Chapter 486: The Lian couple gets left behind

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All credit to original author: Yi Yi Lan Xi


“You’ve gotten your wish.” Lian Che reminded them. “You insisted that Third Aunt go back and Third Aunt will go back. Do you have anything else you want to do? If not, please go back. When my eldest sister comes back, I will discuss this with her. This is unacceptable, we really need to think of our security. We can’t just let anyone come into our house whenever they want to. Our house is not someone’s vegetable garden!”

“Both of you, please.” Steward Qin ordered, with a gesture of seeing off a guest. The servants hurriedly surrounded them with the intention of driving them away if they didn’t move.

Lian Li was so angry that he couldn’t speak, he could only shout angrily in his heart.

Madam Qiao did not hide her hateful gaze, but this was all she could do.


“So the villain is successful!” Slipping out the door of Lian Fang Zhou’s house, Madam Qiao spat on the ground and angrily scolded her familiar mantra: “When my son becomes an official, I’ll see how good you look! I want you to kneel and beg me, one by one! Let’s see how successful you are then, you villain!”

Lian Li suddenly stopped and glared at her: “Didn’t you say you wanted to come and watch the fun and look what the result was. Just be honest, don’t do anything out of line!”

Saying this, Lian Li threw her off and strode away.

Left alone, Madam Qiao cursed: “If you have the ability, teach that dead girl a lesson before you show off your prestige in front of me.”

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After Lian Li and Madam Qiao were driven away, Lian Che saw that the Tian couples were still staring blankly at him in the yard. Smiling politely, he said vaguely: “You guys go back too. Third Aunt will be on her way, don’t worry. You don’t need to wait for her.”

Tian Er Lang raised his head and said a little stupidly: “Why do we have to do back first? Didn’t you say there would be a carriage to take us over?”

The corner’s of Steward Qin’s mouth twitched and he laughed inwardly: Still daring to think about the carriage! If we didn’t rush over, heaven’s only knew what these arrogant, greedy people would be up to! It was good enough that they weren’t teaching them a lesson.

“The carriage is for Third Aunt, not for you.” Steward Qin coughed vaguely, “The carriage is too small to fit very many people. Third Aunt is ill and she doesn’t have much to bring, the carriage will fit her but it can’t carry you. You should hurry back!”

“How could you say this?” Eldest Madam Tian snorted coldly. “We are relatives! We may not be able to ride on the carriage, but we can still walk beside it.”

“What is the point of going with the carriage if you aren’t riding it?” Lian Che argued calmly, “Since you are relatives, you should be considerate. Unless you are not sincerely here to pick up Third aunt, but to find fault! If that is so, then Third Aunt does not need to go back!”

“Fine! Let’s go!” Second Madam Tian was so angry that she vomited blood, “Let’s go!”

Seeing that Eldest Madam Tian and Tian Da Lang still wanted to argue, Second Sister Tian hurriedly persuaded them in a low voice.

She didn’t want this to become anymore messy.

If they weren’t able to bring Lian Xiao Man back and their mother-in-law got angry, it would be them that had to suffer.

Let Lian Xiao Man be arrogant for a few days if she wanted to, the future was still long. She didn’t believe that the Lian family was really willing to support her forever. This was just for now.

There would be opportunities for revenge in the future!

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The two Tian couples left the Lian house and went back first.


After Lian Fang Qing and Third Aunt finished packing up, they took Xiao Hui and went to Tianjia village with Madam Song and Madam Ruan.

That evening, Lian Fang Zhou and Ah Jian finally returned.

Seeing their demonstration, Old Man Wang had been thrilled and expressed his gratitude. He felt that after thinking about it carefully, they could implement it soon.

Having completed this great event, Lian Fang Zhou was also very happy.

And with Ah Jian’s romantic mood on the way home, the atmosphere was even more pleasant.

Usually when they returned home in the evening, Third Aunt would be about to cook and the house would be warm with a vigorous charcoal fire.

However, this time there was only Lian Che, sitting alone in the front room and reading a book. Although there was a lamp on the table and a charcoal fire in the brazier, the house felt a little deserted.

Stunned, Lian Fang Zhou looked around and asked: “Why are you alone, Che’er? Did something happen?”

Lian Fang Qing was too young and Third Aunt was afraid of the cold. If it was not for a last resort, neither of them would willingly go out, especially at night.

Not just them, even other people would not go out.

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Therefore, Lian Fang Zhou’s first thought was that something had happened.

“Eldest sister, you are so amazing!” Lian Che looked at Lian Fang Zhou with admiration, his eyes shining.

Seeing his expression, Lian Fang Zhou was a little relieved.

This little guy still had the energy to worship and admire her so it could be seen that things couldn’t be that bad.

Smiling, she gave him an angry look and said: “Don’t stray off topic, tell me what happened!”

“Don’t worry, you can talk about things slowly after you settle in. Drink a cup of tea to warm up as your talk about it.” Ah Jian said, pouring a cup of hot tea and handing it to her.

Lian Fang Zhou took it and smiled at him, her expression subconsciously softening.

Lian Che rolled his eyes. Darting his eyes from side to side, he finally lowered his head and fiddled with the tongs in the charcoal basin, pretending he hadn’t seen anything.

After his eldest sister had finished drinking her tea and had enough of making eyes at Brother Ah Jian, he called out “Eldest sister.”

Coming to her senses, Lian Fang Zhou’s face was a little hot. Blushing, she said: “Ok, tell me everything quickly!”

Lian Che’s eyes were bright as he recounted everything that had happened during the day and at the end, he was beaming.

Lian Fang Zhou listened intently.

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“Eldest sister, aren’t I very good?” Lian Che said proudly, not forgetting to take credit.

Even Steward Qin had praised him for his cleverness and quick thinking and Lian Che could tell that his praise was sincere. It was not superficial words such as ‘smart’ or ‘sensible’.

Lian Fang Zhou saw that he wished he could grow a tail and wag it in response to the situation. His expression of begging for praise and compliments was so obvious that she couldn’t help but feel amused.

Reaching out to rub his little head, she smiled and praised: “My Che’er is really powerful! Very capable! Thank you for your clever ideas today, otherwise Third Aunt would have definitely suffered. Good boy!”

Lian Che was not like Lian Ze. If Lian Ze heard such compliments, especially the ‘good boy’, he would have jumped up and protested that he was no longer a child!

But Lian Che obviously enjoyed this kind of praise and affirmation. His eyes narrowed with a smile and he threw himself into her arms and acted like a spoiled child.


Lian Fang Zhou hugged him with a smile and praised him for a while longer before Lian Che returned to the eastern courtyard with satisfaction.

“There is good in the kitchen brought over by Sister-in-law Li and Sister Xiu’er.” He said before he left. “It’s still warm in the pot. There is also still some hot water on the stove.”

Lian Fang Zhou thanked him and watched him go, then went into the kitchen with Ah Jian.

“Che’er is very smart, you can rest assured.” Ah Jian told her with a smile.

Satisfied and happy, Lian Fang Zhou let out a hum and couldn’t help but smile. Chuckling, she said: “I’m surprised too!”

TN: It’s so cute to see that no matter how mature Che’er gets, he’s still a little kid at heart!

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