Chapter 506: The stranger in the room

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TN: This chapter has an ‘on screen’ depiction of sexual assault. Skip to the -END- note to avoid this scene. Please be sensitive on this topic and do not post comments that are aggressive or victim blaming. I will post a summary of events at the end of the chapter for people who skipped.


“You—!” Lian Fang Zhou’s throat was blocked and her breath stagnated, she couldn’t utter a single word. She struggled desperately but she was inevitably dragged backward by the man’s arm around her neck.

She was terrified and cold all over because she had no idea who this person was!

And worse, she knew that her bed was not far behind her!

She knew exactly what this person wanted to do!

He was choking her very hard and her throat hurt. Her limbs were weak and her vision was black and dizzy. Lian Fang Zhou felt like she was drowning, desperate for air.

Sensing that she had no strength to struggle, the man became even more energetic. He laughed twice and quickened his pace, flipping her over dizzily and throwing her heavily on the bed.

The strange body pressed down on her and the strange face was covered in a magnified smirk.

Lian Fang Zhou’s stomach churned. Unspeakably disgusting!

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She subconsciously turned her head and coughed loudly.

The man didn’t care. He stretched out his hand to pull away the clothes on her chest.

Frightened and angry, Lian Fang Zhou pooled all of her strength and shoved her knee upward towards his lower body in a single, vicious move!

As expected, the resulting scream of pain could be said to resound to the sky!

Taking advantage of this moment, Lian Fang Zhou violently pushed him away and struggled to escape. Embarrassed, she stumbled away.

However, because of the lack of oxygen, her breath was ragged and all of her strength had been used in that one attack. She staggered a few steps and her legs softened, falling to the ground in a slump.

“Bitch!” The man hissed, gasping for breath in pain. He was furious and when he came to his senses, he immediately got up and rushed towards her. Ignoring the pain, he cursed: “Bitch! How dare you hit me! How dare you hit me! After today, when I tell you to wash my feet, you’ll have to serve me honestly!”

Lian Fang Zhou didn’t respond. Struggling and shouting, she cried: “Help!”

The man panicked and quickly covered her mouth with one hand, pressing hard and hoping she would pass out.

He even felt a little regretful. If he knew this bitch was so aggressive, he would have knocked her out a the start with a stick! He’d like to see how she could struggle then!

Lian Fang Zhou groaned, her voice muffled, and tears flowed out uncontrollably. With both her nose and mouth covered, her oxygen was less and less and her mind was becoming more chaotic. It was as if a cloud of white mist was slowly invading her vision and covering all of her rationality!

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She knew that she was soon pass out and this disgusting person would do whatever he wanted.

She had no strength left at all, she couldn’t even bite him!

She swore silently: Unless I die here today, I will definitely kill you! Don’t think I’ll hesitate, go and be your mother’s spring and autumn dream!

Just as her consciousness was starting to blur away little by little and she could feel mind losing itself to despair, her body was suddenly released. Someone screamed above her, the strange man!

She took a big gulp of air and cried “Ah Jain!”, throwing herself into his arms, sobbing and trembling softly.

Ah Jian had rushed over as soon as he heard the man scream earlier. He hadn’t expected to see such a scene and was so angry, his heart was on fire!


“I’m here! Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid anymore.” He hugged her fiercely and patted her gently on the back.

At this moment, there was a loud crash from the door and three or four people, including Third Aunt, Madam Niu, and Madam Qiao all rushed in together.

“What’s wrong, what’s wrong! Ah! What’s going on!” Third Aunt screamed.

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Lian Fang Zhou raised her head from Ah Jian’s arms and glared at Madam Qiao coldly, her expression as deadly calm as ice.

Madam Qiao’s heart froze and she shivered.

“My son! What’s wrong with you?” One of the women next to Madam Qiao wailed, throwing herself at the strange man and crying bitterly: “What did you do to my son! What’s wrong with him!”

The man slowly came to his senses. Staring fiercely at Lian Fang Zhou, he pointed at her and said: “It’s her—” Just as he opened his mouth, it turned into a scream as Ah Jian causally punched him hard enough to knock him and a few of this teeth out. It was clear that he would not be able to speak clearly for a long time.

“My son!” The woman cried louder.

“Ah Jian, throw her out. It’s too noisy.” Lian Fang Zhou said to Ah Jian, ignoring the woman completely.

Ah Jian was itching to fight and the moment he had seen Madam Qiao, he had already mostly understood the situation.

Without hesitation, he stood up, grabbed the woman by her collar and threw her out of the room. He controlled his strength just right and the woman slammed into the railing without falling to the ground below.

It wasn’t that Ah Jian didn’t want to throw her down the stairs, it was just that he didn’t want to create more fuss.

The woman was dazed from the impact and her internal organs felt like they would burst. Hugging her stomach in pain, she curled into a ball and groaned, unable to speak.

Bi Tao and Chun Xing also came upstairs. Their expressions were very ugly as they forcibly carried the woman downstairs.

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The woman wanted to open her mouth and shout but Bi Tao stared at her coldly. In a low voice, she said: “If Master Jian makes another move, I don’t believe you have any ribs still intact! If you dare to plot against my Miss, just want for the consequences! Run as far as you want, you were the one that dared to make trouble!”

“Why are you talking to her? It’s a waste of time! If you ask me, she better not run away and cause more trouble for Miss!” Chun Xing muttered angrily.

While they talked, the two maids dragged the woman unceremoniously into the back rooms. They hadn’t been given any orders on what to do with her, so they couldn’t allow her to leave the Lian family yard.

The woman was scared and angry. She opened her mouth to say something but stopped.

Upstairs, Third Aunt was stunned for a moment before coming back to her senses. Starting at Madam Qiao angrily, she rushed over and tore at her clothes and hair. “It’s you again! It’s you again! You whore! Are you still human? Are you still human? How can you do such shameless and vicious things! Are you still human?”

The man on the groun was the son of Qiao’s brother’s wife. Madam Qiao and her sister-in-law had come to the door together. After they had come in, the sister-in-law had claimed to need to relieve herself. She must have opened a door at that time….

How could Third Aunt not be angry! Not just angry, she was overcome with guilt!

Madam Qiao was guilty and she couldn’t help but cower when Third Aunt rushed to beat her. She screamed as Third Aunt scratched two bloody marks across her face. The pain was blinding and when Third Aunt pulled at her hair, it was as if she wanted to tear off her scalp!

This was Madam Qiao’s handiwork: Oh, there will be a happy event soon, oh but what about the bridal gift? Give it them!

TN: In summary, LFZ went to her room and was attacked by a strange man, who was then knocked out by Ah Jian. At one point, she was able to kick him in the groin. AJ knocked him out before the strange man was successful.

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