Older Brother, learning from friends/?

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Princess Patricia, who came into our circle in a reluctant manner at first couldn’t determine how close she should be with Gaspar. However, using cats as the impetus, her giant love for animals made itself known.

[That’s right, even though I want to pet and stroke them, they usually run away. Cats are such free creatures.]

Princess Patricia says it’s a shame that they suddenly escape while looking at the picture of a cat being held.

[Aah, that picture. While I somehow managed to hold it, I had a hard time taking a picture. The result was this.]

Gaspar laughs cheerfully.

[However, yesterday I managed to learn a trick that prevents cats from escaping. That’s right, it’s the one you taught me, Marcel.]

Suddenly getting mentioned, I tilt my head to the side.

A trick to prevent escaping cats?

Because there aren’t any cats in our Alderton family, of course I don’t possess any techniques on such a thing.

[Eh— Elder brother! Please tell me too! When I get invited to a friend’s house, I am always disliked by the cats there!]

Michelin jumps in.

Yeah, I kind of understand it.

An image of Michelin in shock from a cat turning away from her appears in my mind.

Come to think of it, even in the original game, there were scenes of her being chased away by a crow or a dog when trying to harass the main character.

[I also want to know it.]

Princess Patricia joins in too.

Even if you say so, I don’t recall anything of the sort……

[Hey Gaspar, I don’t remember teaching you such a technique. Rather, you’re the one who should tell me!]

I ask Gaspar hurriedly while the others stare at me blankly.

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[Really? I thought if it was Marcel, getting along with animals would be easy.] (TN: マルセルならば動物相手でも簡単だと思うのだが )

[There aren’t any dogs or cats at our house, so I wouldn’t know how.]

Turns out it was overestimation. (TN: ずいぶんと買い被られたものである )

[Emm, then I will tell you again…… You see, in order not to let a cat escape, choose the moment in which the cat isn’t running away and wait. It’s simply that.]

[Eh— is that all?]

[…… How should I put it, the exit to the labyrinth is its entrance, it felt like I received such an answer.]

Michelin and Princess Patricia seem to be dissatisfied with the answer given.

[It’s obvious, but isn’t it important? On that day— the day I had a sword match with Marcel, after returning home, I didn’t bother the cats in order to calm the feeling of fatigue on my chest. When I did that, a cat named Madeley, who always had a naughty attitude, came up to me by itself. It’s this one.]

Gaspar turns over the album and points at a cat.

Madeley is there with Gaspar keeping a distance, showing the manner in how things are done. (TN: 様子を見るような態度を表していた)

It is the same with the other pictures. Though they are taken from a distance, there is nothing in the vicinity in the photograph.

[As far I remember, it never initiated contact with me, but at that time, it approached from the other direction and laid down in front of me. As if it was asking for me to stroke it. So I gently stretched out my hand and was able to touch it easily.]

While looking at his own hands, Gaspar tells what happened.

I felt that his eyes looked very kind.

[Doesn’t it sound good~]

[Isn’t it just a coincidence?]

[At the beginning, I also thought the same thing. However, while observing the cats, I suddenly noticed something. The cats were doing the same thing that day, they were also observing my mood. Madeley was trying to cheer me up, probably.]

Gaspar says so while thanking Madeley who isn’t here.

[And that is why, the things that Marcel told me in the match—to the bitter end, what happens to a person is related to those around them. If all you care about is yourself, it makes sense that things will not go well. Before forcing your circumstances on others, you first have to consider if your partner will accept it. So, this photo is the so-called lesson that reflects how I was stuck in my way of life.]

Gaspar says with a cheerful face.

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Somehow, he has the feeling of an adult.

[It somehow became long. Well, it was such an obvious matter, but only after I lost to Marcel did I notice such a thing.]

[Like I said, that match wasn’t won by me. It was a draw.]

Gaspar is still fixated over it!

[Although during the last match it may be like you said, but before that, it was my total lost. I wonder if it is your intention on doing so, but being too modest will only cause the one defeated to feel the opposite of grateful. Besides, I got something irreplaceable from that defeat. My treasure, it would be sad if you deny what you helped create.]

Gaspar says reprovingly.

That’s true. Maybe I’m the one who is fixated.

Somehow, my friend in front of me seems to be very big.

They say that a young man should be carefully observed every three days. (TN: This one really need to be checked because I don’t think it’s the right translation – 男子三日会わざれば刮目して見よとはよく言ったものである ED: I think it’s something along the lines of how young people can really grow up after experiencing something that impacts them. Or kind of like how little kids grow up quickly without you noticing. Basically, Gaspar became a man.)

[It’s bad that only you two are excited. Could you please tell us a little more so we can understand?]

Princess Patricia says in dissatisfaction.

If I look, Michelin who is next to her, also nods her head in agreement.

Well, I think it’s a good scene in which one can feel friendship.

[Oh, well you see. To put it clearly, through the match with Marcel, I was able to learn the importance of others’ points of view. Because of that, I was able to learn how to associate with cats properly. So, it isn’t an exaggeration to say that it was taught by Marcel.]

I think it’s quite an exaggeration, but I’ll tolerate it and keep my mouth shut.

[Huh, for a foolhardy warrior to reach such an enlightenment. As I thought, Marcel really is interesting—]

Princess Patricia directs such a line to me once again, but—

[But, a knight that can take into consideration the feelings of a cat is also interesting. At this rate, you might really become a lion as your name suggests.]

Princess Patricia looks interestingly at Gaspar. In that gaze, the grudge of the past is not included. The princess is quite a magnanimous one. (TN: 王女は王女で相当度量が広いと思われる)

[Nee, next time, invite me to the Lambert Family under the pretext of apologizing for your impolite silence so far. I also want to learn how to understand cats.]

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[……Oh, not only for me, but also for Marquis Lambert’s rudeness in the past—]

Gaspar takes her words literally and accepts in a resolute manner.

[That’s why I’m telling you it’s just a pretext! Before guessing a cat’s feelings, you should also be aware of a woman’s heart. As you are, being a cat knight means nothing!]

Princess Patricia retorts magnificently.

They seem to be having fun while arguing with each other—

I suddenly look at the empty part of the room where the magic tool for lighting is. (TN: 照明の魔道具のある辺りを眺める)

I wonder what it is.

This vexing feeling that I can’t put into words.

But, there—there is an unpleasant feeling gushing out to the point that it can’t be helped. (TN: その先から何か不快な感覚が湧いて出てきてしょうがない)

What is it— no, who is it? (TN: 一体何――、いや、誰だ?)

[What is the matter, Marcel?]

Bruno notices and calls out.

Prince Edward too looks anxiously seeing the situation.

[Ah, no, it’s nothing. Maybe some of the sake is still affecting me—]

Somehow, I don’t feel like talking about it.

I can’t explain this feeling.

[That is serious! That’s right, here’s the rest of the water from before!]

Michelin rushes to the bottle and brings it.

[Oh, thank you—]

Receiving it, although it’s bad manners, I drink it directly.

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Because the cause is different, it shouldn’t have any effect, but—

[«With this, I hope the thing that made older brother feel bad has gone.»]

Suddenly, the uncomfortable feeling up till now disappears.

I look at the empty area, but I don’t feel anything strange anymore.

I wonder what it was.

[Thank you Michelin, I feel refreshed thanks to the water you brought. As expected, it seems to be caused by the alcohol after all.]

When I say so, everyone seems to be relieved.

[…… Hey Michelin, I’m glad you were worried for me, but why did you speak in the upper ancient language?]

When I heard it, Michelin’s expression seemed to be strange. (TN: 俺が聞くと)

Yes, at that time—just before my discomfort disappeared and Michelin spoke, it was certainly the upper ancient language.

[Oh, was I just speaking in the upper ancient language?]

[Huh, you certainly used it.]

She didn’t notice?

[U~n, I have been told by my friends too…… Looking back on it, there are times that I felt like I was using it—]

It seems to be done unconsciously.

[But, I sometimes use it when I think a situation is good.] (TN: その方が良いと思った時に使っていた事が多いですわ)

Michelin touches her chin with her hand while pondering.

It can’t be helped if the person herself doesn’t know. I will learn from Gaspar too and observe Michelin.

While I was doing so, Father and Mother return.

So the greeting and tea party that I used as an opportunity came to an end. We promised each other to meet again and everyone returned.

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