Chapter 291: Brother and sister

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TN: These ten chapters have been extremely fun to translate!

Cui Shao Xi silently approached Lian Fang Zhou and took the initiative to smile at her, saying: “Fang Zhou, what do you think of it? We looked at several places and think that this one is the most suitable. Do you have any opinions? If you think it’s not good, don’t hesitate to say it! That is, that is, there is nothing wrong with stating your opinion!”

Lian Fang Zhou smiled: “When speaking of choosing places, I’m not as good as Young Master Cui and cousin-in-law! It’s better to take a look first. As long as there are mountains and water features, rich terrain that is easy to transform, it’s great. After all, the most important thing will be design and construction!”

Cui Shao Xi smiled: “Fang Zhou’s words are very true! A few words that point straight to the essence of the project!”

Lian Fang Zhou forced a smile, “Young Master cui is praising me too much!” She immediately turned aside and smiled at Fang Qing and her husband, hurrying to match their pace.

Lian Ze and Ah Jian couldn’t help but become a little anxious when they saw Cui Shao Xi approaching her. Lian Ze quickly said, “Brother Ah Jian, let’s go too! My sister likes to discuss everything with you, shouldn’t you go forward and help her look around?”

Startled, Ah Jian glanced at Lian Ze. He smiled at the younger boy’s innocent and sincere eyes and laughed at himself. Smiling, he nodded: “Alright, let’s go!”

The large piece of land was indeed, very good. The mountains were majestically formed, with gentle slopes and stone cliffs. There was even a waterfall and a mountain stream. Although it was not large, it undoubtedly added a lot of elegance to the mountain. In addition, there was a large area of flat land with several streams that fed into a few ponds of different sizes. The ponds could be combined to form lakes after a little excavation and reshaping. They could even add some decorations along the shoreline.

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After looking around for a day, she pointed out some suggestions for future arrangements. After agreeing that it was suitable, the group decided to go with this place without any objections.

The next day, Su Jing He ordered the housekeeper to buy the 1,300 acres and the new owners discussed how they wanted to develop it.

Lian Fang Zhou felt that it was too inconvenient to be suspicious, so she only suggested a few things based on what the others purposed. In any case, she had already given all of her main ideas to Cui Shao Xi before.

As for the specific design, where to build the buildings and gardens, what styles they wanted, where to buy the animals and plants, and who to invite to invest, that was not Lian Fang Zhou’s business.

Cui Shao Xi and Su Jing He decided to invite a famous master designer in a few days to take a look. As for the purchases and investors, the Su family’s businesses stretched all over the southwest and had contacts in every corner, it wasn’t difficult to prepare this.

After three days of detailed discussion, Lian Fang Zhou, Lian Ze, and Ah Jian returned home.

For the three days they had been in the city, Cui Shao Xi had paid special attention to Lian Fang Zhou. When they left, he had been very reluctant to see them go, wanting to take them out of the city personally. It was only under Lian Fang Zhou’s repeated persuasion that he gave up on the idea.

After Lian Fang Zhou and her party left, Su Jing He and Cui Shao Xi finished making arrangements for the various experts they needed to hire, striving to build the garden as quickly as possible.

Neither household was lacking money or manpower. As long as the land was bought, any number of areas could be worked on at the same time. After talking about it, the two men decided that it would be best to complete the work by the Double Ninth festival in autumn. When the weather was cooler, it would be a great time to ride horses through the garden.

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When they finished arranging these things, Su Jing He went to see Fang Qing: It was time to get rid of Fang Hui!

He was willing to do it and Fang Qing was happy to let him. She just smiled and told him to be careful not to ruin the reputation of the two families.

Su Jing He held her face and kissed her mouth, smiling nonchalantly: “Don’t worry, dealing with such a stupid and spoiled woman is a piece of cake for your husband!”

Fang Qing agreed.

Fang Hui had long been tricked by Fang Yao and Liu Rong. That day, they had gone shopping for a long time on the street and she had bought a lot of clothes, make-up, and accessories. When she had finally tired herself out, she asked Liu Rong to send her back to the Su Manor.

Liu Rong had only said that she needed to go back and tell Fang Yao first. As soon as she brought her sister-in-law inside, she had immediately handed her over to her brother.

At first, Fang Hui had wanted to say goodbye and leave but who knew that Fang Yao’s face would sink and he would refuse to let her go, ordering her to peacefully stay inside his house for a few days before going home honestly. Don’t think that no one knew her plan!

Fang Hui was shocked, angry, and ashamed when she heard this, immediately screaming and cursing Fang Yao!

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Fang Yao watched her coldly before saying icily: “Look at yourself, you look like a shrew! And you dare to try and climb on someone like your brother-in-law? The neighbor’s girl is more decent than you! I think your brain has died! Alright, go home honestly and have our parents find someone for you to marry. If this happens again, you will be the one to suffer.”

His sister was so furious, she rushed to scratch his face but was coldly pushed away. When Fang Yao left, he locked the door behind him.

Fang Hui rushed to the door but was unable to escape. It took her three days to stop.

Seeing that she had finally stopped crying, Fang Yao persuaded her patiently but Fang Hui only hung her head and didn’t speak a word. Now that she was calmer, Fang Yao relaxed his vigilance, telling her that he would send her home the next day.

Who would have expected that, as soon as he sent her on her way, she would secretly run away.

Desperately, Fang Yao looked all over for her but was ultimately unable to find her. He quickly hurried to the Su Manor to report to Fang Qing.

After all, no matter how unbearable Fang Hui was, she was still his sister and still a young girl lost in an unfamiliar city. If something happened to her, wouldn’t he regret it to death?

Sneering in her heart, Fang Qing comforted Fang Yao with a few words and ordered him to go back, promising that Fang Hui would be fine.

Given the influence of the Fang family in Shuangliu county, it was not difficult to find people.

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More importantly, did Fang Hui need people to find her? No need at all!

If she refused to go back with Fang Yao than she was definitely planning on returning to the Su Manor!

Sure enough, less than an hour after Fang Yao left, a maid came to report: Her half-sister had arrived.

Fang Qing sneered and ordered her to be let in.

As soon as Fang Hui came in, she looked at Fang Qing as if she had seen her closest relative. She cried and called ‘sister’, almost throwing herself into Fang Qing’s arms. She wept loudly: “Sister, you have to get justice for me!”

Fang Qing was so disgusted, the corners of her mouth were pulled back in a mocking smile. Get justice for her? More like help her seduce her husband!

“Why are you crying?” Fang Qing frowned, saying impatiently: “Ah Yao sent someone to tell me a few days ago that he brought you over to stay with them. He’s your own brother, how could it be possible for him to mistreat you? What does it mean to cry like this? What will people think when they see you?”

Fang Hui was startled, she hadn’t expected Fang Qing to say this. Furious at her sister’s ruthlessness, she turned pale and stopped crying, wiping her tears while she quietly sobbed.

TN: Oh yes, no one would have expected her to escape the moment she was outside, very unexpected.

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