Wen Ruan felt bad, she said, “It’s not what you think, sister. Please don’t say it like that. He really can help, but he’s not a servant.”

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Wen Long just brushed off a loose curl casually and said, “Well then, if you’re here to help, don’t you need a pay?”

The boy who had been bowing his head moved at that moment. His dark pupils hidden behind the fringe hair curtain were raised indifferently, “I’m not here to help. You need to pay me according to my work hours.”

Wen Ruan, who wanted to argue for him, stood there stunned. She hadn’t expected him to be so straightforward.

She turned around to look at him in a daze, but she felt like she couldn’t recognize him. Her eyes were round and wide open, confusion and wonder evident in them.

It was because she always had the notion that he was a weak and pitiful person. A person who was constantly under suffering but never dared to reveal it to anyone, so she couldn’t help but feel the need to do something for him.

But now, the thin young man had a coldness in his eyes. And his blunt words didn’t fit the image she had of him.

Wen Ruan froze in her place, not knowing what to say.

While Wen Long paid him no more attention, “Exactly! You’ll be a servant here. You can start your work.”

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Yan Li took a silent step closer to Wen Ruan, “What do you need me to do? And also, how much will be my salary?”

His voice was so cold that Wen Ruan felt that it poured a bucket of iced water onto the hearts of anyone who heard it.

She went completely stiff.

It looked like he never regarded her as a benefactor, but only an employer who gave him work.

But it shouldn’t have been like that. She was so kind to him and gave him many favors in the past. How could this person speak to her with such an indifferent tone?

“I…” Wen Ruan stammered, she couldn’t make her mouth move and formulate a response to his questions.

Even if she could say anything, how could she know the pay when she herself never paid attention to any of the details of the servants?

But Wen Long wasn’t fazed, she spoke the words naturally, “Ten gold coins per day. As for the work…. We don’t have a shortage of servants in the house right now, so you can help with some chores here and there.”

Ten gold coins per day was quite a good pay.

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That was also the real reason why so many people seeked to work for the Wen family.

Wen Long glimpsed at her sister, who was still at a loss. 

The gaze that fluttered at her was brief, but it was that glimpse that made Wen Ruan feel like she was treading on pins and needles.

Wen Ruan understood suddenly that compared to her sister, she was more naive. She had brought a boy back home whose background was unknown.

Regardless of any matter, Wen Long shouted to the upstairs, “Aunt Zhang.”

“Yes, Miss!” A woman in a working uniform came down.

“A new person has joined.”

She pointed at Yan Li without hesitation, “You can give him any chores. Also, since this person is not hired from a reputable company, make sure to send someone to record our house’s belongings. If something goes missing, he will be fired.”


Wen Ruan, who was standing on the side, started chewing her lips which went pale.

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How could her sister doubt people right away?

Yan Li was her classmate, how could her sister think so low of him?

Aunt Zhang took a look at the boy’s school clothes, “Follow me upstairs, you need to change into work clothes first.”

Yan Li’s eyes darkened, “Do I need to pay for the clothes?”

“Uhh… no.”

He then lowered his head again and proceeded to go. His shaggy hair fell on his eyes again, hiding any sight of them, which made him look gloomy.

[In the later stage of the story’s plot, Yan Li became psychopathic from continued repression, and developed a concerning and disturbing possessiveness for Wen Ruan, because it was she who had helped him. Not only that, but he had even attempted to go beyond and harm the female and male leads.]

But the system had to be careful, lest Wen Long misunderstood it. 

[The original owner’s maltreatment was what made him eventually turn into a villain. Therefore, you can easily complete the task as long as you do not commit evil deeds the original owner committed. But you have to do that as per her personality or her personal settings will collapse.]

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Wen Long didn’t dwell too much on what the system said.

She spoke in her mind, “What is the standard for the task’s completion?”

[As long as the host can ensure that the subject will not delve into excessive thoughts about the female lead, the task can be completed.]

‘……I see.’

But Wen Long looked back at Yan Li, narrowing her eyes as she thought that such people were not easy to deal with. They would do anything to survive, and they could already be blackened to their core. (Breaking bad/ loose morality after a bad experience)

Now, it seemed that this person’s temperament was already dark from the start. 

This idiot system! It couldn’t even state the blackening points the subject had. (points 1-100). It didn’t even know the exact moment when the boy would lose his morality, and here Wen Long was thinking it was all caused by the original owner.

She let out an internal sigh.

Tsk, it seemed like quite a hassle to go through.

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