Chapter 365: Throbbing (TN: as a romance novel reader, this made me laugh so hard)

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How could Ah Jian not understand what she meant? His eyes solemn and a little gloomy, he nodded gently: “I understand.”

“Alright!” Lian Fang Zhou’s heart jumped wildly twice, filled with a strange excitement. There was even a tiny bit of looking forward to tomorrow.

Ah Jian’s face was still calm and there seemed to be nothing wrong with his expression. He paused for a moment and then said: “Tomorrow, let’s go together. Ah Ze should no go.”

Pushing down the throbbing in her heart, Lian Fang Zhou hurried to agree: “That’s exactly what I thought. It’s best if Ah Ze not go tomorrow.”

If Lian Ze also went, she didn’t know how awkward it would be! In front of her brother, how could she put on such a show?

That night, Lian Fang Zhou tossed over and over again. How could she sleep well? By the time dawn started to show, she finally gave into her tired head and dozed off. She only slept for a moment but when she opened her eyes, she found the sky was already bright! Feeling a little excited, she turned over and quickly sat up.

Thinking about it, she couldn’t help but sigh softly.

On the other side, Lian Fang Qing heard her movements and sat up. She blinked at her sister with big black eyes, full of curiousity.

Seeing her clear and bright eyes, Lian Fang Zhou hurriedly smiled and said guiltily: “Why are you looking at me?”

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“Hm?” Lian Fang Qing scratched her head and furrowed her little brow. Tilting her head to the side for a moment, she said seriously: “I think Sister seems a little different than usual?”

Startled, Lian Fang Zhou was now not only guilty but also embarrassed! This girl, really! What a thing for someone to say!

“Nonsense!” She muttered. “Where is there a difference? Your sister hasn’t grown a flower on her face!” Stretching out a hand, Lian Fang Zhou squeezed the baby fat on her sister’s cheeks and smiled: “Get up!”

Lian Fang Qing clapped her hands and laughed: “Ahhhh!” She cried, “I just feel that, though my sister didn’t grow a flower on her face, she still looks good today!”

“…” Lian Fang Zhou didn’t know what to say to this. Her cheeks were uncontrollably hot and flushed.

Seeing this, Lian Fang Qing gave her a funny look: “Don’t worry, you don’t need to tell me to rush! Your little sister still needs to tend the garden and my chickens are waiting to be fed!”

It was very clear that Lian Fang Qing still enjoyed her work. Recently the hens had begun to lay eggs, one after another, and she was very happy. Thinking of her chickens, Lian Fang Qing’s eyes lit up and she no longer had any thoughts for flowers growing on her sister’s face. She called out happily and quickly left.

When he heard that he wasn’t going to Shuangliu County with his sister and Ah Jian, Lian Ze did not feel that there was anything wrong with it. What kind of person was his sister? What kind of person was Ah Jian? He didn’t think they would be up to anything, so what was wrong with the two of them going out alone? In fact, he didn’t even consider it at all!

At this time, his heart was more concerned with his sense of responsibility. Solemnly, he said to them: “Sister, Ah Jian, don’t worry! I will go and carefully inspect the cotton fields every day and guard it fiercely! There will be nothing for anyone to take advantage of!”

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“Okay, we will leave the house to you!” Lian Fang Zhou said, smiling with satisfaction. “If you have any trouble, remember to discuss it with Steward Su and Steward Qin!”

Her brother smiled. “Don’t worry!” He called as they left.


As usual, they rode to the county capital and hired a carriage to take them to Shuangliu county.

In order to stimulate Cui Shao Xi, Lian Fang Zhou specifically dressed up and was wearing a delicate, lilac-colored pleated skirt embroidered with wisteria flowers along the hem and a light green pleated shirt. Her hair was pulled into two hanging buns on each side with a pair of beautiful silk begonia flowers and a gold hairpin studded with pearls. She had also put on some light makeup, making her lips seem especially red against her white skin, bright and beautiful. Ah Jian could not stop looking at her, seeming lost in thought.

She usually wore only the simplest clothing and decorations. Even her bun was usually very simple, with only a silver hairpin to hold it and she had never worn makeup before. This was the first time her family had seen her so dressed up. Her siblings had not stopped called out “My sister is so beautiful!” when they saw her.

Third Aunt had looked her up and down three times in surprise and had even approached her quietly and said: “Did you cousin find you someone? Good girl, are you going on a blind date today? Ah, that boy must know at least someone good! Fang Zhou, it is good you dressed like this! Tsk tsk, it’s really beautiful, you must conquer that person quickly…”

Her words were so loud that Lian Fang Zhou hadn’t finished listening and quickly pushed Third Aunt away.

The carriage was brisk and they soon arrived outside Shuangliu county. As they drew closer, the outside became very noisy, and they could hear the various sounds coming from the city.

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The closer to the city they became, the faster Lian Fang Zhou’s heartbeat sped up. She couldn’t help tightening her palms as she looked up at Ah Jian.

Feeling her gaze, Ah Jian raised his head to meet her eyes and smiled slightly.

Immediately, her heart loosened and she smiled, feeling relieved. However, her heart was still thumping and her face was a little hot.

“You…” Ah Jian paused. “Don’t be nervous.” However, though his face seemed calm, he was actually also uneasy in his heart. When he thought of facing Cui Shao Xi, the strange and inexplicable feeling in his heart became arrogant and unruly. In truth, his mind was a little messy!

“Alright!” Lian Fang Zhou nodded reluctantly. Inwardly, she was cursing herself. She was so useless! Wasn’t it just acting? She wasn’t a native woman to this ancient era, what was the big deal? How could she be so nervous? It was so embarrassing!

Perhaps… it was because the person she was acting with was Ah Jian…

As soon as she thought this, Lian Fang Zhou could feel her cheeks heat up again! She made a decisive conclusion: it was because everyone was too familiar! That’s why it was embarrassing!

However, even if it was acting in front of strangers, Lian Fang Zhou didn’t want to imagine it!

The two were lost in their own thoughts, completely in a mess, when the coachman called out politely: “Young man, Miss, we have arrived!”

Quickly returning to their senses, they saw that the carriage had indeed stopped.

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They looked at each other and then looked away. Lian Fang Zhou moved her lips but found that she couldn’t say a word. She wanted to get up, but her arms and legs felt stiff!

She really was useless!

How could Ah Jian know what Lian Fang Zhou was thinking? Afraid that she would laugh at him, he quickly adjusted his breathing several times until he looked calm inside and out. Squeezing out a smile, he whispered: “Let’s go!”

“Hm…” Lian Fang Zhou nodded reluctantly, palms sweaty. She was still yelling at herself for being useless.

When Ah Jian stepped out of the carriage, Lian Fang Zhou forced herself to relax by taking several deep breaths and pressing her chest over her beating heart. Slowly, she stood up.

Lifting the curtain, she picked up her skirt and bent over to step down from the carriage. Ah Jian hesitated for a moment, glanced at the smiling driver, and stretched out his hand for Lian Fang Zhou—

TN: Ah, the traditional “I have a boyfriend” tactic. I don’t know how well this is going to go, considering how competitive CSX is!

I’m not sure what the author was going for, but this is what I was picturing for her hairstyle:

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