Chapter 397: Cousin’s thoughts

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In addition to the attitudes of Lian Li and Madam Qiao, she was very annoyed by this family. When she heard him speak, she smiled slightly and glanced at Lian Li and Madam Qiao. Mixing half-truths, she said to Lian Hai: “I dare not take advantage of Cousin! Cousin’s future, I don’t dare to think about getting benefits from when he is a high official. I hope that Uncle and Aunt will not take this opportunity to deliberately make things difficult for me and my siblings. I am satisfied with my life, I dare not ask for the care of my cousin! After all, though we are paternal cousins, Cousin passed the exam with his own ability and did not receive any help from me. How could I be so disgusting?”

Lian Fang Zhou’s words were like a fired gun, causing Lian Hai to stagnate. His face was a little red and he couldn’t help but glance at his father with dissatisfaction.

If it hadn’t been for his father talking too much, this wouldn’t be the case!

He hadn’t seen how his parents had treated Lian Fang Zhou in the past when he was not around but now that he had seen it with his own eyes, he realized that his parents were far more unreasonable than he had thought.

It was clear that their families had separated, and Lian Fang Zhou and her siblings were no longer as vulnerable as they used to be, but these two still stubbornly tried to treat them as they had in the past and wanted to put on airs as elders in front of them. Even if he wanted to coax her, what could he do?

Let alone coax her, if he put himself in Lian Fang Zhou’s position and thought about it, wouldn’t he also feel unhappy in his heart?

While Lian Hai’s heart was still rushing around in circles, Lian Li became angry again after hearing Lian Fang Zhou’s words. Furious, he shouted: “What do you mean by that!”

“What’s the use of your good words now?” Madam Qiao also screamed, “When that day comes, let’s see how you act!”

Lian Fang Zhou sneered at them.

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“Father!” Lian Hai pulled Lian Li back, his expression ugly. “Isn’t there something going on at home? You and Mother go back first.”

“No, there’s no—”

“Mother!” Lian Hai interrupted Madam Qiao, a touch of coldness and anger in his faint tone.

Whatever Madam Qiao was going to, her son quickly stopped her. Lian Li took a deep look at Lian Fang Zhou and said, “Let’s go!” pulling Madam Qiao away.

Although Lian Li was unwilling to leave like this in his heart, he believed that his son was more clever than him and would have more ideas. It was enough to let his son stay alone.

When the matter was over and his son returned, he could turn over any other demands to his son.

“Fang Zhou.” After his parents left, Lian Hai sighed and said: “They are like this, they have been like this for a lifetime and can’t be changed. Don’t bother with them! Don’t talk about those angry words! What I should do in the future, I know in my heart. No matter what, they won’t be allowed to mess around, you can rest assured.”

It had to be said that Lian Hai was much better than Lian Li.

At the very least, even Lian Fang Zhou felt a little more comfortable after hearing his words.

But this was also the reason why Lian Fang Zhou actually looked down on Lian Hai in her heart. If he could still act like this to his parents, could you really expect him to be sincere?

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Of course, if he became an official in the future, he would not abandon his parents. But it was likely that he would ignore them. Lian Li and Madam Qiao wanting their son to give them honest and considerate care? That was just dreaming!

If Lian Fang Zhou’s family was prosperous, naturally he would be happy to associate with them. But if one day they tasted defeat, he won’t not allow himself to fall into trouble. He might extend a helping hand once or twice to subsidize a bit of money, only in this way.

This kind of person was cold to the bones!

In short, he was for profit only!

Only profitable and beneficial things would he care about.

Lian Fang Zhou suppressed the disgust in her heart and smiled reluctantly. “My cousin says this but I don’t know what to say. I’m not such a stingy person!”

“That’s good!” Lian Hai said, finally at ease. “I knew that you, Fang Zhou, have always been a generous person!”

“Cousin praises me too highly.” Lian Fang Zhou smiled faintly.

Seeing that she did not intend to return to the previous topic, Lian Hai was forced to move the conversation back himself. He said, “Fang Zhou, I wonder if you will go to visit Master Ding again in the future? Master Ding is a person who has served as a royal tutor. If possible—”

As he spoke, Lian Hai’s voice paused. For some reason, when facing Lian Fang Zhou, some things that he had taken for granted, seemed a bit embarrassing to say.

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“If I could get his favor, it would be great for your future. Fang Zhou, would you like to help your cousin?” Lian Hai raised his head and looked at Lian Fang Zhou earnestly.

Lian Fang Zhou sighed, feeling that he was a bit pitiful.

But why bother?

“Cousin, your thinking is a bit too simple!” Lian Fang Zhou smiled helpless. “The threshold of Master Ding’s house is not a vegetable market. I’m just a little girl who works in the countryside. If I want to go, can I just go? What kind of green onion or vegetable am I? How can those people care about me? This time, I wouldn’t have been able to go, if it wasn’t for the help of my cousin and cousin-in-law!”

She was afraid that Lian Hai would request her to ask Fang Qing and Su Jing He for help and immediately added: “My cousin repeatedly told me that his opportunity as not easy to come by so I must grasp it. How could it be so easy? But Cousin, you are smart and get good grades in school You have to prepare for the exam and will likely pass. Why do you think we can help you? What kind of family is our family? Those kind of people, even if you could enter and see them, they may not be willing to support you!”

These few words of Lian Fang Zhou’s were really sincere persuasion.

Being a human being, whether you wanted to be promoted or make money, it was a pursuit. Lian Fang Zhou had never felt this was a shameful or unspeakable thing but you had to go about it in the right way and not always try to take shortcuts. There was no such thing as a free lunch in this world!

Of course, how to be an official and how to behave after getting promoted or getting rich, was another matter.

Lian Hai sighed, disappointed. He listened to Lian Fang Zhou’s persuasion with a wry smile. Although Fang Zhou was smart, she was still just a country girl who had never read a book. She had limited knowledge and vision, just a little smarter than average.

Where would she understand the pros and cons of this?

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There were tens of thousands of scholars in the world but how many of them would eventually be able to pass the examinations and get an official position?

In addition to hard work, it was important to have connections!

There was a big difference between having someone to help and having no help at all!

Isn’t that what the historical officials have always said?

How could a country girl like her understand this?

Lian Hai was very confident. He believed that as long as he had a chance to meet Master Ding and talk to him, he would definitely catch his eye!

By that time, being under his guidance would be completely different compared to ordinary shengyuan. If he became an official in the future, this resource could continue to be used.

Thinking about it, if he was both a disciple of Master Ding and favored by him, as an outstanding scholar, who wouldn’t respect him?

TN: Lian Hai has his head in the clouds. He got his dad’s glib tongue and his mother’s imagination! I nearly laughed out loud when he said LFZ was just a ‘little country girl’, hahaha.

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