’s go!”

The little ones clapped their hands and cheered while Third Aunt turned pale. Lian Fang Zhou snorted at her and said: “Don’t worry about it!”

The opportunity was rare and though Lian Fang Zhou herself had some worries, she was the eldest sister, so it was embarrassing to show it. Seeing how happy her younger brothers and sister were, her heart was pleased.

As for Third Aunt, it was fine.

“It’s cold outside, let’s go inside!” Everyone was joking and laughing as the watched the snow until Lian Fang Zhou smiled and herded them back into the house.

The snowfall continued the whole night and when the door was opened the next morning, the ground, the roof, the trees… everything was covered with a blanket of white.

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The heavy snow concealed all the colors and edges, making the whole world look like a uniform, jade-like softness, like it was another world.

Above, the snowflakes were still falling, one after another, and much larger than the ones last night. Flying through the sky like puffs of cotton, they disturbed the line of sight and after walking a few steps, a body would be covered with a thin layer. If there was a gap, they would drill into the neck.

However, there was no one who was disgusted or dissatisfied. Outside the yard, one could hear the happy laughter of children from time to time.

The three Lian siblings put on their thick robes and rushed out the door to join the children playing outside.

“It’s a big snow! We seem to have god’s favor!” Lian Fang Zhou was very happy as she watched the heavy snowflakes increasing in the sky.

Ah Jian squinted his eyes slightly and looked up, smiling: “I’m afraid this snow will not stop until tomorrow!”

“Ah Jian also understands the weather!” Lian Fang Zhou laughed.

“I can’t say it if will be, it’s just a feeling.” Ah Jian answered her with a smile.

The three siblings did not come back for breakfast, only coming home when it was about noon. When they came inside, their shoes and clothes were wet and their bodies were covered with watermarks from the snowflakes. All them had red faces and cold hands.

Third Aunt took their clothes and socks, venting her temper while Lian Fang Zhou smiled and looked the other way. It was rare for children to have such a fun time.

“Sister, can we go into the city and get the boots today?” Lian Ze asked.

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“Tomorrow, we can’t go today!” Lian Fang Zhou said. “Your brother, Ah Jian, said that the snow won’t stop for a while, so it won’t be easy to travel. Don’t worry, we can go later.”

Ah Jian smiled: “It’s better to go one or two days after the snow stops. At that time, the birds and beasts in the mountain will be hungry and even if they don’t like the cold, they will come out to search for food.”

Lian Ze was relieved when he heard this and chatted happily.

As Ah Jian predicted, the snow did not stop until the evening when it started getting dark.

At this time, the layer of snow on the ground was already as high as a person’s calf.

The next day, Ah Jian and the siblings left at noon to go pick up the clothes in the city. Lian Fang Qing and Lian Che had begged to go until Lian Fang Zhou gave in and agreed.

Along the way, the scenery was covered in silver, looking unique and pleasing. Several people, wearing thick hats and big scarfs, were talking and laughing as they walked, very lively.

Though the snow layer was not so high as to hinder traffic, traveling was not as brisk as before and the trip back and forth took twice as long as usual.

On the way back, Lian Fang Zhou stopped at the compound and asked Qin Feng and Su Zi Ji to take the clothes for the workers and distribute them. Then they went home.

Third Aunt was also looking forward to the new clothes. When the group returned, the whole family was very lively as they happily tried them on.

Because of the heavy snowfall, the leather boots were considered with special satisfaction and the children held them in their hands, wishing it would be tomorrow immediately, chatting about plans for their trip.

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