Chapter 458: An emotional performance

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All credit to original author: Yi Yi Lan Xi

Aunt Zhang sighed. “They didn’t know you had moved to the compound and went to find you at your house. Li San He went to find me, I’m afraid that half the village knows about it now. It’s okay! It’s okay for others but you have to be on guard against your Maternal Aunt and Uncle. Don’t give in to them…”

Lian Fang Zhou had a headache but hearing Aunt Zhang’s advice, she nodded: “I know, I won’t let them!”

Along the way, Lian Fang Zhou chatted lightly with Aunt Zhang and calmed down. Her eyes were not as stormy as before.

Aunt Zhang accompanied her back to the compound but instead of going in to see Liu Gu Zi and Madam Jiang, she went to talk with Madam Li in the kitchen. She had Zhang Xiu’er watch secretly, telling her to come find them if anything went wrong.

There were others around, so she could only say a few comforting things.

When Lian Fang Zhou stepped inside, she immediately saw an average, middle-aged man in a faded indigo blue shirt with brown pants. Next to him was a tall, thin woman in a burgundy floral skirt with a beige shirt.

The man had a square face, dark skin, broad forehead, and deep horizontal wrinkles. He looked honest but when he smiled, his face suddenly looked treacherous. The woman had thin lip, a pointed face, big eyes, and deep eye sockets. Overall, she had an air of shrewdness.

Sitting crookedly on a chair with his legs crossed, the man was casually drinking tea and eating snacks and his behavior was very rude. The woman was talking to Steward Qin with a smile and asking about the various matters of Lian Fang Zhou’s family. Her high-pitched voice was extremely uncomfortable to listen to.

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The expression on Steward Qin’s face was one of acute misery, showing what a torment it was to deal with them.

He was not afraid to deal with people but it was really not easy to deal with people who were shameless and didn’t treat themselves as outsiders.

This Aunt was such a person. She asked everything and didn’t care if it was something she should ask about or not. Steward Qin was forced to answer many of her questions with “I don’t know” or “I’m not sure”, resulting in her angrily asking him if he was deliberately hiding things from her.

Too funny!

She was an outsider, what did it mean to ‘hide’ things from her?

Manager Qin did not care about being reserved or polite and he didn’t care about maintaining his face.

He frequently looked outside.

As soon as Lian Fang Zhou appeared, he was secretly relieved and interrupted Madam Jiang: “Miss is back!” He jumped to his feet and fled, greeting her with a smile: “Miss, you are back!”

Lian Fang Zhou had never seen Manager Qin so flustered before. Apologizing, she comforted him with a smile before walking into the room with him.

Liu Gu Zi and Madam Jiang glanced at the door and their eyes lit up. Their expressions said: I haven’t seen you in so long, you’ve become so smart!

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Liu Gu Zi, who had been lazily leaning back in his chair, seemed to have grown bones again. He smiled and said to his wife: “She’s back!” and stood up.

Madam Jiang glared at him and winked. In a low voice she said quickly, “Sit down, sit down! We are elders, what are you doing?”

If you wanted to be elders, you had to act like elders! Only juniors needed to be respectful and welcome elders. No elder had ever needed to go out and greet their juniors!

Suddenly realizing, Liu Gu Zi scratched his head and laughed. He sat up straight and tugged at the front of his shirt.

When Lian Fang Zhou and Manager Qin came in, they saw that both guests were sitting upright with lively expressions. Madam Jiang looked at Lian Fang Zhou and nodded, saying with a smile: “Is it Fang Zhou? We’re back! Where are Ah Ze and the others? Why haven’t we seen them?” It really seemed like they were the masters!

Manager Qin’s cheek muscles twitched fiercely and he lamented for Lian Fang Zhou: Why did Miss always get these kinds of relatives? Fortunately, it was good to have the Su family!

Lian Fang Zhou only found it funny in her heart. Outsiders were outsiders and no matter what airs they put on, they would always be outsiders. She really didn’t understand what this was supposed to accomplish. Didn’t they want face?

She nodded at Madam Jiang and smiled lightly. Stepping forward, she said down in the main seat at the head of the room and instructed: “Bring in more tea, change a cup of hot tea for my Uncle and Aunt and see if there are any desserts before serving two kinds.”

Now that everything had been packed away, they often had to go to the city for food and everything had been bought recently.

Manager Qin agreed respectfully and went out to instruct Zhang Xiu’er, who got busy.

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After a while, she came back with a tray of tea and snacks.

Out of the corner of her eyes, Lian Fang Zhou could see Liu Gu Zi’s eyes lit up when he saw the delicious food. She smiled and asked Zhang Xiu’er to place the tray of dim sum in front of him. “Uncle, please enjoy!”

“Many thanks, many thanks! Haha!” Liu Gu Zi was indeed happy.

“Is the taste okay?” She asked politely.

“Very good, very good! Hehe!”

“Eat more if you like like.”

“Yes! Yes!”

Lian Fang Zhou smiled and drank her tea with her head down.

Madam Jiang was silently annoyed. The atmosphere she had carefully created was completely broken. She secretly rolled her eyes and stared at Liu Gu Zi in dissatisfaction: ‘Eat, eat, eat! Was he reincarnated from a pig?’ Who knew what kind of jokes people were telling in their hearts when they saw the scene of him eating! And this girl, she didn’t even give them a gift!

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But she was quite polite, which was a good sign.

Madam Jiang could only try her best to focus on the good and the anger in her heart disappeared a little.

She winked at Liu Gu Zi several times in succession but Liu Gu Zi only cared about eating and didn’t see it. Annoyed, she cleared her through and smiled: “This snack is delicious, only the best from our family. Since we are poor, we couldn’t hope to eat it but now our family is well off. Why are you eating so much, aren’t you a joke to your niece?”

Your niece? The corners of Lian Fang Zhou’s mouth twitched. She was really not used to hearing this from Madam Jiang.

“Yes, yes!” Liu Gu Zi finally raised his head and grabbed his tea cup. Taking two sips of tea, he rubbed his mouth with his sleeve and smiled at Lian Fang Zhou: “Your aunt is right! Niece, now that you are rich, you have to help us!”

    “Yes, yes!” Liu Guzi finally raised his head, grabbed the tea bowl and poured two sips of tea, rubbed his sleeves on his mouth, and smiled at Lian Fangzhou: “Your aunt is right, niece, you When you get rich, help us!”

Madam Jiang couldn’t help but roll her eyes again: couldn’t he be a little more euphemistic? Is being so direct effective?

She hurriedly smiled at Lian Fang Zhou: “Your uncle has a sincere heart and speaks directly. Fortunately, we are all family, so it doesn’t matter! If you say this in front of others, it would be a joke!” She sighed: “Alas, what he said, though the words are a bit blunt, is also the truth. Our family used to be well off. As long as we grit our teeth, we were able to pass and not have to beg relatives and friends! But last year, your grandmother was seriously ill and we spent all the savings in the family. Six paddy fields were sold.

I stayed home to take care of your grandmother and couldn’t work. How much work could your uncle do alone? You and your cousins are very healthy, when it’s time to work, it’s not so hard for you. Though your grandmother was able to recover, all of the work for the year was delayed. Now there is no food at home. Ah, the two of us are worried every day and can’t sleep well. The two of us are used to living in poverty but, ah, just thinking of it makes me so anxious!”

Madam Jiang’s story was excellent and she spoke in an eloquent manner, sobbing as she talked. Every so often, she would lower her head to wipe away the tears.

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