More than half a month later, the sophomore year of high school was about to usher in the last exam before the summer vacation.

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During this period, Yan Li was completely used to coming to the school every morning to help Wen Long clean the desk, wipe it all with a towel from top to bottom, and then start the day’s study.

Of course, he asked Wen Long to reimburse the money for the tissues used.

In the final exam of this school, there were bonuses for the top ten of the grade, especially the first place, which was 200 gold.

In the previous three semesters, Yan Li was basically in the top ten, and could get 50 gold.

The 50-gold bonus was basically enough for his entire semester’s expenses. The premise was not to be discovered by his father.

At noon in the midsummer, the school’s air conditioner was turned on a lot, but it didn’t feel hot.

This was what he was more satisfied with there. A comfortable environment could give him a good learning state.

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In addition to the recent good food, his energy was far more abundant than before, including his brain power.

At the end of the term, he wanted to try harder to get first place in the exam. 

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the girl next to him put down her chopsticks, and Yan Li also put down the pen in his hand.

Then he collected the book, pulled the lunch box, and wiped the chopsticks with the paper towel. A series of movements that went extremely smoothly.

Looking at the food in the two-tier lunch box that had hardly been touched, he was a little puzzled.

Why would anyone just eat so little?

He looked at the girl beside him who had started yawning and thought that she was always sleeping, and was lazy. So she was unwilling to use her brain. Of course, if she didn’t use her brain much, she would eat less.’

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Aware of his gaze, Wen Long looked over with a cold face, “What are you looking at, idiot?”

Yan Li then retracted his gaze, but silently added a sentence in his heart.

He was not stupid, she was.

Yan Li was very concerned about the titles “stupid” and “idiot”, so he peeked at Wen Long’s results during the small test, which was a complete mess.

Since then, these two titles had been put on Wen Long by him in revenge.

“Wen Long, someone is looking for you!” The boy near the back door shouted to her.

Wen Long glanced out the back door and found that it was someone she had never met.

Searching through the original owner’s memory, she matched a name to that face. He was a classmate from the previous class of the original owner.

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The third grade of high school had already finished the college entrance examination. Wen Long didn’t have to think about it.

She got up and went out.

After a few minutes, when Wen Long came back, she had a box of chocolates in a round iron box in her hand. In the pocket of her school uniform jacket, the corner of a light green envelope could be seen.

She casually stuffed the box of chocolates into the table.

Yan Li glanced at the iron box, and then stuffed the last bite of rice into his mouth.

The day’s dinner was chocolate, and he liked it.

After eating, he washed and dried the lunch box and put it in his handbag. He didn’t sleep and started studying directly.

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If he wanted to get the first rank, he had to spend more time than before on studying.

After lunch break, students also returned to the classroom one after another from outside.

There were still ten minutes before class, but most of the students had already arrived.

“Wow……” A girl let out an exclamation and pushed her deskmate beside her, motioning her to look at the front door of the classroom.

Immediately afterward, the rest of the class also noticed the strangeness and looked out the door one after another.

In a few seconds, the originally quiet classroom became agitated.

“It’s Si Yan… Why did he suddenly come to our class?”

“I don’t know, is he looking for someone?”

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