Chapter 513: Say it at the door

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After a few minutes, Bi Tao came back from the outside and said angrily: “Miss! That man refuses to leave, saying he must speak with Miss! If it’s not convenient for Miss to see him, then he wants to come in and speak with Third Aunt! Very good! This servant has never seen such a thick-faced person, refusing to leave no matter what! Is he really a scholar…”

“He’s still at the door?” Third Aunt’s face was dark. “He’s too embarrassing! I will tell him to leave!”

Lian Fang Zhou smiled and put a hand on Third Aunt’s arm: “Since he insists on seeing me, I will go speak with him. Bi Tao is not his opponent but isn’t it the same for Third Aunt?”

He had been bluntly asked to leave but he really refused to go.

“I’ll accompany you.” Ah Jian said in a deep voice. Taking her hand, the two went out together.

Outside, Lian Hai was anxious and uneasy. In the past, no matter what happened, Lian Fang Zhou’s door had always been open to him but today he couldn’t even get through the door!

This could be said to be a very dangerous signal: she was really angry about today’s matter!

But Lian Hai refused to give up. Since he was here, he had to work hard. Otherwise, it would be even more difficult to visit next time. Today, he had to meet with Lian Fang Zhou.

When the door opened with a creak, Lian Hai’s nervous heart finally relaxed.

But when he saw the couple holding hands in front of him, Lian Hai was completely stunned.

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He could only pretend not to see the hands clasped together and take a deep breath. Forcing a smile, he said: “Fang Zhou…”

Lian Fang Zhou’s expression was very flat. No accusations, no anger, not even disappointment. Nothing.

The longer he looked at her, the more flustered Lian Hai became. His mind suddenly went blank and he didn’t know what to say!

“If you have something to say, just say it.” Lian Fang Zhou said calmly.

Lian Hai was dumbfounded. Lian Fang Zhou had no intention of inviting him in at all!

What was this?

“If you have nothing to say, just go back!” Lian Fang Zhou didn’t have much patience to wait for him to get his thoughts together. Just standing here talking to him was already more than enough.

Lian Hai was in a hurry, specifically to earn more goodwill for himself. “Che’er and Qing’er went to my house this afternoon. Using brooms and sticks, they gave my mother a good beating. They beat—”

“So you are here to sue for your mother?” Lian Fang Zhou interrupted, emphasizing the words ‘your mother’. Her voice was extremely cold.

“I—” Lian Hai hesitated, feeling guilty all of a sudden. Avoiding Lian Fang Zhou’s gaze, he said: “No matter what, my mother is an elder. Besides, doing this is not good for their reputations, especially Che’er!”

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Lian Fang Zhou sneered: “Your mother is an elder? That’s true! But there are different kinds of elders. One is a white-eyed wolf who is born cruel and tramples on the tolerance and kindness of others, completely ruthless! Your mother is this kind. Don’t tell me you don’t know anything or else you wouldn’t be standing in front of my house right now. As for Che’er and Qing’er’s reputations…”

Her expression was mocking: “You don’t need to worry about this! I know my younger siblings very well, it’s not surprising that they would do this. On the contrary, I am very proud of them! Their sister was bullied, if they didn’t have any reaction, wouldn’t it be chilling? Everyone has eyes. As long as they are a normal person, they would know that those two are not at fault. I don’t care about other’s comments and disdain!”

Lian Hai didn’t expect that Lian Fang Zhou wouldn’t show him any affection. Her words were extremely sharp, every word like a needle piercing his heart fiercely.

Judging by her posture, she didn’t mind tearing his face apart.

Lian Hai was even more anxious, feeling that all the benefits he had counted on were about to fly away. Even though the nighttime spring weather was cold, he was sweating.

“Fang Zhou, that, that’s not what I meant!” He smiled wryly and sighed: “I know you have been wronged, but ah, even though you blame my mother, she is still my mother! I will deal with my aunt, I rushed her and my cousin back to their home and personally told them not to mention a word about today’s affairs. I, I—”

He took a breath and thought internally: I came tonight not to complain, but to apologize to you!

It was just that he couldn’t say these words out loud, no matter what. Otherwise, this was too insulting to his identity as a scholar.

But he though, Fang Zhou was smart. Surely she would be able to tell his sincerity from his actions and attitude and understand his meaning, right?

Lian Fang Zhou felt a little better after hearing his words but to feel good was to feel good. To understand was to understand. This did not mean that she forgave them.

She had been considerate and forgiving too many times!

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This time, it absolutely had to stop.

“Do I shouldn’t blame you? I was just speaking what was on my mind.” Lian Fang Zhou said indifferently, glancing at him.

Lian Hai hit a snag of being neither soft nor hard, and suddenly felt at a loss.

He couldn’t tell if Lian Fang Zhou had forgiven him or not.

“You, what do you mean?” He finally asked, hesitating.

Suddenly, Lian Fang Zhou laughed. This man was really interesting! He actually asked this question out loud, did he need to force her to clarify herself?

Wasn’t he a smart man? Shouldn’t a smart man be able to understand everything? Why pretend to be stupid?

Smiling, she said: “What do I mean? It’s what you are thinking in your heart, cousin, but don’t dare to say. You don’t want to admit it! Cousin is a smart person, do you really want me to say it clearly?”

This was too annoying.

Lian Hai’s face went pale and his heart sunk straight into darkness.

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His actions were all in vain!

Lian Fang Zhou’s expression was calm and her eyes were quiet, glowing with a gentle light. Yet they were cold and indifferent.

His cheek twitched and his mouth moved soundlessly. Though he tried hard to smile, Lian Hai was still stiff and failed.

A scholar had to have the reserve and pride of a scholar. These words, though he was very anxious, he still couldn’t say them.

“It’s windy outside, Fang Zhou. Let’s go back!” Ah Jian tugged at Lian Fang Zhou, speaking softly.

She looked up and nodded lightly: “Alright. Cousin, please go back!”

She really wanted to add ‘and greet your mother for me!’ but it didn’t matter if he did or not, she would greet her soon in any case.

Lian Hai moved his mouth again but no sounds came out. By the time he recovered, Lian Fang Zhou had already turned and left with Ah Jian, closing the door behind them.

He stood there in a daze for a while, then sighed lightly, and listlessly went home.

TN: Really? Too proud to apologize that your mother organized for someone to sexually assault your cousin??? I swear, Lian Hai’s brain is full of water.

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