Chapter 375: Delight

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He was like a child with a new toy. He squeezed her waist for a while, shook her hand for a while, played with her hair for a while. He would play with her fingers one by one and occasionally lean down to gently kiss her forehead. He would even get close to her and sniff her slightly…

In short, it was great fun! How fun to play!

At first, Lian Fang Zhou was delighted with his intimacy and pretended not to notice but gradually, even she couldn’t keep pretending. Suddenly opening her eyes, she gave him a calm and gentle stare.

Ah Jian, who was just raising her hand to kiss her fingers again, raised his eyebrows and smiled at her. He did not look like someone with a guilty conscious getting caught in the act. Instead, he shook her hand softly and sighed, smiling at her. “Your hands are so small and soft!” he said.

She opened her mouth and replied: “I am a woman.”

He hummed: “You are my woman.”


Lian Fang Zhou’s face went up in flames and she was forced to evade his gaze out of embarrassed defeat.

In the face of his low, cheerful laughter, she really couldn’t win!

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It turned out that, even though they had lived together for so long under the same roof, she really didn’t know him at all!

This was a rare example of her missing an important detail.

Seeing her embarrassment, Ah Jian smiled softly and said: “You and I are planning to get married; we should be the closest people in the world! It’s just the two of us, why are you so nervous?

Then he magnanimously added: “I won’t laugh at you!”

Lian Fang Zhou opened her mouth for a moment. Offended, she muttered: “Who said I was afraid of you laughing at me?”

His words really annoyed her! Was this the main point? Listen to him, his IQ was really hitting the lower limits!

She listened to him laugh for a moment and then said softly: “Ah Jian… our relationship… let’s not tell others yet, okay?”

Ah Jian thought about it for a moment and then nodded. “This is good. You still haven’t finished your filial piety towards your parents. If our matter became public, it could hinder your reputation. I would also not be allowed to be near you. I don’t want to leave you alone at all now.”

Truthfully, Lian Fang Zhou felt the same way, but she still felt a little embarrassed hearing him say it so bluntly. Blushing, she made a light ‘peh’ sound.

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Ah Jian didn’t care at all, he said what he wanted to say and his skin was thick enough. The gentle smile on his face had never left, its unabashed joy exposed to all who saw him.

Seeing him, Lian Fang Zhou shook her head inwardly. Her heart felt amused and sweet at the same time. Was this a taste of what being in love was like? Since she had met him, he had always been so calm and steady, preferring not to talk too much. If she hadn’t seen him now, she would have never dreamed he’d have such a silly side.

If they were dated to stay together for a lifetime, their time would definitely not be boring and monotonous! It was only…

Well, whatever! She could cross that bridge when she came to it. Why bother to think of problems before they arrived?

In an instant, Lian Fang Zhou pushed away her useless thoughts and focused on talking and laughing with Ah Jian.


When they arrived at Yuhe county, they quickly stepped out of the carriage so the driver could return home. They hired another cart and headed towards Dafang village.

As they were traveling, they suddenly heard someone shouting: “Miss Lian! Brother Ah Jian!”

Stopping, they turned around and found that it was their old acquaintance, Liu Jia. They smiled and greeted him.

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“It’s lucky that I’ve run into Miss Lian here!” Liu Jia smiled, “Didn’t Miss Lian ask me if there were any suitable shops for one person? It just so happens that one has become available on Sifang street, which is quite good. Would Miss Lian like to go see it?

“That’s great! If it’s convenient, let’s go take a look!” Lian Fang Zhou was very excited. In the future, there would be the fruit from her orchards as well as her cotton, eggs, and chickens that would need to be sold. It would be best if they had a fixed placed in the city.

Of course, she would never turn her store into a general goods store, it would mainly be for her cotton. As for the other produce, it would be a place to negotiate business not a retail and wholesale.

The hens in the orchard had all started laying and in one day, they could collect four to five hundred eggs. After a few more months, they would only start laying more. They would need to be sold quickly!

“Of course, I have no problem with this!” Liu Jia raised his hand and led Ah Jian and Lian Fang Zhou to inspect the shop.

As they walked, Liu Jia looked over and asked casually: “By the way, why don’t I see Ah Ze?”

Lian Fang Zhou and Ah Jian were both caught off guard. Glancing at each other, neither of them knew how to respond.

“He—” Ah Jian started.

“He’s not feeling well, he’s sick!” Lian Fang Zhou cut in, rushing to answer without thinking about it.

As soon as the words left her mouth, Lian Fang Zhou’s face went hot. She was furious with herself, how could she answer in such a stupid manner…

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Liu Jia did not doubt her at all. He gave Lian Ze a few words of well wishes and said, very considerately, that since the season was starting to change to autumn, it was easy to catch a cold…

Secretly, breathing a sigh of relief, Lian Fang Zhou nodded and said yes. Next to her, Ah Jian was trying hold back the amusement in his heart.

Eventually, they arrived at the shop on Sifang street. Taking out the key, Liu Kia opened the door and invited them to enter, saying: “There are two entrances and a small courtyard behind the warehouse and kitchen. There is also an area upstairs for storing goods and a separate wing for people to live in. It’s very convenient! Sifang street is also a very lively place, once your door is open there is no worrying about getting enough business!”

Walking around, Lian Fang Zhou and Ah Jian inspected the property. Feeling satisfied, they laughed and asked Liu Jia about the price.

He smiled: “Miss Lian is really a refreshing person! Since this is not our first business deal, I will give Miss Lian the price of three hundred and sixty taels, no less! If it wasn’t for the owner urgently needing to see, the shop would never sell at this price! Normally, it would cost at least four hundred and twenty. Since Miss Lian is a regular customer, I have specially reserved this property for you to see first!”

After a pause, he added: “Of course, a sale requires both sides to agree! If Miss Lian is not satisfied, just say it and I will keep an eye out for other properties when I get back.”

Three hundred and sixty taels was indeed very cheap and could not be reduced. Additionally, Lian Fang Zhou trusted Liu Jia would not lie to her.

Buying a shop was just a matter of taking a look and deciding if you were satisfied. There was no need to shop around. In fact, many shops were all the same and it was only a waste of energy to try to compare them.

Smiling, Lian Fang Zhou said: “This shop, the deed is uncontested? There won’t be any conflicts between relatives, neighbors, or friends, right? Also, what kind of business was done here? Did anything bad happen?”

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