Chapter 539: Was it your fault?

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All credit to original author: Yi Yi Lan Xi

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“Oh?” Lian Fang Zhou stopped in her tracks, interested. Smiling, she said: “What could make you, a girl who chatters like a sparrow all day, not dare to ask? I’m curious, tell me quickly! I won’t blame you.”

“Yes!” Bi Tao smiled. “Miss, I heard rumors that the concubine in Madam Qiao’s family was actually sent by Miss to mess up the first branch as revenge. I don’t know if this…”

It seemed that there were still smart people in the world after all!

Although Lian Fang Zhou had never made direct contact with Xiao Ya, she had indeed spent a lot of money to send her to Lian Li’s side.

Xiao Ya was not a female entertainer who made her living singing songs by the rivers and lakes, but actually the number one prostitute in the most famous brothel of Shuangliu county.

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Lian Fang Zhou had promised to help redeem her body and give her a settling-in allowance, enough to live comfortably for the rest of her life, if she would agree to mess with Lian Li’s family.

According to her original plan, Xiao Ya would not only turn Lian Li and Madam Qiao against each other, but she would have arranged for Madam Qiao’s red apricot to be caught by someone, ruining her reputation.

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But seeing how miserable Madam Qiao looked and thinking about Third Aunt’s words, Lian Fang Zhou decided to forget about this last step. After all, she was suffering enough and would never have a comfortable life again. This could be regarded as suitable revenge for everything.

You could say she was accumulating virtue for her younger siblings by being merciful.

Lian Fang Zhou wasn’t a holy mother who repaid grievances with kindness but if she lost the bottom line of conscience over such a person, she really wasn’t worth much.

After Bi Tao asked her question, she stared nervously at Lian Fang Zhou with wide eyes.

Lian Fang Zhou smiled, blinking her eyes innocently: “Really? Someone said that? Then guess, does this matter have anything to do with me?”

Bi Tao jumped, looking confused. She stared at Lian Fang Zhou for a long moment before finally saying: “This servant, this servant is too stupid…”

Unable to stop herself, Lian Fang Zhou let out a puff of laughter. Raising her eyebrows, she said lightly: “Then continue to be stupid! Didn’t you say it just now, this is what she deserves? It’s not that I have taken revenge, so much as the consequences of her own actions!”

“Ah?” Bi Tao was even more confused.

Lian Fang Zhou left with a smile.

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“Fang Zhou!” Seeing her, Third Aunt came out with a smile and pushed her towards the back door. “Ah Jian is in the east courtyard just now and Che’er and Ah Ze are in their rooms. He is alone behind the pomegranate tree, go find him quickly before he leaves!”

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“Go find him? Wh-why are you looking for him?” Lian Fang Zhou asked, puzzled.

Third Aunt glared at her. “Why else! Of course it is about getting married! Go quickly no, no one will bother you. Go, go, go!”

“…” Speechless, Lian Fang Zhou was pushed and shoved by Third Aunt until she was out the door. This is obviously arranged by the whole family!

She had no choice but to walk to the east courtyard under Third Aunt’s gaze.

In the southeast corner of the east courtyard, there was a small garden which was separated from the main house by a wall of wisteria flowers.

Although the garden was not very big, it was exquisitely designed. There was a rockery with a small, shallow, crescent shaped pool, and a small beautiful dome pavilion. Planted around the pavilion were lilacs, gardenias, magnolias, pomegranates, michelia, roses, hibiscus, and other flowers. There was even a swing and stone table with chairs among the trees. It was a good place to sit and relax.

When Lian Fang Zhou arrived, Ah Jian really was standing alone beside a cluster of pomegranate trees. His hands were behind his back as he stared into the pool in a daze.

His figure was tall and straight, with broad shoulders and a narrow waist. His black hair was in a high bun and although he was only wearing a worn blue robe, because of his calmness, his appearance was somewhat heroic.

At this time, the sky was full of dark, colorful clouds with a beautiful sunset glow. On the grounds, young leaves stretched towards the sky and red and white spring flowers were starting to bloom. Lian Fan Zhou squinted her eyes in a trance.

It was as if the entire scene in front of her was just an illusion.

The wind blew, gently lifting a few strands of his hair and the corner of his robes trembled. To Lian Fang Zhou’s eyes, he suddenly felt an aura of determination for no reason. It was strong, she almost couldn’t look directly at him.

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Suddenly he looked back and happened to see her. Immediately, his expression of boredom and impatience immediately melted into a subconscious smile.

Lian Fang Zhou had been staring at him openly. She hadn’t expected him to turn around so suddenly and when their eyes met, she froze in embarrassment that he had caught her. Hurriedly, she looked away with a red face.

“Fang Zhou!” Ah Jian seemed happy, walking over with big strides and smiling. “You’re finally back!”

“You, were you waiting for me?” Despite her embarrassment, Lian Fang Zhou looked up at him.

“Didn’t you tell me to wait for you here?” He asked, confused.

“…” Third Aunt! Lian Fang Zhou was completely dumbfounded.

Seeing her expression, Ah Jian guessed everything and smiled: “Third Aunt is really…” The two looked at each other and laughed.

Third Aunt, who was worried she would never get married, was willing to use all kinds of threats, both hard and soft. When people saw her, the words just came to her mouth and she said them without hesitation. Lian Fang Zhou couldn’t compete.

Ah Jian rarely saw her looking so shy and hesitant, so he couldn’t help but say: “Third Aunt said you had something to tell me? How amazing, why did you need Third Aunt to pass on the message?” Just say what you want, what could be so troublesome?

‘What passing messages, it was all just her meddling in their businesses!’ Lian Fang Zhou said in her heart.

Fine, since this was an opportunity created by Third Aunt, if she didn’t make things clear now, she would definitely be pestered endlessly by Third Aunt later!

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Smiling, Lian Fang Zhou looked at Ah Jian and said: “Third Aunt is afraid I won’t get married so she wants us to discuss and settle the date.”

Ah Jian looked stunned. So it was because of this!

Delighted, Ah Jian laughed. “It’s my first time getting married and I don’t understand these things,” he said. “Let Third Aunt handle the arrangements! You can do things as you like, I don’t have any requirements.”

Hearing him say ‘first marriage’, Lian Fang Zhou was dazed for a few moments before she also smiled. “This is also my first time being married. I don’t understand it either!”

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They both laughed, a little embarrassed.

Forcing herself to be serious, Lian Fang Zhou stopped joking and sighed: “Ah Jian, do you feel wronged?”

Ah Jian looked surprised: “Why do you ask that?”

“You… after all, you are a man and you are not really a distant relative of my family with nowhere to go.” Lian Fang Zhou continued. “Do you really not care about the gossip outside? What is someone says that you wormed your way into our family or something?”

In modern terms: eating soft rice!

Ah Jian was a smart person. After listening to Lian Fang Zhou a little, he understood her meaning.

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