30. Elder Brother, look at the past

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In front of me, the event of three years ago was spreading.

Differently when I regained my previous memory, my point of view was different. (TN: その時の俺と同化した視点ではない。)

Like a spectator who is watching the stage from the distance.

Although this time I’m on the lawn, I understood that I can’t interfere with what happening in front of me.

[You can’t understand it unless you look a little longer?] (TN: もう少し、前から見ないと分からないよ?)

Before I knew it, a girl with black hair stood next to me.

[Who are you?]

If this was the reality, I would be totally horrified, but maybe because of the extremely special circumstances, I calmed and asked.

[Who—I don’t know. Marcel Alderton, it’s part of the magic arts that you have set up]


That’s magic.

This world—It was one of the major elements that made up the world of <Concert of Light>.

And yet, it’s an element that I haven’t been strongly aware of until now. (TN: そして、にも関わらず今の今まで俺が強く意識することが出来ていなかった要素だ。)

[Hey, you know about my magic–] (TN: おい、俺の魔術についての知識もお前が――)

[No need to be impatient. First, you need to look closely in your past don’t you think?]

The black-haired girl urged blatantly. (TN: 黒髪の少女は悪びれずにそう促してきた。)

[Don’t fool! Who manipulated my memory!]

[No need to be impatient. First, you need to look closely in your past don’t you think?]

At my demand, the black-haired girl repeated again with a smile as if she was stuck in the word. (TN: 黒髪の少女は寸分たがわぬセリフを貼り付いたような笑顔でもう一度繰り返した。)

Damn, it’s seemed she was like a program made by magic. No matter what I say, I will probably get the same answer. (TN: くっ、どうやら彼女は魔術で組まれたプログラムのような存在らしい。)

[… I can’t help it. Let us see what in my past]

[Un, it’s good to understand] (TN: うん、物わかりが良くていいね)

When I said that she made a new action.

[Well then, I shall restore the memories of what happened in this square 3 years ago]

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As the girl said it, the surrounding start to distort.

I wonder if this is 30minute back in time. (TN: それは先程から遡ること30分くらいだろうか。)

Children are playing and climbing the roots of a big tree that emerge out of the ground.

A guest who wasn’t invited in such a happy place. (TN: そんな楽しげな所に招かねざる客。)

Past me appeared.

So far, it’s matched my memory.

With an exception that Michelin is behind me.

[Alright, I will get Michelin to the highest point] (TN: よーし、ミシュリーヌをあの一番高い所に登らせてやるからな)

[Wow, onii-sama so cool!]

Aah, that’s right. I was making such a silly move.

Even though I’m watching from an audience point of view, the scene I’m seeing is vividly revived as a memory I already experienced. (TN: 客席から眺めているにも関わらず、目にする場面場面が自分の体験した記憶として鮮明に甦ってくる。)

I took Michelin under the raised root.

There were already other people— children were playing on the ground under the raised root.

From my previous life memory common sense, I though that we should play together or wait our turn, unfortunately in the past I had no idea.

[Go away. I’ll use it from now on.]

In the past I declared to clear out straightforwardly. (TN: 過去の俺はド直球で立ち退きを宣言した。)


[This is everyone’s places!]

It was a very good objection, but in the past, I could only find it as unpleasant when I couldn’t have what I wanted.

And then I used to learn about what to do if my parent didn’t do what I wanted, I grabbed the boy’s leg and dragged him down.

The dropped boy twisted his leg and begun to cry, a boy probably a friend quickly descended the root and approach worriedly.

Even looking at that situation, neither I nor Michelin felt anything.

The world was either pleasant or unpleasant for me. (TN: 世界は、自分にとって快か不快かでしかなかった。)

It doesn’t matter if the cause of discomfort was crying or shouting.

Rather, I was happy that I was able to eliminate things that cause discomfort.

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In the past—No, because it is the past that cannot be changed, that I can’t say a word on what I’m doing. (TN: 己の所業に言葉が出ない。)

In the meantime, the past me climbed up the root without listening on what was being said. (TN: そうしているうちに過去の俺は、言うことを聞かないものを成敗した高揚のままに浮き根に登る。)

[Wait! Apologize for making Bruno cry!]

The other one followed.

Oh, so that was Bruno. So is this boy should be Enrio.


The past me was already on the highest point and kicked without any hesitations.


The boy who might be Enrio was blown away by the kick in the stomach and started to cry.

It’s the worst.

I wanted to beat myself.

What is worse than that, there is more scene waiting ahead.

In the past I have climbed the floating root in high spirit, kicking off the children who had become an obstacle without any hesitation, knocking them down.

Some of the children were trying to get out of their own way in case of danger, but they stepped on their hands or kicked their faces dropping them.

The hardest thing was that Michelin was following behind him happily.

I guess it’s decided to be distorted like this. (TN: こんなの歪むに決まってるだろうに。)

I wanted to close my eyes, but it was meaningless because I wasn’t seeing it with my eyes.

[That’s it! Bad guy!]

And then, the hero appeared.

A red-haired noble boy took a tree branch that had fallen near as a sword pointing it toward me in the past. It was unmistakably Gaspar.


The boy Gaspar quickly climbed the floating roots and knock me down in a flash.

There isn’t any serious retribution, but in my past dictionary had no word of reflection. (TN: これほど分かりやすい因果応報もないのだが、過去の俺の辞書には反省の文字は無かった。)

Anger precedes the pain from the fall, I bellowed against Gaspar on the floating roots.

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On the other hand, Gaspar, a hero full of justice, jumped off himself and trust the tree branch at my past self again.

The past me approach carelessly and tried to use violence.

Right now, despite being the one on the wrong side, I didn’t understand it. (TN: 今まさに自分が、やる側からやられる側になったにも関わらず、それを理解できていなかったのだ。) For me in the past, there was a rule for those who made me feel uncomfortable and it was to accept the violence silently.

The boy Gaspar quickly evaded and boldly hit me with his branch.

As the branch was just as thick as an adult finger there shouldn’t be much damage, in the past I was surprised and confused by the fact that I was struck back in the face.

I was unreasonably angry and hits Gaspar several times and he saw that the tree branch was useless against me, he threw it and came with his bare hand. (TN: 怒りと驚きで滅茶苦茶に暴れる俺に何発か殴られたガスパールは枝を対して役に立たないと見て投げ捨て、素手でかかってきた。)

My actions, which has power but are monotonous were easy to read, was beaten.


[Do it!]

Before I knew it, the children who were kicked off by me got together and started to support Gaspar.

[Alright! Let’s do it!]

Gaspar took the momentum and chased me further. (YN: ガスパールは勢いに乗り、更に俺に追撃を加える。)


Michelin shouts from above the floating roots.

It looks unbelievable.


I bellowed, swinging my arm to hit without thinking. (TN: 俺は吠え、出鱈目に腕を振り回すが当たる訳がない。)

After Gaspar attacked, the other children who saw the chance manage to push others. (TN: ガスパールの攻撃を受け、隙をみた他の子ども達にも小突かれる始末である。)


Gaspar slammed his fist into my face to stop me, causing me a huge nosebleed in the past.

The nosebleed itself doesn’t hurt, nut it looked terrible because it gushed out a lot.

Then Michelin saw me and cried out.

[Elder brother! Defeat—All of them!!] (TN: In here I think she is speaking a different language)

There is no problem with the content of the word.

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They were common words when children were quarreling.

But the words were spoken in the High-Ancient language—It had a strong power.


My past-self cries resounded. (TN: 過去の俺の叫び声が響く。)

His arms and legs bulge abnormally, his clenched fists break through the skin and bleed.

I’m not sure if there are changes in my face.

Because they are scenes recreated from my memories, I can’t see things that I hadn’t seen. (TN: 俺の記憶を再構成して作られた光景なのだから、本人から見えない物は表現できないという事か。)

But the limbs developed abnormally, clothes stained with blood and with a face unclear, I could only saw myself as a monster.

What caused these abnormal changes, was—


The black-haired girl nodded with my words.

[That’s right. 3 years ago, Michelin Alderton, in this square, exercised her first sorcery.] (TN: 3年前のこの広場で、ミシュリーヌ・アルダートンは初めて魔術を行使した)

In mechanical and emotionless tone.

[And the result is this]


We’ve attacked everyone, driven by a simple command, in the past I started with nearest person to me, victim of that atrocity.

Meanwhile, Michelin who had used her magic at me, I realized had fallen unconscious on the floating roots. I don’t know if its because of magic or because she saw my terrifying appearance.

Although no one had died, some have their arms broken and others ha theirs skin torn, blood and screams filled the area.

Gaspar is still boldly challenging me, punching my face with his fist, I collapse with a broken tooth.

While almost a monster he remembered his grudge, when I approach Gaspar at the end—A strong light burned my eyes.


Away from Gaspar, past me writhe on the ground.


[Well, this is a problem]

Dressed in a traditional white robe Wolf-jii—Wolfram appeared. (TN: 白を基本色とした法衣に身を包んだヴォル爺――ヴォルフラムが現れた。)

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