Chapter 372: You guys are acting, right?

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Although she and Ah Jian were only acting, at this moment, when he appeared to see her alone with Cui Shao Xi and heard what he said to her, Lian Fang Zhou actually felt a little guilty!

“I—” She instinctively opened her mouth to explain.

Ah Jian stopped at her side and took her hand, saying softly: “You don’t have to explain, I know everything.”

Her heart loosened inside her chest and she smiled, nodding gently.

When Cui Shao Xi saw this, fire almost burst from his eyes. Suddenly, he sneered: “Fang Zhou, you don’t need to act out this play in front of me! Are you trying to fool the world or just me?”

Startled out of her thoughts, Lian Fang Zhou stared at him, her face calm despite the feeling of loss in her heart. There was clearly no flaw, how did he figure it out?

Ah Jian raised his eyebrow and said: “Young Master Cui is laughing but how can you act like this? Isn’t this wronging Fang Zhou?”

Ah Jian’s words were so incredible serious, so serious that even Lian Fang Zhou couldn’t help but be shocked.

However, Cui Shao Xi only sneered, not believing him.

In response, Ah Jian simply hooked his long arm around Lian Fang Zhou’s waist and hugged her tightly. Ignoring Lian Fang Zhou’s squeak of surprise, he lowered his head and kissed her on the cheek.

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When his cool lips touched her cheek, Lian Fang Zhou felt like her entire face was on fire. Her body was trembling like an electric shock and there was a strange tingling feeling in her heart. Her first instinct was to push him away but she was so daze, she only stood there!

Her skin was delicate and it felt very good to touch. After he kissed her, the faint fragrance unique to young ladies drifted to his nose. Ah Jian’s heart felt hot and he had to restrain himself from kissing her more fiercely. Pressing his lips together, he gave her another delicate kiss.

It would be too much to keep kissing her in front of Cui Shao Xi but it didn’t hurt to keep embracing her. With her soft and petite body lying in his arms, Ah Jian’s heart was throbbing, and his head felt dizzy.

He had wanted to do this for so long and now he knew that it was as amazing has he had always imagined.

“You!” Cui Shao Xi shouted angrily, stretching out a hand to pull her away from Ah Jian. “Let go of her!”

How could here be such a shameless person! How dare he!

Was he really treating him like a dead person, acting so frivolously in front of him!?

Cui Shao Xi was really furious.

It was just that his strength was far worse than Ah Jian’s and when he reached out, Ah Jian simply moved Lian Fang Zhou to one hand and easily blocked Cui Shao Xi’s hand with the other, making him unable to separate them at all.

“Young Master Cui, you are not qualified to order me to let go of my fiancée, let alone take her from me!” Ah Jian said coldly. “If you do this again, I will be forced to act!”

Cui Shao Xi barred his teeth at him in an angry smile: “What do you have other than a few pounds of strength? You are not worthy of Fang Zhou!”

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“That doesn’t concern you.” Ah Jian said, unbothered by his attack. He raised his eyebrows and said lightly: “Fang Zhou chose me.”

“Impossible! You only took advantage of her when she was in danger!”

“It’s not up to you to decide!”

“Stop fighting!” Lian Fang Zhou’s head was throbbing. It felt like these two would fight until she died.

She pulled away from the hand Ah Jian had on her waist and took two steps back. Seeing this, Cui Shao Xi hummed heavily and pulled his hand back, giving Ah Jian an intense look.

“Young Master Cui, please have some respect for yourself!” Her voice was not only ice cold, it also had a thread of anger.

How could this be happening? It was ridiculous!

“Fang Zhou…” Cui Shao Xi’s eyes were full of hurt. Lian Fang Zhou was scolding him in front of Ah Jian, which made him feel unspeakably sad.

There was still no expression of Lian Fang Zhou’s face. Without another word, she turned and walked away.

Ah Jian called out to her and quickly followed.

In a blink of an eye, the two disappeared from sight.

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Cui Shao Xi wanted to also follow but his feet seemed to be filled with lead and he couldn’t move a step.

Leaning weakly against the wall, he looked up at the sky and smiled sadly. He raised a hand and pressed it over his heart. It beat intensely under his fingers.

“I won’t give up, Fang Zhou,” he promised softly, “I will show you my sincerity…” Obviously words would not be enough, he needed to show his determination!


Ah Jian caught up with Lian Fang Zhou in a few steps and the two walked together down another path.

Lian Fang Zhou knew that he was following behind her but she didn’t know what to say. To avoid it, she kept walking until a hand took her wrist from behind.

“Fang Zhou…” he called and she had to stop.

Slowly, she looked back at him.

“You… are you angry?” Ah Jian asked hesitantly, glancing at her.

She blushed. Pausing for a moment, she shook her head and said gently: “I’m not angry with you. I know…” She hesitated. “I know that was part of the act and we needed to make him believe us. It’s strange, how is he so sure we are acting?”

She raised her head and looked at him suspiciously, as if waiting for him to solve her doubts. Cui Shao Xi seemed to have figured it out before their… conversation, so the blame couldn’t be left to Ah Jian. That had really been too embarrassing!

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Thinking of it, Lian Fang Zhou’s face was still burning and her heart was beating fiercely. How could Ah Jian… she sighed.

Who knew, maybe what lay ahead would be even more embarrassing.

Ah Jian didn’t cooperate at all. Instead of answering, he held her hand firmly in his palm. Treating her seriously, he said: “I’m not acting!”

Lian Fang Zhou stared at him, shocked.

His eyes were like deep pools of surging waves and his angular face was solemn. Without missing a beat, he repeated: “I am not acting.”

She opened her mouth but without giving her a chance to speak, he add: “I thought you knew my heart and I thought I knew your heart.”

Stunned, Lian Fang Zhou felt her eyes turn sour and her mouth tasted bitter. Slowly, it spread, becoming thicker and thicker.

“Ah Jian.” She said finally, her voice trembling as she held back tears. “No, no we can’t…”

“Why?” Ah Jian shook her hand tightly, stubborn: “You obviously—”

“Ah Jian!” She cried again, her voice cruel, “One day you will recover your memories! Maybe tomorrow, maybe a year from now, or maybe not in this lifetime, but no one can predict it! Ah Jian, if you remember your past, how will you and I go on? How will your wife and children and parents go on? If we don’t have such a fate, we can’t force it! In fact, its good like this, I’m very grateful! I’m very, sincerely, really grateful!”

Ah Jian stared at her, taken aback. After a moment, he said slowly: “This… this is what you have been worrying about?”

TN: You tell her, Ah Jian!

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