37th Critter -- Introduction to Fia-chan

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Giii~. (TN: glaring sfx)

「I'm back~」(Yu)

「...'I'm back' isn't the greeting for when a guest has entered a store.」(Fia)

In the real-world it was half-past 6 o'clock. When I logged in, it was noon in FWO, and I went directly to the Atelier to complete the quest.


Together with everyone.

「...! Fluffies.」(Fia)

Bringing out everyone yesterday didn't particularly result in any problems.
Today too, I thought it would probably be fine, and so I was walking with everyone out, and frankly whenever Boparu noticed we were being tailed by someone, I gave them the slip.

Though I considered that I wouldn't be found if I dismissed the summons, and especially that that summons consumed MP, and such, I thought I'd try this way of meeting with Fia-chan and brought them with me, but... Hmm.

「...Why is there a Rabbit-san is riding on Fia's head?」(Fia)
「Don't worry, somehow... un. As expected, it's cute. It's like you've become the world's #1 barista.」(Yuu) (TN: Reference to: Is the Order a Rabbit?)

「...I'm not becoming something like the Anti-Dragon Tactical Division (Ballista). Please stop saying stupid things and quickly come inside. This owl and goat are also guests, right? Please follow me.」(Fia) (TN: the kanji used here, Flying Dragon (飛竜), is sometimes translated as wyvern.)

Glaring at me, Fia-chan turned around and led Mizuki and Aegis into the Atelier. (TN: Raw text says Mizuki and Boparu, but that's probably an error.)

...with Boparu on her head.

「Ah, you're going with Boparu riding on your head.」(Yuu)
「...Boparu-chan... looked like a monster at first, but she's much more docile than I had heard, isn't she? She's cute.」(Fia)

Carefully walking with small steps, Fia-chan was gently petting the top of Boparu's head.

Even so, Boparu wasn't falling from the top of Fia-chan's head, whether that was because Fia-chan's sense of balance was good or Boparu's clinging power was strong...
Fia-chan's hair looked silky, so it seemed she would slide right off.

「That's because Boparu and the others are Summoned Monsters. Normal monsters will start attacking, you know?!」(Yuu)

Rabbits will run away, though.

「...!? T-then...Boparu, chan, too...?」(Fia)

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Fia-chan took hold of Boparu's sides and held Boparu up in front of her face.
Suddenly made to hang in the air, Boparu tilted her head while staring at Fia-chan.
Fia-chan was also looking intently at the pupils of Boparu's big round eyes.

「...mugyuu」(Fia) (TN: hugging sfx)

「...rub, rub」(Fia)

「...snuggle, snuggle」(Fia)

「 fluffy and cute.」(Fia)

So cute...
Being drawn in by Boparu's charm and selfishly ruffling her body was something I also had experienced.
Fia-chan, too, probably became aware that she liked Boparu the moment their eyes met. As expected, she could tell at a glance that Boparu was unusually fluffable.

That's what you call cuteness!

「Oh-yo? Oh-yo-yo! Our honored guest was Yuu -desu?! Haven't seen you in a long time -desu! Oh! That time's Rabbit-san, haven't seen you in a long time either -desu! Thank you for your help that time -desu! It was that time when I nearly lost my painstakingly harvested ingredients -desuyo. It's my first time meeting those two, -desuyo, isn't it? Are they newly summoned? Are they a flying monster and a vanguard monster? I think that's a sound decision, since a Summoner is a rear-guard -desu. Huh? But, though Yuu is a Summoner, don't you fight in the vanguard -desu?」(Elle)
「Long-winded, watch what you're doing! It's spilling! It's spilling!!」(Yuu)

As I was entering into the workshop, Elle was standing there having just turned to face this way while stirring a gigantic round pot with a large stirring stick. And as she was looking away, her vigorous stirring was sloshing stuff from the pot and making a mess on the floor.

...or rather than making a mess, there were hissing green fumes coming out... was that liquid safe?!
Wasn't the floor melting?

「Ah-, Awawah, Awawawah!」(Elle)

「...Haah, seriously Onee-san. Aren't I always telling you to maintain your composure?」(Fia)
「I-i'm ashamed -desu...」(Elle)

Returning Boparu, who was in her hand, back to her head, Fia-chan wiped up the splattered liquid with a washcloth that was placed nearby. Wait, that liquid, is it okay to wipe it up with a washcloth?!
And with her bare hands... Or rather, she simply returned Boparu to her head. Did she like it?

「Shall I help?」(Yuu)

Unable to watch Fia-chan cleaning the floor by herself, I, Mizuki, and Aegis offered our assistance.
Incidentally, Boparu looked down at the floor from atop the head of Fia-chan who was wiping the floor and clung on for dear life so she wouldn't go tumbling off.

「, it's fine. With this... it is done.」(Fia)

Fia-chan balled up the washcloth that had been discolored after wiping the floor and nonchalantly tossed it into storage. As there wasn't a trash bin, I looked around a bit, but if I properly thought about it, was it not needed?

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「It's completed -desu!」(Elle)

Together with her excited report, the round pot glowed faintly. The glow didn't last long, subsiding right away, and looking into the pot, Elle seemed pleased.

「What did you make?」(Yuu)
「Mufufu~want to know-desu~? What should I do~? If you say 'no matter what', should I tell you-desu-though~?」(Elle)

「Nah, I don't particularly want to know about it that extent.」(Yuu)
「Eh? T-that so-desu? Are you not curious-desu?」(Elle)
「...It is Onee-san that wants to be asked by Yuu-san. Fia is also tired of telling you since yesterday. Even though you're always excitable, you are even more excitable today, and for a while now, you have completely failed to maintain your composure.」(Fia)

「I don't want you to say such a thing-desuyo, Fia~」(Elle)
「...Onee-san should reflect on it more. Every time, Fia is cleaning up the mess.」(Fia)
「AhーAhーAhーAhー, I can't hear you~、I can't hear anything-desu~」(Elle)


Elle was covering her ears and looking away, and Fia was sidling up to her while grumbling out complaints like Buddhist prayers... and Boparu was at a loss on top of that head with her eyes darting around.
AhーBoparu will be able to cheer them upー.

-- Ads -- (Chapter continues below)


「...the grilled mystery-meat that I tried purchasing from the stall, it's surprisingly tasty, isn't it?」(Yuu)

I also gave some to Aegis who was looking on longingly, and he was eating with relish. Were goats omnivorous? Weren't they herbivores? Or, is it because he's a monster, I wonder. That's probably it.


Boparu glared, traitors! at us who were enjoying ourselves, but I didn't have the courage to stop Fia-chan who was continuing to whisper scoldings.

「... ...」(Elle)
「...Fuu. I'll leave it at this much for today.」(Fia)

Oh, they burnt themselves out. Elle was trembling with her half-white eyes not knowing where to look, even her voice became inaudible such that all that could be heard were things like but..., that..., and, d-desu... And from even the parts I was hearing at this point, Fia-chan was justified in having her say. Elle suffered a pummeling to the extent that she was speechless. Fia-chan was strong.

「...And so, what kind of business is it today? Is it introducing these kids?」(Fia)

「Nnn, there's also that. Riding on Fia-chan's head is Boparu, a Kicking Rabbit. Ah, want to try giving her a carrot stick?」(Yuu)
「...will give. Please.」(Fia)
「Kyui! ...crunch, crunch, crunch, mokyui, mokyui」

「And so, this one is Mizuki, a Magical Owl. The fluffing feels good and has a different texture compared to Boparu.」(Yuu)
「...fluff, fluff!」(Fia)

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「Finally, this guy is Aegis, a Hardened Goat. Not having a distinguishing feature is his feature.」(Yuu)

「Just kidding. Sturdiness and Positivity are his distinguishing features.」(Yuu)
「...fluffy, warm.」(Fia)

Fluffing the whole crew in turns, Fia-chan looked to be ecstatic to the extent that her cheeks loosened as she smiled and she seemed like she would start humming a tune at any moment.

Oh-ho, cute! That was the first time I saw Fia-chan smiling, even though she is cuter when she smiles.

「...Why are you standing with your hands spread?」(Fia)
「Nn? The next turn is my turn, right? Hey, come on! Maybe welcome~on.」(Yuu) (TN: Some kind of wordplay here, looks to be in English, but I don't really get it.)

「...Won't go. If you are just going to say strange things, you should go home. ...Ah, please leave Boparu and the others, okay?」(Fia)
「A convenient nice guy, that's me」(Yuu)

Giving Boparu a ride on her head and holding Aegis's and Mizuki's heads, she assumed a pose and was absolutely not letting go. The fluffies were gathered together and it was cute. I want to fluff them all at once.

「...Please don't come any closer with your smiling face and hands still spread. I will throw a bomb.」(Fia)
「No, don't throw explosives indoors. Much less in a workshop!」(Yuu)

I tried to calm Fia-chan, who was suddenly brandishing a bomb sprouting a lit fuse from the top of a red cylindrical pipe, Aegis, who was trembling and had stopped breathing, was set free and laid down next to Elle, who had yet to return.
Mizuki was caught in the gap created thanks to Aegis and wasn't suffocating. Well done Aegis, your sacrifice wasn't in vain.

「Ah that's right, since I also brought the requested items, I'll properly deliver them, okay?」(Yuu)

《Quest 『Poison Sack Delivery』 has been completed.》
《Quest 『Medicinal Herb Delivery』has been completed.》

「...Thank you. For your reward, will you receive money or will you receive goods?」(Fia)

「...For poison sack delivery, antidote pills, and for the medicinal herb deliver, heal cream are the rewards you can choose to receive. It's a slightly better value than receiving money.」(Fia)
「Then, the goods, please.」(Yuu)

「...Understood. Because I need to prepare it now, please wait a bit.」(Fia)

As she said such, Fia-chan took the herbs and poison sacks that I brought out, and went into the back room.
With Boparu still riding on her head.

...that's okay, right? When we go home, she'll come back to me, right? It's somehow amazing that she got used to it though!
Also, although I completed the quest, I didn't receive SP. Well, can SP be given out so easily with a request as simple as medicinal herb delivery?

「...I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. Here is this time's reward.」(Fia)
「Oh, thanks」(Yuu)

As the reward was lined up on the desk with a 'clop, clop,' I casually put them into storage.

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There was considerable room for Heal Cream, but eventually I will also want another means of recovery. Does something like Recovery Magic really not exist?

「...If it's okay, won't you bring me some more medicinal herbs and poison sacks? Deliveries are always good.」(Fia)
「Nn, sure. I'll pickup some while I'm out.」(Yuu)

《Quest『Poison Sack Delivery』has been accepted.》
《Quest『Medicinal Herb Delivery』has been accepted.》

「Well I should get going. Boparu, come here.」(Yuu)
「...Ah, are you going home already?」(Fia)

Saying such, Fia-chan's gaze was fixated on Boparu, who jumped to my chest, and what Fia chan was regretting could clearly be understood.

「I'll come again soon. There's also the accepted delivery quest and such.」(Yuu)
「...It is absolute. Boparu and everyone, too, please come again.」(Fia)

With Boparu, we were treated as enjoyable companions.

「Elle also will be waiting-desuyo. Since I'm basically doing mixing at the Atelier in the morning, please come again-desu」(Elle)
「Ah, Elle was there, wasn't she?」(Fia)


「...Fia also completely forgot.」(Fia)

「Say what-desu?! Cruel! That's cruel! Elle was here from the start-desuyoー!!」(Elle)

「...fufu, it was a joke.」(Fia)
「Aah. A person who wears such conspicuous clothes won't soon be forgotten.」(Yuu)

Elle was wearing the same conspicuous clothes as the first time I met her. Whether they were the only clothes she owned or she had a number of the same outfits... which was more likely?

「Well then, I'll head home for today. See you later~」(Yuu)

「Thank you very much-desu!」(Elle)
「...we look forward to you visiting our store again.」(Fia)

As Fia-chan lowered her head slightly, we were seen off by Elle who was energetically waving her hand and left the Atelier.

Uun, seems I had been at the Atelier for longer than I thought, and going anywhere at this hour is problematic, so I wonder if I should give up for now and go eat dinner.
When I come back, should I go to Ren-kun's place? I have a feeling that he could make something with the treant wood.

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