Chapter 474: Moving to a new house

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Everyone looked around the new house in a lively manner and then went to the compound for the feast. The food was very rich and everyone praised Lian Fang Zhou and her siblings more and more, both for their generosity and for their good manners.

However, not everyone felt good in their hearts, such as Lian Li’s family.

Not to mention Lian Li and Madam Qiao, not even Lian Hai was uncomfortable.

Seeing the prosperity of Lian Fang Zhou’s family, hearing everyone compliment his younger cousins, especially Lian Che, who had only been in school for a year… Everyone praised him as ‘smart’ and ‘clever’, a natural born scholar with a bright future.

Hearing people saying ‘high official’ and other auspicious titles, he secretly ridiculed his neighbors for being ignorant and stupid but his heart twisted.

Not counting the outsiders, the Sun family, he was the only scholar in the village and would soon take the exams. He was also a member of the Lian family, shouldn’t everyone praise and flatter him?

What was so good about a little milk doll who couldn’t even read the three-character lesson book completely?

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The more he thought about it, the more unpleasant his thoughts became. Lian Hai, who was deeply stimulated, felt that he could no longer sit still. He decided to go back and study, he needed to prove it to everyone!

He had to work hard and not waste any more time.

When the time came and the imperial exam results came back, everyone would see it. The object of their admiration and compliments would be him and no one would replace him. He would be the role model for the children of the whole village!

Lian Hai went to find Lian Fang Zhou to say goodbye. He found her dealing with an aunt and one of the village daughter-in-laws. When he stepped out, she smiled at him and said: “Can’t you stay and sit for a while? Why leave so soon?”

“It’s too noisy, I can’t sit still!” Lian Hai blurted out.

Seeing that Lian Fang Zhou was obviously startled, he hurriedly smiled and said: “Don’t get me wrong, it’s a happy day, it should be lively! It’s only that I’ve been studying behind closed doors for a while now and I’m unaccustomed to suddenly being surrounded by noise.”

Lian Fang Zhou could hear the irritation in his tone but since he explained it by this, she was happy to pretend not to hear it.

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Putting on a look of surprise, she smiled and said: “So that’s how it is! Then please go back, Cousin. Cousin works so hard, you will definitely achieve good results!”

This brought out a bit of a smile and Lian Hai chuckled: “I will borrow your auspicious words!” Then he paused and said suddenly: “There is something I want to say but I don’t know if I should or now. If you are willing to listen, I will say it.”

“Cousin, please speak.” Lian Fang Zhou said politely. In her heart, she laughed, thinking: since you have said it, can I refuse?

Seeing that Lian Fang Zhou’s attitude towards him was very good, Lian Hai was satisfied. He thought: I don’t need to curry favor with you, I’m your cousin!

Sternly, he said: “It’s your study room. It’s very well arranged with a big yard and many beautiful plants and fish, but its too distracting. Reading is the most important thing as well as hard work. For a matter of pure heart and few desires, the conditions you provided are too nice and enjoyable. It’s easy to play around and lose your motivation, it’s not suitable. I think it’s better to change it.”

Lian Fang Zhou was a little unhappy. Thankful he gave this advice politely but anyone could see the sour smell from miles away. Not bothering to argue with him, she smiled perfunctorily and said: “Thank you, Cousin, for your suggestion but the study is already very simple. I believe Che’er is not so easily influenced by the outside world. Playing with things now is simple but when he grows up, he will face more temptations. It’s good to practice now or what should he do later?”

Lian Hai was about to say more but Lian Fang Zhou could feel a headache coming on, so she hurriedly smiled and said: “Cousin is in a hurry to leave, so I won’t keep you! Walk slowly, be careful not to trip!”

Since she said this, Lian Hai could only accept it and mutter a goodbye. He had wanted to comment on her bright eyes, flushed cheeks, and high spirits, and persuade her to keep a low profile but it was too late now. “Really don’t know how to recognize good people,” He muttered, glancing behind him at the compound door and shaking his head. “You’ll regret it!”

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Not long after Lian Hai left, Lian Li and his wife, who were even more suffocated, also left. The couple did not say goodbye to Lian Fang Zhou, but left quietly when everyone was talking.

Lian Li had originally thought that when the others saw him leaving, they would pull him to stay. He hadn’t expected that those people would forget him as soon as he was out of sight. Naturally, Lian Li was annoyed by this.

He was Lian Fang Zhou’s eldest uncle! Since these people wanted to flatter his Lian family, how dare they ignore the eldest uncle? Really— no eyes at all!

Just a bunch of ignorant country idiots!

The couple walked home, sulking the entire way. This kind of liveliness was too dazzling and heart-piercing!

“So proud! Hmph, when she loses everything, I don’t think she’ll have anything to be proud of! That house is even nicer than Zhang Li Zheng’s! What’s so good about that girl’s frivolity? I don’t like it at all! Hmph, so what if she has money? It’s not like no one else has any. When my son becomes a jinshi, or an official! That will be something to be proud of! Those people rushing to curry favor, just see if I’ll bother to look at them!” Madam Qiao grumbled hatefully.

Although Lian Li was also not happy in his heart, he prided himself on being more cultured and elegant than his wife. Hearing Madam Qiao random scolding, he frowned and said: “Okay, just stop, don’t let people hear you. Or else it will look like we’re just jealous and spouting nonsense.”

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These words added fuel to Madam Qiao’s fire and her anger surged. In a voice that was two points louder, she shouted: “Who would be jealous of her?! Bah! Who is so shameless to speak nonsense in front of me? Look! What kind of family background does she have. It’s really funny! Hmph, when my son becomes an official, what money won’t he have? Who can be in my eyes then? I’ll just catch the yamen and point out her tricks. She’s not honest, just let her go straight to jail.”

The more Madam Qiao spoke, the more excited she became, as if this beautiful scene was happening right in front of her eyes. She already felt much happier.

Lian Li shoved her and glanced around quickly. Glaring at Madam Qiao, he muttered: “Be quiet, don’t let people hear you gossiping! If you hurt our son’s good reputation, you will regret it!”

She glared back and said in a low voice, neither sour or cold: “Why are you so timid? Everyone is eating free food at her house, where is there anyone? She always uses these meager kindness and small favors to buy people’s hearts.”

After saying this, the couple went home feeling uncomfortable and didn’t sleep well the rest of the night.

After the last group of guests left the courtyard and the servants had finished cleaning up and gone to bed, it was already very late.

Lian Che had to get up early for school and Lian Fang Qing’s head was nodding as she dozed off. Lian Fang Zhou collected her family and prepared to head over to the new house to sleep.

But just as she was leaving, Steward Qin suddenly caught up with her and whispered in a low voice: “Miss, your maternal uncle and aunt…”

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