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12 Hikime – I Started To Hunting Rabbits

[Let’s take a little break at the rest-point] (Taku)

[- -kay]
[Aah I’m tired]

[Can you get tired from climbing mountain inside the game?]
[Not physically but I still can tired mentally]

North from the town of beginning.
We take a break in the flat open area of a mountain trail.
We started climbing before the sun rose and we're just barely halfway to our destination.
Trees grow sparsely here also our foothold is getting bad.
Sometimes monster come out and if we are lucky we can find iron ore.
And more than anything, it’s not a bad place to raised our levels.

[Hey Taku, are you certain there is a monster boss on the mountain summit?]

[Ah, certainly there was a Stone Golem boss on the mountain summit in the beta time. It was defeated and dropped a large quantity of iron ore but the ordeal is ahead of it. To be honest this map was made in beta, so I want to check it myself] (Taku)

[Beta groups good job! I'm lucky because we have information from beta. That’s means this group is winner. QED certification completed]


[Hai-hai. . . So Taku is the Stone Golem strong?]

[Big, hard, and slow. In other word it's easy-to-understand enemy. But it will be dangerous even if you just received one hit. You can scrape at its HP from behind while the vanguard gets its attention. You can get used to the attack pattern because is simple] (Taku)

[Hou. . .]

He returned with a tepid response and started to chat with the other party member. Hey it’s because you ask so listen up carefully.

« Player : You received a call from Yu, accept it? Y/N »

[Oh a call from Yu? How unusual] (Taku)

This is the first time, I mean.

[Hello? Yu? How strange for you to call] (Taku)

[Taku! It came out. . . a rabbit dropped something and it's a Usamimi hood!] (Yu)   

(TL : Usamimi = Usagi mimi = Rabbit ears)


[Eh? A rabbit dropped a Usamimi hood?] (Taku)

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[ (nod! nod!) ] (Yu)

Sign of nod is returned from other side communication.
No, you should talk because it’s a voice call you know, it's only transmitted to me.

[That’s probably a Rabbit’s Hood. It’s a rare equipment set that's dropped from a Rabbit, it seem was added after the update. Try appraised it and you will find 'set effect' status on it!] (Taku)

[Yes there is but it’s blank] (Yu)

[Well yeah, unless you align it with the other sets there will be no effect] (Taku)

[You mean there are another equipment from the rabbit series?] (Yu)

[Umm. . . I never heard of it, but if this is an equipment set there must be other equipment, no? I never saw it though. That aside are you still fighting Rabbits? Because I'm climbing a mountain now so it's impossible, but I will help you to raise your level later] (Taku)

« Friend call has ended »

[He hung up] (Taku)

Well everyone has their own way to enjoy the game. I think it's good as long as he enjoy to playing (massacre) with Rabbits.

[Captain? Your friend called?]
[Ah, that’s Ria's friend] (Taku)

[Ooh a girl?]
[Wrong, it's a boy friend] (Taku)

[She. . .  with a guy. . . ha ha! Gufufu- -]

[Hey Rika what the hell do you want?]

[What I want? Well of course- -]

[No wait! I don’t want to hear that!]

That was quite excellent firepower from a mage that specialized in water magic.

[Assemble! We will start to move!] (Taku)

[Ouu. . .!!!] 

All of the party members strated to stand up. 


« Summoned monster : Boparu has level-up . Please update the status »
« Summoned monster : Mizuki has level-up . Please update the status »

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« Summoned monster : Boparu has level-up . Please update the status »
« Summoned monster : Mizuki has level-up . Please update the status »

« Skill : Dash skill has leveled-up »
« Skill : Fire Magic skill has leveled-up »

« Summoned monster : Boparu has level-up . Please update the status »
« Summoned monster : Mizuki has level-up . Please update the status »

« Player has leveled-up . Please update your status »

« Summoned monster : Boparu has level-up . Please update the status »
« Summoned monster : Mizuki has level-up . Please update the status »

« Skill : Fire Magic skill has leveled-up »
« Fire spell : You acquired Fire Wall spell »

« Summoned monster : Boparu has level-up . Please update the status »
« Summoned monster : Mizuki has level-up . Please update the status »

« Player has leveled-up . Please update your status »
« Skill : Dash skill has leveled-up »

Player : Yu
Summoner Lv6 → 8
Vitality : 12 → 13
Strength : 12 → 13
Agility : 13
Dexterity : 13
Magic : 15
Spirit : 15

Skills :
Cane Lv4, Summoning Magic Lv5, Fire Magic Lv3 → 5, Appraisal Lv5, Dash Lv5 → 7, Avoid Lv4, Defense Lv4

« Earned 2 skill points . Current skill points : 11→13 »
« Earned 2 skill points . Current skill points : 13→15 »

Boparu Rabbit Lv3 → 8
Vitality : 10
Strength : 8 → 11
Agility : 16 → 18
Dexterity : 12
Magic : 4
Spirit : 7

Skills :

Enemy Searching, Area Perception, Jump, Dash

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Mizuki Owl Lv3 → 8
Vitality : 10 → 12
Strength : 10 → 12
Agility : 16 → 17
Dexterity : 10
Magic : 6
Spirit : 5

Skills :
Flight, Ambush, Enemy Searching, Night Vision, High-speed Flight


One, two, three . . . . . oh seven !!!!

The time is a little past 2 p.m. (TL : Real world time)
The vicinity has becomes dark already, and the monster that emerge have switched over from Rabbits to Rats. It was pretty last minute but it's nice to not straddle the day.

Well let’s try the equipments immediately, that’s what I want to say but first let’s tidy up the surrounding.

[Mufufufu. . . . Boparu Mizuki I’m counting on you to clean up the surrounding] (Yu)


With *babyuun* Boparu and Mizuki go off flying like a bullet to clean (extermination) the surrounding.

Well that’s fine as long as I’m not interrupted.
Now let’s take the full set of rabbit equipment from storage.

[Armor : Head] Rabbit's Hood rarity 2
Defense force +15 weight 1 endurance value 300
The hood is made using the fur of a rabbit
There is an ornament modeled on rabbit ears, and the quickness of a Rabbit is given to someone who equipped it.
Agility correction : Medium
Set effect : None

It’s a pretty rabbit hood with design of 2 usamimi that grow on the top and made with soft fur with *pyokon*. The red small eye which sticks to the front and the mouth design was like the real one. You will
understand its value when you look at it for the first time.

With a joy I tried to wear it, but what is this. . . Oouu the ears moves!!
This is regrettable that I can’t see the ears moving for myself, but I will buy a mirror later by all means. Yeah let’s do that.

[Armor : Hand] Rabbit's Gloves rarity 2
Defense +10 weight 0 endurance value of 200
The gloves are made using the fur or a rabbit 

The back of the hand is decorated with a rabbit character, and the skillfulness of a Rabbit is given to someone who equipped it.

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Dexterity correction : Medium
Set effect : None

The gloves have a small stuffed animal rabbit face on the back of the hand. It's so soft and fluffy also warm, I was worried whether it will fall off when I’m fighting, but maybe it's all right because this is a game.

[Armor : Foot] Rabbit's Boots rarity 3
Defense +10 weight 1 endurance value of 200
The shoes and the knee socks are made using the fur of a rabbit.
It's decorated with rabbit character around the shoes and knee socks, and the quickness of a Rabbit is given to someone who equipped it.
Agility correction : Medium
Set effect : None

The stocking are stripped on knees. The shoes itself are like a rabbits, and whe you see it from the front. . . 
I think to have seen slippers like this somewhere in the past. Such a design.

[Armor: clothes] Rabbit's Dress rarity ??
Defense force +50 weight 1 endurance value 500
The dress is made using the fur of a rabbit
A lower back is decorated with rabbit charcter, and the quickness of a Rabbit is given to person who equipped it.
Agility correction : Large
Set effect : None

Snow-white dress using the fur of a rabbit. The long sleeve to elbow and thigh to bottom knee are decorated with hemp. There is also an appliqué of a big rabbit on the right hip, and it's very pretty.

. . . . . . . 

Umm. . . I understand. I knew at the time of the rabbit's boots.
This is girls equipment isn’t it!? it’s trully girls equipment isn't it!?

But I have equiped it !! (TL : You did it! lol)

I wouldn't dare to wear it if this was real world but here was a virtual world so there's no unwillingness so far.
I'm not ashamed because it's not real!

Cute is Absolute Justice !!

TL Note : I changed skill (索敵) Scouting to Enemy searching for now onwards.



Translator : Sabishii desu

Proof reader : Truffle

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