Chapter 578: Argument

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Lian Li hated them even more, sneered, and remained silent.

Not long after, Village Head Zheng came with the village elders and saw that Lian Li’s expression was very ugly.

They were all tired after a long, exciting day and their rest had been disturbed, obviously none of them were in a good mood.

These two were natural troublemakers, they couldn’t let them look down on others!

Lian Fang Zhou and Lian Ze both went forward to greet everyone. Lian Ze smiled apologetically: “I’m sorry to trouble the elders to come again, please forgive me!”

Uncle Zheng gave Lian Li a cold look and said: “It’s okay, you also have your problems!”

“Uncle is understanding, please come inside.” Lian Ze laughed, sounding relieved.

Uncle Zheng and the others nodded, walking inside.

Lian Li glared at Lian Ze, snorted, and followed with a flick of his sleeves.

Behind him, Madam Qiao hesitated. After a moment, she made a move to go forward but was immediately stopped by Lian Ze. His attitude was very firm: “You are not allowed to go in!”

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“Presumptuous!” Lian Li shouted furiously: “How dare you be so arrogant and rude in front of the elders!”

     Uncle Zhang gave Lian Li a cold look, and said, “It’s okay, you also have your problems!”

     “Uncles just understand, please come to the room!” Lian Ze laughed again as if he was relieved.

     Uncle Zhang and others nodded and walked in.

     Lian Li stared at Lian Ze and snorted, then followed with a flick of his sleeves.

     Mrs. Qiao hesitated a little, but just as she made a move, she was still stopped by Lian Ze. Lian Ze’s attitude was very firm: “You can’t go in!”

“She can’t go in.” Lian Ze repeated, refusing to give in. His eyes were burning. “Our family does not welcome her.”

Uncle Li Wu sighed. “Then don’t come in. A woman doesn’t have a place in this discussion in the first place, what does it matter if she comes in or not? Lian Li, don’t blame Lian Ze. It’s all on her. She can’t blame others for what she did herself.”

Madam Qiao lowered her head. Her eyes were misty and her heart was full of sadness.

Village Head Zheng and the others agreed but Third Uncle Zhang sneered at Lian Li and added: “If front of us old men, you, a junior, put on a good posture! Its as if you are the only elder here!”

“I, I’ll go back first!” Madam Qiao bowed her head and didn’t dare to look up. Turning around, she ran away, stumbling and staggering, with tears streaming down her face.

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She shouldn’t have come, she shouldn’t have come to suffer this humiliation! The humiliation she had sowed herself!

Lian Li couldn’t say anything more with a straight face. He followed the elders into the house without saying a word.

The group went into the main room and sat down. Qing Mei poured the tea and retreated.

The faint fragrance of the tea rose into the air with the steam. After taking a couple sips, everyone felt a little more cheerful.

“What’s the matter, explain it to me.” Village Head Zheng said. As the head of the village, he was the one who came forward first.

Lian Li couldn’t wait to vent his dissatisfaction, insisting that Lian Fang Zhou and her siblings had received the imperial decree without informing his family and had the crime of deceiving the emperor. All the rewards were for the Lian family, not just the second branch!

The village elders had all heard clearly when the county magistrate announced the decree. Though they didn’t understand a lot of the words, they understood the sentence ‘the Lian family accepts the decree’. Village Head Zheng and the elders couldn’t help but change their expressions and look at each other.

If this was the case, then Lian Fang Zhou and the others really had—

Moreover, their own families were involved, absolutely inseparable!

Seeing this, Lian Li knew that he had won. Smiling smugly, he said: “The Lian family’s ancestral incense is offered to all of us. This plaque should be hung in my house! As for those rewards, take them all out! This matter is over, otherwise, hmph! Don’t blame me for not being sympathetic. Tomorrow, I will go to the county magistrate to beat the drum!”

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“You!” The village elders exclaimed together, their expressions pitch black.

Lian Li smiled coldly, his meaning they could see for themselves.

He made it clear that he was barefoot and wasn’t afraid of those wearing shoes!

Lian Fang Zhou smiled. “Uncle Lian, you are really old and your memory is not good. Have you forgotten? Our families separated long ago, there is written evidence in black and white. Uncle Lian thinks that this reward belongs to your family? I don’t know if my uncle’s family even planted cotton last year?”

“Good!” Village Head Zheng and the others were relieved to heard this and quickly scolded Lian Li sharply, their voices very harsh.

As long as Lian Fang Zhou had an excuse, it meant that they were blameless. Naturally it was impossible for them to help Lian Li.

Though he was angry and impatient, Lian Li only had one mouth. He couldn’t argue with all of them, so finally he shouted: “I don’t care what’ written in black and white! A family is a family, blood is connected! It can’t be broken whenever you want!”

Lian Fang Zhou sneered. “That’s not what Uncle Lian said back then. Uncle Lian couldn’t wait to sign the agreement! Wishing to get rid of us as a burden. How could there be no evidence? Don’t you think it’s ridiculous to talk about relationships with this evidence?”

“Fang Zhou is right!” Village Head Zheng smiled. “I was the witness for this agreement and I remember the situation clearly. Originally, Lian Fang Zhou and her siblings were not willing to sign the agreement. They were so young and no one was taking care of them. I even tried to persuade you a few words but you insisted!”

“You’re talking nonsense!” Lian Li was shocked and angry. At that time, it was obvious that Lian Fang Zhou had played a trick. He hadn’t expected Village Head Zheng to turn black into white like this.

“Aren’t you ashamed to call yourself a human? Lian Li, look at the brazen and cruel things you have done. If word got out, the reputation of Dafang village would be seriously affected!” Third Uncle Zhang slapped the table hard.

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“That’s right! I think he should be imprisoned in the ancestral hall for three or five years for reflection!” Uncle Li Wu was even more stern.

“You!” Lian Li said ferociously. “You guys are uniting to bully me! Okay, then let’s fight to the death!”

As he spoke, he stood up abruptly and sneered. “I will see you in the courtroom of the county yamen!” He wouldn’t show any kindness to Lian Fang Zhou and the others.

The paper had been torn and the true face underneath was revealed. Lian Li’s vicious behavior was even worse than Madam Qiao!

It must have been hard for him to pretend in the past, Lian Fang Zhou thought to herself.

Sighing, she said: “What does Uncle Lian mean? You can’t discount the black and white words of the agreement or the words of Village Head Zheng and the elders. You can’t argue this alone! Uncle Lian, who do you think you are? Do you think everyone else is a fool?”

“He’s not stupid!” Uncle Li Wu said coldly. “I think he’s been bewitched!”

“Wait for me!” Lian Li sneered, striding out.

“We will go too.” Village Head Zheng said with the elders.

“Today was very troublesome.” Lian Fang Zhou smiled. “I think what Uncle Lian said about going to the county yamen was just talk, it shouldn’t be true. If he really claimed to be a member of our family, he doesn’t have any evidence to back his claim up. If nothing else, he needs to look at the future of his eldest son.”

The village elders exchange thoughtful glances. Village Head Zheng looked at Lian Fang Zhou and lowered his head, it was unclear what he was thinking.

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