Chapter 333: Catch them in the act

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The four men stood in front of the carriages, eyes bright as if they couldn’t contain their greedy expressions. Ha Ma rubbed his hands together in excitement and slapped his thigh, saying in a low voice: “So much oil, we could sell it for a lot of money…”

This voice was neither light nor heavy, just loud enough for Zhao San to hear it.

Zhao San turned his head to stare at Ha Ma.

Ha Ma smiled awkwardly and hurriedly said: “Just kidding! Just kidding! I was just talking about it, just talking!”

Er Gou Zi quickly laughed as well: “Yes, right, right! Where would we have such courage? He, he just has a cheap mouth, hehe!”

Lei Zi jumped in and smiled widely: “Yes! If there is nothing else, let’s go first!”

“Wait!” Zhao San shouted, smiling suspiciously: “I haven’t asked the young lady for instructions. You four wait here, I will go and talk to her about it.”

Er Lian grabbed Zhao San as he was about to leave and pulled him to the side, laughing quietly: “Then, Brother Zhao, you can give us the deposit first, right? It’s okay, just between us brothers, right? Money is a bit tight right now, you know.”

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Zhao San’s smile had a slight sarcastic look to it and contempt flashed in his eyes as he thought: you lascivious rouges, when is money not tight for you?

Impatient, he said: “What are you anxious for? After tonight, you will get your two hundred taels! Can you not wait for one day? Besides, I already gave each of you some money yesterday, remember?”

The contempt and ridicule on Zhao San’s face failed to escape Er Liang’s eyes, making the gangster furious. However, he laughed and said: “Alright but can’t you give me some now? Maybe five or six each?”

“No more!” Zhao San shook his head, frowning: “Why are you hounding me like a mother-in-law? You will meet me at dawn tomorrow and get your two hundred taels, it’s a lot of money for you! Don’t talk so much, it’s important to get things done properly!”

After speaking, he went back into the Zhao manor.

Er Liang watched his back, eyes heavy. He sneered.

Now he completely believed Lian Fang Zhou’s words.

Inside, Zhao San hurriedly reported to Zhao Ru Jun: “Miss, a criminal is a criminal. That character is simply no good! In front of this slave, he actually opened his mouth and wanted to sell our oil for money! Right in front of this slave! Why don’t we send a few people to follow them?”

Zhao Ru Jun looked down at him and frowned slightly: “They are so bold?” She thought for a moment and then nodded. “That is fine, you can transport the oil directly to the fields and help them pour the oil after dark. Just leave them to ignite it after you are gone. Take a few people but be careful and move quickly.”

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She had finally found such suitable people and made such a perfect plan, she can’t let it be ruined by a few greedy gangsters!

Zhao Ru Jun felt that what Zhao San said was true. After all, how many of those poor, low born criminals have morals? If she really let them sell some of the oil behind her back, what would she do if the fire was not violent enough?

The more critical the time, the less an error could be afforded!

Zhao San accepted Young Lady Zhao’s words and went out to make arrangements. He ordered a few people to drive the two carriages back into the manor, saying that his Miss sympathized with the four gangsters and would have her own people deliver the oil at night, they only needed to arrive at the fields at that time.

Er Lian and the others were naturally disappointed, repeatedly saying that it would be more convenient to transport the oil now, but where would Zhao San believe them? He knew they had bad thoughts in their hearts and drove them away without any discussion!

Finally, the four men left. When Zhao San could no longer see them, the four men’s faces became very ugly.

“Does he take us for dogs? Why doesn’t he pee on the ground and get a good look at himself!” Ha Ma cursed.

Er Gou Zi also sneered: “He is also a dog for Zhao Ru Jun! Loyal and pitiful! He doesn’t know he was sold clean by his master!”

The four looked at each other, feeling a little unwilling. Zhao Ru Jun’s thoughts were clearly picked apart by Miss Lian but without her, it was impossible to realize it. In other words, Zhao San, that dog, would never know he had been abandoned by his master. However, wasn’t it uncomfortable to continue letting him be so pretentious and snobbish?

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“Forget it! Don’t have any extra thoughts! Hmph, under the hands of Zhao Ru Jun, his end will not be a good one! Let’s go back first.” Er Liang said.

The other three agreed and all left together.

That night, two horse carriages quietly drove out of the Zhao manor and out of the city, slowly heading towards Dafang village.

Inside each carriage was three servants with six large barrels of oil.

In less than an hour, the two carriages arrives at the cotton fields in Shanchakou and Shitouping respectively. They easy avoided the patrolling guards and dogs and at no point did they have the slightest doubt that something was wrong. They were so complacent, it was like they were asking to die!

Zhao San took the three servants to park the carriage quietly on the side of the Shitouping fields and met Er Liang and Er Gou Zi. Together, they carried the oil to the southeast.

Here, the wind was blowing towards the cotton fields, so the ignition was naturally the best.

“Let’s do it! Pour the oil farther out, cover more places!” Zhao San ordered as the other people silently poured out the oil.

Just as it was about to splash vigorously, bright lights suddenly flared and a lone female voice demanded: “What are you doing!”

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One servant jumped and the oil barrel he was carrying fell to the ground with a bang. The oil burst out all over the ground. The other two froze. Only Zhao San, who had quickly come to his senses after a moment of surprise, ran towards the dense cotton fields.

Before he could take two steps, he fell to the ground with a scream as two of Lian Fang Zhou’s servants tackled him.

The other three Zhao servants also ended up this way.

Zhao San stared at Er Liang and Er Gou Zi bitterly, cursing: “You two bastards are so courageous! Our lady will not let you off, just wait and see!”

Lian Ze slapped Zhao San with his hand: “You won’t see anything after you die!”

Zhao San’s face burst with pain but he ignored it, sneering at Lian Fang Zhou: “It’s not necessarily me who is going to die! If you understand, let go of this uncle, otherwise this uncle will never spare you in the future! Hmph, Lian Fang Zhou, who do you think you are? Offending my lady like this, you’re really courting your own death!”

“Your lady?” Lian Fang Zhou raised her eyebrows and said coldly: “So it was your lady who asked you to burn my cotton fields?”

At this time, Zhao San had been completely captured by Lian Fang Zhou’s people. It was impossible to hide it from her so he could only try to intimidate her into retreating, making a big deal out of it.

TN: Zhao San continues to be the world’s biggest human pimple.

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