Chapter 310: Lian Hai’s reaction

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Sun Zhang Xing and Madam Sun looked at each other, dumbfounded.

“You child!” Madam Sun cried, “What’s the matter with you, what are you going to do?”

Madam Sun was actually crying, very sad. She never imagined that the one her son would want to marry would be Lian Fang Zhou. Although Lian Fang Zhou was very good, she would always feel awkward if she was her daughter-in-law. Not to mention, there was a little jealousy and fear in her heart, not that she would admit it.

“Ah Ming,” Sun Zhang Xing finally said with difficulty, “this matter… let’s talk about it later! Wait, wait until you are promoted, it won’t be too late!”

After he was elected, who knew how many people would be rushing to marry him. There would be many gentle and graceful ladies to choose from, he didn’t think his son would still be stubborn then!

“Our marriage will naturally come later,” Sun Ming said, “but now I just want to reassure Fang Zhou, so its better to discuss it with her in private!”

“…” Sun Zhang Xing lamented in his heart: I didn’t mean it like that!

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“Father, Mother! This child’s heart is determined, please make your child’s life perfect!” Sun Ming said, kneeling down: “Fang Zhou is a good girl, if I can marry her as my wife, it would be a blessing for this child! You have loved your child since I was small, this will hurt me!”

“What are you doing! Get up!” His parents were anxious and distressed, hurriedly going to pull Sun Ming up.

Although their family was poor, from childhood until now, Sun Zhang Xing and Madam Sun had tried their best to give Sun Ming the best they could and Sun Ming was very sensible. He had never made any demands on his parents. This could be said to be the first time he had ever asked his parents for anything.

However, this was a big deal.

The two of the didn’t know how to reject their son at all. When they saw him kneeling down, they panicked, finally understanding his determination!

Despite trying, neither of them could pull him up or persuade him. Finally, his father grit his teeth and nodded.

“This child thanks you, Father and Mother, for your help!” Sun Ming got up happily.

Madam Sun looked at her son silently and couldn’t help but shed a few tears again, thinking sourly in her heart: The daughter-in-law hasn’t even entered the door and her son was already treating her like this, her status as his mother had already gone backward…

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Sun Zhang Xing sighed secretly: Ah well, this was nothing. If Ah Ming was really happy, then he was satisfied. After all, Miss Lian was actually very good. Although she had a bit of an aggressive temperament, she wasn’t unreasonable…


Back at the Lian house, after everyone had left, Lian Li and Madam Qiao were still immersed in excitement. Madam Qiao was so happy, she couldn’t stop laughing.

The couple had rushed to ask Lian Hai questions about before and after the exam, enjoying his answers.

Finally, Lian Li felt that, as the head of the family, he was obvious more dignified than the brainless woman beside him. He wanted to talk to his son alone so he coughed and called to Madam Qiao, “Okay, let’s talk about it later tonight. So many people came over, look how dirty the ground is and how messy the benches are. Why don’t you clean up? Also, take a look at what dishes to serve tonight, we have to make it good for our son.”

Madam Qiao stood up reluctantly and rubbed her waist, looking at the mess on the ground. She couldn’t help but mutter: “I say, those people were so full of praise, why are they so dirty? It’s just coming and going, but they don’t even pick up a stool, this is so exhausting!”

After a pause, her eyes lit up and she said: “That dead girl has so many people who are idle! I’m so busy these days, I might as well call over two workers to help with the work! Ah Hai, go now and talk to her! Oh, I almost forgot, there is also the money! That damn girl promised to give us sixty taels, you just have to go over and get them!”

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Lian Li didn’t have much to say about the first comment but hearing the second half, he was speechless. It was just a pity that he didn’t have time to react before Madam Qiao had already said everything!

This lady was so stupid! Their son had only just arrived home and her big mouth already couldn’t wait to speak too much!

Sure enough, after hearing these words, Lian Hai immediately said: “Mother, don’t go over! Fang Zhou has always been sensible, since she knows we need some help with the banquet, she will take the initiative to mention it! You want me to go ask for sixty taels? How can this be possible?”

Seeing that her son did not object to letting Lian Fang Zhou’s servants come over to help, Madam Qiao’s confidence immediately rose. Feeling excited about how she had ‘handled’ Lian Fang Zhou until she couldn’t argue back, promising to give them sixty taels, she quickly urged her son to go over again.

Lian Hai’s face became very ugly.

He couldn’t help but glance at his father. The look of hesitation in his father’s eyes made me realize that was his mother said was true!

“Mother!” Lian Hai suddenly stood up, frowning: “What are you doing? Can you stop making trouble for two days? What ‘dead girl’ this and ‘dead girl’ that? Stop saying that! Fang Zhou is your niece! Anyways, you don’t feed her or cloth her? You don’t support her, why do you hate her so much?! Do you want outsiders to know and say that not only are you not like an elder, you are a bully? Why bother so much?”

“You, you—” Madam Qiao had not expected that her son would suddenly scold her. Stunned, her face flushed, and she started at him speechlessly, her eyes wide.

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Lian Hai sighed, “Don’t think about sixty taels, I won’t ask for it and you are not allowed to ask! You are not allowed to mention this matter again! It’s not like you can’t take a little for the banquet but five or six silver coins is enough! How could you ask anyone for sixty taels? If this matter spread, our family would be pierced to death! Not to mention ruining your own reputation, what about mine? I will be said to have bullied my orphaned cousins and stolen their money! Does this sound good?”

Madam Qiao, who had originally felt aggrieved and full of anger, was startled when she heard this. “What, no, we didn’t steal it! She was willing to take it out, how can you blame me! Hmph, so that girl is bullied even if she’s willing?”

Lian Hai sneered: “Who would believe you? If the same thing happened in another family’s house, would you believe it?”

Madam Qiao opened her mouth but was unable to speak.

Indeed, no villager would believe that the banquet cost sixty taels! That was enough for a family of five or six to live on for three years and still have some left over! No one would be foolish enough to take the initiative to just that much money to someone else!

Not to mention to someone that had a history of being unkind to their family…

Madam Qiao looked uncomfortable and hummed: “How could it be the same? She’s like a rich man now, in charge of so much land and with so many people working under her! Ha, isn’t it only sixty taels of silver? What’s the matter, this is like a leak between her fingers! It’s not like I asked her for six hundred or six thousand taels!”

TN: Yeah, I really don’t like Lian Hai. He’s smarter than his parents but I don’t think he’s any less small minded.

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