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In an unexpected change of subject, I raised my slightly bowed head. But Esadien repeated casually.

“Could you take off your gloves and show me your hands?”

“Suddenly, my hand? Why…..”

“Didn’t you say you didn’t hide anything from me?”

I couldn’t breathe.

‘No, not this one.’

The burn marks that could not be blurred even by divine power were the only big flaws that existed on Minuelle Karinen’s beautiful body.

‘I don’t want it to be seen. Never.’

Especially for someone as beautiful as Esadien.

As soon as he saw the scar, I was afraid that his eyes would be distorted and have a contemptuous light.

The intense fear even consumed the heat that traveled throughout the body. Only the tip of my nose was still hot.


I hesitated back.

“It was so sudden. Later…. later….. now is….”

While I was stuttering and talking, I felt something hot crossing my throat.


Esadien’s eyebrows were sharply distorted.

‘Are…. you angry?’

It was a time when I took a deep breath as I felt my throat clogged.

Contrary to the previous one, Esadien narrowed the distance I had been working hard on. Then I blinked blankly when a soft handkerchief touched the tip of my nose.


“It’s all right, calm down. It’s okay to show me next time.”

It was dark, but it was recognizable enough that Esadien’s dark green handkerchief was wet to near black.

‘….this body.’

In the end, I saw the blood again.

“You’d better go inside. Rest and go back.”

“What about you, prince?”

Instead of answering, Esadien’s gaze returned to the carriage in which Lafesch rode.


“I see.”

I did this much.

My spirits went flat.

“I think I’ll be late, so don’t wait…..”

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At the same time, what he said while looking back at me, even the last remaining patience was volatilized. I’m not even a naive hostess!

“No. That’s it.”

I took off Esadien’s hand with a handkerchief, but soon I felt blood flowing again.

I thought I had vomited a lot of blood before, but this was another unfamiliar symptom. Again, holding down the anxiety that was about to rise, I pulled out my handkerchief and pressed my nose.

“Handkerchief, do you want me to wash it and return it?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

Ha. I guess so. It would be better if we didn’t meet under the pretext of a handkerchief, you.

“Thank you for your noble consideration, but I will stop and return.”

Seeing Esadien’s eyebrows frown, it was clear that he didn’t even know why I was sarcastic.

“If you collapse,”

“No, you don’t have to worry about that.”

I strode up the stairs of the carriage without an escort and opened the door. When I saw Ramande sitting inside, Esadien’s hardened face became clear.

“The Priest of Flendena.”

“Long time no see, Prince.”

Whether the two greeted each other or not, I sat down across Ramande. Ramande, who was looking at Essadien and me, added.

“I followed because I was worried that it was late. Looking at Minuelle’s condition, I’m glad I did.”

As soon as Ramande’s divine power wrapped around her, the nosebleed stopped and the heat subsided.

“Ha…. thank you, Ramande.”

As soon as I exhaled a comfortable breath, Esadien spoke as if interrogating me. What Ramande explained a while ago didn’t seem to reach him at all.

“Minuelle, you have no reason to be angry with me. Isn’t there someone else in your carriage?”

“I beg your pardon? Who are you attaching Ramande to now?”

“What’s the difference? Aren’t Flendena’s priests and Lady Celeste also friends of each other?”

And words rolled out, adding as if they had forgotten.

“They are both of the opposite sex.”

“What… friend? Lafesch Celeste is the prince’s friend? Are you serious?”

Esadien only looked at me silently, even though I was getting heated up again.

Ramande, who was restless, comforted me and said as if he were making an excuse.

“Prince, Minuelle is being emotional right now…. I’m sure she’ll regret it and apologize in a little while. Please forgive her.”

At the same time, the eyes of Esadien and I were on Ramande.

“Why do you ask for forgiveness?”

“Priest, you know it’s not a place for you to join.”

To his surprise, Esadien was staring at Ramande. Ramande’s mouth is slightly stiff.


Now I’m really angry, too.

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It wasn’t disappointing, it wasn’t disturbing.

Esadien put that woman and Ramande, the benefactor of my life, on the same line, without recognizing she was making a move on him.

‘You dare’? What he did was ‘daring’.

“All right, go, Prince. Go away to your precious friend!”

I screamed and slammed the door shut in Essadien’s face. And, not caring whether he went down the stairs or not, but I knocked hard on the wall on the horse’s side.

“I’m annoyed. I’m annoyed……”

The carriage set off slowly. I stamped my foot, scrambling my head.

‘You’ve definitely become a narrow-minded woman.’

Everyone will gossip when they hear this.

A narrow-minded who can’t tolerate her friend. Now, who is going to approach the prince?

“Minuelle, stop.”

Ramande slowly took my hand off my head and organized my messy hair.

And then this is what he said.

“I’m sorry, Minuelle.”

“Why are you apologizing when it’s not your fault?”

Yes, the bad guy is Esadien. The guy who proudly calls Lafesch a friend is a bad guy!

‘Stupid! You fool who doesn’t know that Lafesch covets you!’

As I stomped my foot again, Ramande gave me a puzzled and bitter look. Seeing that face made me feel even more sorry.

‘Our Ramande is the body that will become the High Priest in the future. He told him not to step in…..’

Haah. Another sigh came out.

“Don’t do that again, Ramande.”


“Begging for my forgiveness, don’t do it.”

It was like a beating start, so I still didn’t feel good.

But I couldn’t get the words out. It was because Ramande’s face, which immediately questioned her, was like someone who had  speak ill of someone.

“Can’t do that?”


“You’re my friend, aren’t you?”

Ramande would sometimes become blind under the name of a friend. Of course, he was so precious that I thought I could do anything for him…..

“No, I mean.”

I shook my hand for a moment and put it on the back of Ramande’s hand.

“It wasn’t something you had to apologize for. Don’t you think so?”

Only then did Ramand’s expression ease a little. He turned his hand over and grabbed my hand, leaning his face gently toward me.

“Minuelle, I didn’t want to say this because I’m cheering for you.”

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Ramande’s lukewarm sigh touched my cheek.

“If you’re having a hard time, I think you’d better do as the young duchess or the princess says.”

“….to break off the engagement?”

Ramande patted my head without saying any more. The quiet comfort made my heart ache even more.



Esadien hasn’t been contacted since that day.

‘I always went to you first. You’re so mean.’

I laughed bitterly at the thought that came to mind without realizing it.

It wasn’t like this before. It was good just to see him, regardless of whether I visited him or not.

‘Was Esadien right after all?’

The feeling of liking someone is unbelievable because love is such a short-lived feeling.

My mother hinted at me, who was depressed and stirred the tea cup without sugar meaninglessly.

“Minuelle, I heard that you decided to sponsor a student who will enter a magic school.”

“Oh, yes.”

“It is also important to find talented people. Well done.”

Is the bill already gone? The answer was soon given to me, who was puzzled.

“I happened to see the great magician yesterday.”

“The great magician?”

Why suddenly the great magician?

In the original story, the great magician appeared from the middle, and he was the one who would become Lafesch’s teacher.

I mean, it has absolutely nothing to do with me. So I’m more confused.

“Mr. Brasidas has been in hiding for a long time. When I was young, no one knew his name.”

Brasidas. Hearing his name, I opened his mouth wide, forgetting the etiquette.

‘The magician…. No, he said he’d take Palos as a pupil.’

So what about Lafesch?

‘Wow, the original is twisted like this again.’

I haven’t felt much guilty so far as I went on a different path from the original, but honestly, I was a little sorry this time.

……What is it.

It tasted like sesame seeds. Hgh.

‘Lafesch, I’m sorry! I can’t help it either… I guess I’m the villain!’

Does she know that she was destined to become a pupil of the archmage?

But it wasn’t time to worry about other people’s future.

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“So, Minuelle.”

“Yes, mom?”

“There was an incident that you didn’t tell me.”

Right in front of my eyes, my mother was smiling, which is rare. A smile as cold as the snow in the north.


I swallowed the tea at once and straightened my posture.

“I’m sorry. Thanks to the great magician’s help, there was no damage, so I thought it was okay.”

“Okay. There was no damage. But there were things you didn’t know.”

The mother told the story she had heard from Brasidas in a rigid tone as if she were instructing the operation.

At that time, I did not get on the carriage, which was like the underworld bus, but it had a powerful deceptive magic on me.

At first, even if there are no symptoms, once it takes root, it suffers from hallucinations and eventually finds the caster as if possessed.

“Is that possible?”

“I just heard it, too. He said it’s not the preferred way these days.”

Once again, it got creepy.

I thought it was too sloppy for the carriage to disappear, but there was another target. If it wasn’t really Brashidas, it would have been a disaster.

‘Wow, people should do good things.’

I need to listen to this Lamande too. Heck, helping Palos wa something else.

“But mom, do you have any idea where it’s behind it?”

“I’ll tell you when I’m certain.”

My mother’s ‘when I’m certain’ meant that after the culprit was powdered. It felt like black flames were already running behind my back.

“There’s a good candidate, so please let me know.”

There are two candidates who pester my mother.

It was the second prince and the Church of Fire.

‘The Church of Fire….’

Not long ago, only a brief caution was written in the temple’s communication, but has it already grown to the point that my mother pointed out?



“Now when you’re out, you’ll stick with the best knights and magicians. We didn’t bring you from the temple to lock you up at home.”

Therefore, my mother’s voice, which continued to speak, trembled slightly.

“Just be safe.”

I was choked by her heavy sincerity.


I managed to mumble after my mother gave me a big hug and left the room.

“If you say so, I won’t  go out more.”

I have a conscience, too.

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